For our next Implement Stories installment, it's my pleasure to present Wolfie and her twin leather paddles. They really look delicious!
Like Pagan, I'm a big fan of Leather Thorn paddles. By the way, I've felt the "Pagan" paddle. It's so large it can knock you down if you're not braced for it. LOL Anyway, I wanted to buy my Dom something nice for Christmas (and something I would enjoy as well). I contacted John about buying one of his "Brat" paddles. He said he would be glad to send me one and asked me about colors, patterns, and such. Then he mentioned he had a nice "Beavertail" of the same size if I wanted that instead. Being a lady who loves her Dom, I decided to buy both, and asked if he could make them an identical pair. As you can see from the picture, he was glad to do so.

We call them "the Twins," and since I've felt them both, I can say that they're wonderful! The craftmanship is fantastic... such beautiful tooling on one side, every edge rounded and smooth. My Dom says their very comfortable for him to hold, and he plans on buying more of John's handiwork in the very near future.
I would recommend a Leatherthorn paddle to anyone wanting quality work. He has tawses and straps as well, and he will make your purchase as personal as you like. I'm so glad John was recommended to me.
Now that's an enthusiastic endorsement. Thank you, Wolfie, for sharing your paddles. There's just some special about a spanking with leather.
Keywords: implement stories, leather paddle, spanking
They're lovely, Wolfie. I should know...I have one of each of those as well. LOL
Don't listen to her, gentle readers. My hubby gave barely TAPPED her with my special paddle. *weg*
Eek, a typo! Should read "barely tapped". Not that I'm a control freak, or anything. ;)
Humph...I dont think so! And you should have heard her yelp the first time she felt it too. LOL
John just made me a special paddle, a round one with a wolf's head on it. It's gorgeous! I hope he will post a picture of it on his website so others can see what a talented guy he is.
I really appreciate the link the Leather Thorn Paddles. I was looking for a special gift for Master and when I saw the link I fell in love...I just got a beaver tail for Master for Valentines and I love it. We will hopefully get to have time to play with it soon.
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