Showing posts with label Implement stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Implement stories. Show all posts

Monday, March 22, 2010

Implement Stories: Darren and Janet

After an unanticipated pause, let's return to Implement Stories. Today's installment is brought to you by our friends Darren and Janet from Doonstartwo.

Being the gentlemen he is, Darren very occasionally allows Janet to choose the implement of her correction – and when she does, she almost invariably picks the riding crop.

A blushing Janet purchased this many years ago from Fenwicks in Piccadilly Circus for the express purpose of chastising her firm mature curves. We don’t possess a horse and haven’t ridden in 25 years. From his conspiratorial – though scrupulously polite - smile, we reckon the assistant sells a lot of crops for the same reason.

Janet can’t explain the why it’s her favourite beyond the fact of what the crop isn’t. In particular it isn’t a cane, her bête noire – a hairbrush, or "too harsh."

From a spanker’s perspective, the beauty of the flexible shaft and wicked little leather flaps is the amount of control that can be exercised in application. The crop is primarily for fun rather than disciplinary purposes, allowing a slow steady build up of heat, precise targeting, and the ability to visit (carefully…) damper parts of one’s wife’s anatomy, the better to counterpoint the contrast between pain and pleasure.

This picture was taken during a weekend at a distinctly up market "boutique" hotel in a beautiful southern English country town, just the place to indulge the pleasures of consensual CP without interruption.

Thank you, Darren and Janet for sharing your implement and its story.

If you would like to see a favorite spanking toy featured here on MBS, send me a photograph and a few words about it. I'd be delighted to help you show off your discovery!

Monday, March 08, 2010

Implement Stories: Hermione

The first installment of Implement Stories for 2010 features our good friend, Hermione.

Our local thrift shop is a treasure trove of spanking possibilities. These previously-loved paddles may once have held many fond memories of a summer vacation. Who knows what sights they have seen, and what fun they have been part of? They came without an accompanying projectile, so I assume their intended target was something other than a little white ball.

Because they are a matched pair, there are so many possibilities. If one paddle is accidentally misplaced or hidden, the other one will be ready for action. If one breaks or wears out, we have a spare. And the thought of being spanked with two paddles at the same time leaves me quite breathless.

It does look as if the man is chasing the woman with paddle in hand, doesn't it?

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

The Return of Implement Stories

In past years, I invited MBS readers to share stories and photographs of their favorite spanking implements. Quite a few readers participated and the event was great fun.

With your assistance, I would like to revive the Implement Stories tradition for 2010. I invite you to e-mail me a photograph (or photographs) of your favorite or most memorable spanking implements. I can accept either the picture itself as an attachment or a link to it elsewhere. If you would like to include a short history or memorable adventure, that would be splendid as well. I will then display the toys here on MBS.

Thank you, in advance, for your contributions!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Implement Stories #7: Longing for More

As we continue our tour of readers' favorite spanking implements, we come next to Longing for More. Here is his tale.

There is a simple implement in our bedroom that frankly begs to be used on my bottom, but my wife is not a spanker. I often ask, cajole, hope, and talk up the possibility of a playful spanking. She hears me and laughs or simply rolls her eyes when I go on too long about my desire. She just does not get it. Taking on a dominant role and giving a spanking is just not a part of her sexual psyche. She even has a most spankable bottom. It practically begs to have a nice shade of pink lovingly applied, but being on the receiving end probably excites her even less.

I have long admired strong sensual women, but I have never mustered the gumption to make my desire known... until now. My poor wife, who does not possess a cell in her being with a dominant gene, will on occasion playfully say or do something that sets my desire to be punished burning. She might let the words "You need to be punished" slip from her lips if I don’t remember to buy half and half for her coffee or put her laundry away. It is a playful moment and she might even smack my ass with her hand through my jeans or I may bare my cheeks and bend over for a few quick, playful slaps from her soft hand.... But she just does not get it.

Even with this playful attitude, she cannot make the leap to me kneeling in the comfy chair that sits in the corner of our bedroom, with my ass bare, as I wait excitedly for a scolding and punishment for something as silly as not picking her panties up and putting them in the hamper for her. She loves me dearly and knows I desire to have her administer loving and playful discipline. Yet this wooden spoon sits in our bedroom and is used only to apply lotion to my back after I am out of the shower. Every time I see it on the night stand, bed or wherever, I long for it to be in her loving hand. I long for her to be dominant and to use the spoon to bring the sweet, loving, and humiliating chastening I desire and need.

Thank you, LFM, for sharing your long-handled wooden spoon. I hope you someday find the burn you seek.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Implement Stories #6: Michael

Michael decided to introduce us to the Tally Ho Chair. While it's not precisely a spanking implement, his story is good enough that it's doesn't matter.

Whilst it is not a spanking implement I thought that I would send you this image of the “Tally Ho Chair.” My wife and I came across it at the shop Coco de Mer in London. We were on a weekend break and sex was very much uppermost in our minds as we had booked into a splendidly romantic room in a nearby hotel. We had already had a good romp on the Friday night and we were finishing off our Saturday shopping expedition in Covent Garden when we came across this shop, or emporium as they call themselves.

The whole atmosphere of the shop is one of intimacy and adult love practices and the clientel were moving around as if they were in a library. There were whispered comments between couples and gentle nudges as one person or another spied something that took their fancy. When we came across the chair in the photo, both of us were intrigued by its possibilities. At more than US$4000 it was, of course, not something we could afford, even if we had had the appropriate space in our house. We carried on looking through the shop and considered purchasing a rather expensive riding crop and a book on caning. I fancied buying the tassel set for my wife’s breasts, but she told me they were silly and expensive.

In the end, we left the shop without making any purchases. My wife said she wanted to go off and buy a few things on her own, but she instructed me to go and find a riding crop and we would meet in the hotel bar in about an hour. For those of your readers who are familiar with this part of London, they will know that my task was not a difficult one to fulfill. There are quite a few shops with sex toys and clothes and I found a suitable whip relatively easily. It was fairly modestly priced and not as high quality as the one we have at home, but it was nice enough.

I wandered back to the hotel and sat with my drink until my wife arrived. She took a look in my bag and approved of what she saw. I asked her what she had bought and she showed me a glimpse of frilly female items and some shoes. We chatted over our drinks and planned our evening out.

The chair we had seen was a real stimulus to our thoughts and when we got back to our room my wife tasked with setting up something similar whilst she had her bath. I took the armchair and pulled it across to the side of the bed. I then placed a couple of pillows on the mattress a couple of feet from the chair.

When my wife appeared from the bathroom in a robe she told me to go and shower and come out naked. It took only a few minutes before I was back in the bedroom to find my wife sitting in the chair with her legs up on the bed. She had pushed the chair back about nine inches and she gestured with our new purchase, the crop, for me to come over.

I was told to stand between her legs with my back to her and to put my hands on the bed and stretch out. My bottom was perfectly placed in front of her and with minimal effort on her part she began to whip the inside of my legs and across the lower part of my bottom. She carried on doing so for several minutes steadily building up the intensity of the strokes. I was writhing about in pleasure with the stinging strokes when she stopped. She then told me to rearrange myself on the bed and to go down on her. I knelt up on the bed and turned around and extended my body flat with my head between her thighs. It didn’t take long to make her orgasm and she relaxed back in the chair for a few minutes.

I lay still until she got up from the chair and came round by the side of me. Suddenly the whipped cracked across my bottom and in quick succession she gave me twenty very hard strokes which were certainly not playful stingers. I was holding onto the sheets by the time she had finished. She then rolled me over on my back and told me to get up and on to the chair. I needed no second bidding and my wife got into a position where she was on the bed and her mouth was locked around my erection. As I watched her curved back and white bottom cheeks she proceeded to entertain me with her tongue and lips.

Just before I came she pulled away and rolled over to adopt the doggy position on the bed. I took her from behind and slapped her cheeks a bright pink before finally collapsing on top of her. As we both lay there panting, I whispered “tally ho” in her ear. “Tally ho indeed,” she replied. One day, we might be able to buy the chair. But for the moment, we will have to make do with improvisations.

PS: We both forgot the whip in the drawer when we checked out of the hotel so either the room maid or the next guests would have found an interesting item of lost property.

I think this chair would make a tremendous birthday present for Randy. Tally Ho indeed!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Implement Stories #5: Tom

Here's Tom. He brings us tales of a stinging black rubber hose.

This implement came to us straight out of the… auto repair shop. I had taken my wife's car in to have the brakes done at a local mechanic. It was a shop we often used and when I picked up the car after work that night, I noticed that whoever had done the work had left a length of brake hose on the floor of the passenger side of the front seat. Obviously, I took this for a clear sign and omen. I brought it into the house and found it to be nice, soft, black rubber, about a half inch outside diameter. The hose was very supple and flexible, and conveniently, twenty inches in length. Perfect! I cut a six inch piece of quarter inch dowel and inserted that into one end to make a stiff "handle."

Growing up, I had heard my dad talk about a parochial school he had attended. The principal kept a rubber hose in the desk drawer to be used on wayward boys on occasion. I had often wondered what kind of hose it might be since the garden variety would leave damage for a week or more. My guess is that principal got his from the local high school physics lab since those black tubes we all had for our Bunsen burners are a lot like this length of brake hose.

This has turned out to be a real favorite! It is quite soft and supple so it will not bruise or break the skin no matter how hard you whack. BUT it does sting, leaves nice little purple parallel trolley tracks that last a day or so, and it is incredibly quiet. That last aspect makes it perfect for people living in apartments, for those staying in hotels, and for some serious whacks even when the kids are still awake.

Ours was simply a gift from some mechanic in a hurry to get to the next job. But I would think you could walk into any good auto parts store and ask for two feet of brake hose and get a wonderful implement for less than two dollars. It has a delightful quiet thud, a hot sting and glow, leaves just visible marks, and can be used at some length, thirty or forty licks will generate amazing heat and other things.

Thank you Tom, for opening our eyes to a whole new class of pervertable objects. It's almost enough to get me to look forward to my next trip to the repair shop.

Do you own a spanking implement that you would like to share? If so, I invite you to participate in Implement Stories. Just send me a photograph and/or a descriptive narrative.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Implement Stories #4: Hermione

Hermione is one of my very favorite readers.

A Paddle Designed for Cooking
By Hermione

Isn't this the perfect description of a spanking implement?

"Composite Plastic Paddles - Superior to a concave spoon shape for many tasks, we find a cooking paddle indispensable. Each paddle is flat and smooth ... and there is a thumb rest on the handle which gives a secure grip and prevents the tool from sliding ... We offer 10, 12, and 14 inch lengths ..."

Yes, I had to order one of those from my favourite web site for cooking tools.

It arrived a couple of days later, and I eagerly tore open the box. I held 14 inches of impressively sturdy plastic in my hand and shivered in pleasant anticipation. I was really looking forward to feeling it on my backside.

Smiling, I showed it to my husband, who was reading the paper, didn't appreciate the interruption.

"Look at our new implement!"

"We don't need any more cooking stuff."

"It's not for cooking. It's, um, for spanking."

"We don't need any more spanking stuff either."

Sigh. That was not the enthusiastic response I had hoped for.

"Look at it. Isn't it lovely?" No answer. Just a rustle of newspaper.

"Oh, just forget about it", I snapped. Annoyed and embarrassed, I marched upstairs and threw the new toy into our implement drawer, then came back and tidied away the wrappings. That was that, I grumbled to myself.

The next day, Ron sent me upstairs to get ready for a spanking. As I quickly obeyed, the butterflies in my tummy woke up and started fluttering. As soon as I entered the bedroom, the white paddle caught my eye. There it lay on the bedside table, ready to be used. I smiled. He had come around to my way of thinking.

When my husband appeared in the doorway, I was in position over some pillows on the bed. My bottom was bare and ready, and the butterflies were performing Riverdance. I watched as he picked up the paddle, felt his hand caress my bottom, and felt the smooth plastic touch me for just a moment. Then the paddle cracked against my left cheek. And another CRACK! as it connected with the right one. Oh, no, what had I done? This thing hurts!

Each whack connected loudly with my bottom, accompanied by a biting sting. I am normally quite stoic during a spanking, but I couldn't stop myself from squealing "Ow" with each stroke. I didn't change my position, but kicked and squirmed as much as I dared, in the vain hope of avoiding the full impact.

My introduction to the paddle was mercifully brief. Ron put down the instrument of torture, turned me over, and slid his hands under me to cup my cheeks. I winced and gasped. Then he started doing delightful things to my body, and the pain melted into pleasure.

Afterward, I admired at my bottom in the mirror.

"You've outdone yourself this time. Look how red my bum is," I marveled.

"It's glowing" Ron agreed, smiling proudly.

Well, it certainly felt like it was on fire. I've heard about the dance people do after a hard spanking. I improvised a few steps myself to try to ease the sting. It was a while before I could bring myself to try sitting down. Even relaxing in Ron's soft leather recliner, I was tempted to pull down my sweatpants and cool my burning cheeks on the smooth leather.

I didn't want to dampen my husband's enthusiasm, and after the fuss I'd made about it, I couldn't admit the paddle had been a mistake. So we discussed trying it after a warm up or after a short spanking with another implement. Both approaches have worked out just fine, and have added some variety to our activities.

After a leather paddle spanking, the switch to the white paddle adds an extra level of sting that I am more than ready for. It's just the right final touch. And when applied after a short hand spanking, the sting is still quite fierce, but as the swats continue, I relax and enjoy their bite. I am always left feeling pleasantly uncomfortable the following day, and that's a nice bonus.

Thank you, Hermione, for sharing your unique cooking paddle. I think every spanko's toy box should include a small, stingy paddle. There are times when it's just the right sensation.

If you're enjoying reading our implement stories, I hope that you will consider telling us about your own favorite spanking tools. Just write me an e-mail and include words and/or pictures that describe what makes your implement memorable.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Implement Stories #3: Mthc

Mthc and her husband, David, have been regular contributors here at MBS for quite some time. They always seem to have a timely thought or a perspective I hadn't considered. As a result, I knew their implement story would be a good one. And so it is!

The Warmth of Real Wood
By Mthc

I just thought I would send some implement pictures. As you can see, we have a new back scratcher and a bath brush. The brush is David's favorite, but I hate it! It's evil, I tell you, just plain evil. The back scratcher is almost 3 feet long. It's a force to reckon with as well, but nothing compared to that awful brush.

For the record, the back scratcher came from the dollar store and the bath brush was from "Wally World."

Thank you, Mthc. I can personally attest to the sheer power of that curved-handled spanking bath brush!

If you have a fantastic, rare, or interesting implement just sitting around that the rest of the world needs to see, I invite you to submit it for Implement Stories. All you have to do is send a digital photograph and/or a story to me via e-mail and I'll handle the rest.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Implement Stories #2: RPT

As we roll along with our Implement Stories, we come next to our good friend RPT.

MP's Most Favourite Implement

Here are two photographs of a hairbrush that I bought as a birthday gift. It was used for its intended vanilla purpose for a while, brushing MP's long hair.

Some time later, it was used for spanking, and we have both felt the
sting on our bottoms from this lovely wooden toy.

Recently, MP admitted that she masturbates with it. Long before it
became a spanking toy, it was also a dildo.

With three uses in one, this brush is a most versatile item!

That brush is truly a triple threat. Thank you both for sharing it with MBS readers!

If you have an implement that you believe should be famous (or perhaps infamous?), I invite you to submit a photograph and/or a story.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Implement Stories: The Third Season

For the past two years, I have invited MBS readers to share photographs of their favorite spanking implements and the stories they evoke. Quite a few readers participated and the event was great fun. We had excellent pictures and stories about spoons, paddles, straps, and other unique bottom warmers.

I would like, with your help, to revive the Implement Stories series. I invite you to send me via e-mail a photograph (or photographs) of your favorite or most memorable spanking implements. I can accept either the picture itself or a link to it elsewhere. If you would like to include a short history or memorable adventure, that would be splendid as well. I will then display the toys here on MBS.

Thank you, in advance, for your contributions!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Implement Stories #14: Bonnie

Yes, it's my turn to take my licks.

Over the past few weeks, this blog has seen a lot of the brush logo above. Now, we're going to talk about it. This dogleg brush is a truly impressive spanking implement. Even after ten years of regular use, ours is still every bit as effective as the day we brought it home.

I sometimes refer to it a hairbrush, but that's merely my descriptive shorthand. It's technically a short-handled bath brush. The soft, flexible bristles provide a delightful alternative skin stimulation before, during, and after a spanking. Yet, it's the smooth, flat back that provides so many rich memories. It's made from a solid hardwood (Randy declared it to be ash, but I have no clue).

The sturdy construction of this brush provides for a stunning, burning, breath-taking impact when applied without a proper warm-up. Yet, with appropriate preparation, it can be used to slowly build a delicious heat.

I doubt the manufacturer would acknowledge this, but the brush seems crafted with spanking in mind. The head is smaller than most paddles, but fairly heavy. This concentrates the force into a relatively small area. The result is a very painful wallop. The nicely rounded edges reduce the likelihood of breaking the skin. As shown in the picture, there is also a small cord that allows the brush to be hung in plain sight (talk about sending a message!).

Perhaps it's related to youthful memories, but there's just something special about getting an over-the-lap, bare-bottomed spanking using the back of a hard wooden brush. This image, to me, is the epitome of being spanked. As exciting as this experience is as it unfolds, later recollections can be even more stimulating. Often, for a day or so afterward, my every attempt to sit is punctuated by an inescapable reminder of my recent spanking.

The brush is compact enough to fit in a large purse or glove compartment. Better yet, while we spankos instantly recognize the punitive potential, its appearance is pure vanilla to the rest of the world.

We bought this brush (two in fact) at a bath and body type store. That particular outlet no longer carries this brush, but I've seen it in similar stores since. It's an ideal choice for anyone who relishes the intense, immediate sizzle and persisting ache of a hard hairbrush spanking. For everyone else, it's likely to be somewhat more than you would choose.

I can't help but notice that the dogleg brush has gained considerable popularity. I've seen it pictured on blogs by Bethie, Kaya, Tracy, and Emilie. My bottom might be a bit tender, but at least I'm in fine company.

This entry completes our Implement Stories series. Thanks again to everyone who helped to make this feature a great success!

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Implement Stories #13: Practical K

Practical K has a most unusual spanking implement. Here's his story:

My girlfriend and I both switch, and our favorite implements are mostly wooden paddles. Something about them really does it for both of us in pretty much either role. All the same, we have a variety of toys including several straps. One of these is built for this purpose. Another is basically a razor strop. However, over the past few years, while traveling, we have also acquired a couple of lovely straps that were originally meant for other purposes. Nonetheless, they are wickedly effective for our favorite secondary use.

The most unusual and intriguing of these is a leftover segment of an authentic mill-wheel strap. This is not only the most unusual, but quite probably the oldest spanking implement we own, even if it wasn't originally made for that particular purpose. We suspect it dates back to the 1930s or so based upon the age of the other equipment where we found it. We came across it on a weekend trip a couple of years ago when we stayed at an old mill-house in the country. On exploring the well-preserved, but no longer functional machines, we came across this piece of leather which had been cut off from a larger section of a sort of conveyor belt and discarded as scrap, but which obviously had, well, a certain potential.

We looked at each other and immediately our eyes lit up at the possibilities. Later that evening, I went to where it was laying and casually made off with it. I'm sure no one else even noticed, but we counted it as a major find. Not only did it look fiendishly well-suited for bottom-warming, it had a wonderful patina of age about it.

So it found a new home in our collection of toys, where it still has a pride of place. The only problem is that, in practice, the thing is so intrinsically severe that we both hesitate to pull it out and put it to real use. Although we both enjoy switching in either role, neither of us ever goes for this strap unless we're on top. It has since acquired a certain aura as a result. We also have made it a practice to not bring it out for show, but only when we intend for it to be used. Needless to say, when it does get introduced, it makes a genuine impact in every sense of the word. So we mostly keep it in reserve for "special occasions."

In any event, it looks great in the collection. It's well aged and very nicely worn. It measures about a foot and a half long and over four inches across, and is made of very sturdy, but still flexible leather about a quarter-inch thick. It also has two rows of very wicked holes running down the face, so it somehow looks even more menacing than our "real" straps! It makes an indescribably intimidating sound when it is swung with even moderate force, almost like whistling, as well as a lovely firecracker sound on impact. Any further sounds produced will not be commented on.

The center is worn almost smooth from years (probably decades) of use driving a machine, and is almost like suede, but the outer edges are still extremely firm. All in all, it has more character than most of our other playthings combined. In a way, it's almost (I said almost) a shame that the thing just plain and simply hurts so damn much.

Oh, yes... I mentioned that I've wanted to share this story with you and your other faithful readers, but that there were some complications that prevented it. Well, I also related our little pact that it doesn't get taken out apart from use, so as to help preserve its special and almost regal status. So although I had the idea to photograph it over a week ago, I knew that doing so would bring certain obligations. I figured that her response would be that if I wanted to take a picture of it, then I could also be the one to volunteer to have it used on them. Finally, I decided to go ahead with it. However, after we read through a few of the previous Implement Stories together, we compromised. So we both felt it this morning, right before the photos were taken. In fact, the strap was probably still warm while we "posed" it. I know we both were!

Wow! Thank you, Practical K and girlfriend, for your excellent story and for your dedication to the spanko cause!

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Implement Stories #12: Ian's Paddle

For our next Implement Stories entry, here is Ian with his custom DIY paddle:

My name is Ian, and I am a faithful lurker. I have posted a couple of comments under the name "anonymous," and really can't believe that I took a picture of my toy to put on the internet. But, I do have a paddle, and a story, and a question that perhaps you and some of your readers with educated bottoms might help me answer.

My wife and I played bondage games in the first 15 years of our marriage. It might be simplistic and dismissive to call her "vanilla," so I will say that her kink-drive is far lower than mine. I have always been grateful that she was willing to play with me, and out of respect for her vanilla tendencies never included pain of any kind in our play.

On the occasion of her 39th birthday, however, I decided that it was time.

I announced that she was to receive her first spanking, and positioned her in front of a mirror, where she could see what I was doing. I then instructed her to count, and to announce every third swat in the form of, "That was three, sir... That was six, sir," etc. She chuckled a bit at the thought of calling me "sir," but did not object. She still had a bit of a chuckle in her voice when she announced number three, but it was mostly gone by the time she got to number 9. Upon reaching number 20, I produced this from my toy bag:

This is a little woodworking project that I had prepared for the occasion. It is 16" long, and made from 1/4" thick oak. The business end is covered on one side with rabbit fur, on the other with medium leather. There is no padding under the leather, it is glued directly to the oak.

I showed her the paddle in the mirror, and rubbed her bottom and thighs with the fur side. When I administered the first blow with the leather side, she inhaled sharply and said, "that was 21, sir."

The spanking continued until we reached the magic number of 39, at which time her bottom was very nicely red, with no other marks. I then held her and hugged her and kissed her, and the evening progressed rather well from there.

In the two years since, the paddle has made two or three more appearances. She has told me that she can enjoy a hand spanking almost any time, but she would prefer the paddle to be a rare occasion.

In the same two years, I have found "My Bottom Smarts," and have read the tutorials, including "spanking 101: implements." If I understand correctly, I may have picked a fairly severe first toy. I don't try to wield it with great force, but I can't help it if I get excited! I enjoy spanking my wife, and I want her to enjoy it as well. We don't do "punishment." They are more like "foreplay spankings."

So my question is, Does anyone have a suggestion for a toy that would be something between my hand, and this paddle in intensity? Should I look for a leather paddle? I am certainly up for experimentation.

Thank you, Ian, for showing us your creation and sharing your story.

I invite readers to join in, but here's my answer. A 1/4" hardwood paddle should be fairly light and deliver lots of sting. Employed in the moderate manner you describe, it's not a terribly severe implement. Had you said it was, say, 3/4" solid oak, I would have advised you to select a different implement to start.

I think wooden implements sometimes gain a bad reputation. Many are very intense, but others can be quite appropriate for playful or erotic spankings.

A small leather paddle is a nice addition to any spanko's collection. The feel is quite different from the paddle you're using. The flexibility of leather reduces the thud and replaces it with a nice, warm burn.

In the end, a lot depends upon the preferences of the participants. A given implement isn't inherently good or bad. What matters is the context, the technique, and the perception of the couple who employ it.

I wish you both continued spanking success and great happiness.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Implement Stories #11: OPB

Let's return to our implement stories series with OPB and his clothes brush.

Seeing the other implement stories has encouraged me to share mine. The story involves our clothes brush. It was bought in the UK and is wooden-backed with nice stiff bristles. It's about 12" long.

We were in bed probably about 6-7 years ago when my wife, Anita, a more vanilla lady you could not hope to meet, said those words which we all want to hear from our lover, "Is there anything you'd particularly like?" Now I knew she did not understand the spanking kink, but I thought, "Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained, she might slowly grow to enjoy it." So I said, "I'd like you to spank me."

She was not enthusiastic, but she had offered, so she sat up in bed and I arranged myself over her knees, thinking that I needed to show as much enjoyment of what was to follow as possible in order to encourage her.

There followed a couple of half-hearted swats just below the tail bone, and I suggested that she strike a litle lower, since this was for enjoyment, after all.

"But it hurts my hand," she said. I'd come this far, so possibly foolishly, I suggested that she use the clothes brush.

At this point, dear reader, there are two possible endings to this story, either a) she says "That would be a good idea, fetch it for me please," and our spanking life takes off together, or b) "No."

Sadly, it was the latter response, sex was over for another month or so, and I've never tried to get her to play again. As for the brush, it is now only used for self-administered spankings, and it's very effective too.

Thank you, OPB!

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Implement Stories #10: Danielle

Here's Danielle! She's going to tell us about her leather slapper paddle and how she acquired it.

A year ago, in January 2006, we 'met' another couple. While I was reading the comments on MBS, I saw one asking for contact. I thought, "why not?" and responded. Soon I got an e-mail address. After the first mail, we had a good laugh. We were writing in English, but we were all Dutch. They even lived only 80 km away from us.

At first, the approach was with care. Talking with someone about spanking and your sex life is a bit different than discussing the weather. But we liked each other. Once, talking about implements (always by mail), I asked B if he could recommend an address for leather paddles. I'd seen them on different spanking sites, but found them rather expensive. I wondered if maybe there was a shop in Holland to buy them. However, B suggested that he could make one himself. "Yes please," I said. We had a deal.

The first of April (Fools day in Holland), they intended to visit us and bring the paddle. We both were a bit nervous. I'd told my husband about my fantasy. He wasn't totally convinced I could do that.

It was a bright day, with sunshine all over the village. We were sitting in the garden when two people approached us with "We presume we have to be here." They had big smiles on their faces.

We had coffee and I admired my leather paddle and a lovely mini carpet beater I got as a present. Was it because of nerves that I forgot to thank them properly?

Maybe, but my husband was annoyed by my behaviour. He ordered me upstairs for a sound spanking with the new paddle. Our friends were invited to watch, and they eagerly did.

A few days afterward, we named our paddle "Slapper." It has used for punishment spankings as well as erotic.

Thank you, Danielle! I'm thrilled to learn about how your friendship began through MBS. I think that's wonderful!

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Implement Stories #9: Don

To give credit where credit is due, Don provided the inspiration for the first implement stories series. Here is his description of a very special wooden spoon.

This spoon is our favorite. OK, OK, maybe it's just my favorite.

It is hand carved from Arkansas Cherry. The unique thing about it is
that is was specially made. Note that the working side is not as deep
as it would need to be to serve as a spoon. It is shallow, just right
for the entire surface to contact with a bottom cheek. A little air
is trapped in the dished out section, giving the most pleasing thwump.

The handle is adequately long and the swing weight is just right with
most of the weight in the business end.

This spoon has been well tested. It convinced one young lady that
smoking was something she could live without.

Thank you, Don. I have no doubt that you and that spoon, working together, would be a most persuasive combination!

If you would like to explore even more great spanko toys, I invite you to check out recent implement-related posts from our friends Tracy, Abel, and Dave.

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Implement Stories #8: Carye

Carye is a longtime friend of MBS. Despite an incredibly busy life, she finds the energy to add her wisdom to many of our discussions. That's why I am delighted to present a trio of effective spanking implements recommended by Carye and her Papa Shrek.

We own three implements :-) The first one we got was a dogging bat. I enjoy this one. It has a nice sting with a little something extra. It is leather with a metal piece inside. We found it at a farm store. It is normally used for horseback riding. It is noisy though!

Our most fierce paddle, and the one I fear the most, is called the Mistake from the Hanson Paddle Werks. Papa Shrek got this for me after a serious infraction! We've had lots of fun with it. I enjoy it, but it can really pack a wallop! If you go to the link, there is an interesting story of how it came about. It is slightly larger than a Texas prison strap.

My personal favorite is the Hickory Smacker from Spanking Paddles by Walt. For some reason, I really love the wood feel of this paddle. One of the reasons I like it best is because Papa Shrek can be the closest to me while using it. It also packs a great spank. There is something about the cool wood that I really enjoy feeling before and after a spanking. One interesting side note is that we actually came up with Caryagal (Carye) as my blog name because Carya is the biological genus name for hickory!

Thank you, Carye! Those toys look as though they would provide many hours of enjoyment, particularly in the skilled hands of Papa Shrek.

There's still time left if you would like us to feature your "weapons of ass destruction." Simply drop me an e-mail with your stories and/or photos.

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Friday, February 09, 2007

Implement Stories #7: Wolfie

For our next Implement Stories installment, it's my pleasure to present Wolfie and her twin leather paddles. They really look delicious!

Like Pagan, I'm a big fan of Leather Thorn paddles. By the way, I've felt the "Pagan" paddle. It's so large it can knock you down if you're not braced for it. LOL Anyway, I wanted to buy my Dom something nice for Christmas (and something I would enjoy as well). I contacted John about buying one of his "Brat" paddles. He said he would be glad to send me one and asked me about colors, patterns, and such. Then he mentioned he had a nice "Beavertail" of the same size if I wanted that instead. Being a lady who loves her Dom, I decided to buy both, and asked if he could make them an identical pair. As you can see from the picture, he was glad to do so.

We call them "the Twins," and since I've felt them both, I can say that they're wonderful! The craftmanship is fantastic... such beautiful tooling on one side, every edge rounded and smooth. My Dom says their very comfortable for him to hold, and he plans on buying more of John's handiwork in the very near future.

I would recommend a Leatherthorn paddle to anyone wanting quality work. He has tawses and straps as well, and he will make your purchase as personal as you like. I'm so glad John was recommended to me.

Now that's an enthusiastic endorsement. Thank you, Wolfie, for sharing your paddles. There's just some special about a spanking with leather.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Implement Stories #6: Griz and Good Girl

I'm delighted that another of my favorite spanko couples decided to join in the fun by contributing their own implement story. Griz and Good Girl publish a great blog named Everything Goes. If you haven't visited lately, I wholeheartedly suggest you do. The fun they share starts with spanking and bondage, and only gets better from there.

Let's learn about a very special crop.

good girl: This riding crop can be found at JT's Stockroom for a meager $28 and it is worth every penny. It is of high quality and is very functional. Like all crops, it provides an easy way to discipline a submissive with exactly the amount of force a dominant desires. It is 26" inches long and offers great leverage for a good snap to the ass, thigh, or breast.

Griz: One red ass, with two red cheeks. I love symmetry, and I love the new riding crop we have purchased. I have found myself with an uncontrollable urge to use it on good girl every evening and not just for training. I tell her to get on her hands and knees and spank her hard and many times over until she begs for mercy.

good girl: This new crop is actually my favorite spanking toy. It gives Griz more control over both the force and location of his spanks. Of course, I prefer the lighter, playful swats on my ass, though it is possible to hit quite hard with this crop. And the sound it makes as it flies through the air is truly a mindfuck. I reflexively flinch when I hear the whizzing sound of the crop flying through the air, even when its not directed toward my ass. We have a rule that I'm not allowed to touch the crop with my hands. Since its for disciplining me, Griz doesn't want me to become too comfortable with it. The picture above shows how I have to carry it around when he wants me to bring it to him. We're still beginner spankos and this has been a great starter toy for us. I give it two perky nipples and one sore, red ass up!

Griz: I like to smack good girl on her ass, and really, who wouldn't like to smack good girl on her ass? Well now, we have a new rule: Every time I slap her on the ass she has to thank me for doing so.


"thank you, sir"


"thank you"

Additionally, whenever I spank her, she has to count out the spanks. In other words, when she happens to walk by me and I take a swing at her ass and that melodical smack sound is heard, she is compelled to thank me for the honor of my hand on her rear. However, when I bend her over and spank her with a crop, paddle, spoon, flogger, or my own hand on her flesh, she must count each and every time I spank her, then thank me for it in the end.

good girl: While I don't particularly enjoy having to count each spank (because those kinds of spankings happen when I've done something bad), it does help me get in a submissive, repentent frame of mind. The same thing happens when I thank him for smacking my bottom. It makes me feel small, submissive, and grateful to him for taking the time to spank me.

I'm grateful to both of you for sharing your favorite implement and your spanking style with MBS readers!

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Implement Stories #5: Anakin's Paddle

I have to believe every spanko blog reader is familiar with Anakin and Padme's Journey to the Darkside. For the fifth installment of our Implement Stories series, we're going to learn about the fine art of paddling as practiced on the dark side. Here is Padme's account:

I contributed last year to the spanking toy post. I remember giving you a picture for our razor strop. This year I would like to contribute our "Anakin's paddle" which is unique to us as a Star Wars spanking couple. I don't think anyone probably has one like this. :)

The Anakin's paddle was made from a birthday paddle Master Anakin bought from Spencer Gifts. He wanted to make it into his own paddle and came up with the idea for Anakin's paddle. It is unique to us and it is a very powerful spanking toy. I have been spanked by it many times and it always reddens the butt good. :)

Here is a recent post describing how it is used.

Wow! Now that's a good hard spanking!

If you would like to share some of your special spanking toys, you are invited to join in the fun of Implement Stories. Just send your photos and/or stories and I will post them here on My Bottom Smarts.

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