Showing posts with label crop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crop. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Obsession Detection Reflection Correction

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I hope you and your partner are enjoying a day of love, lust, and adult recreation. I thought this would be a fine time to post my most recent spanking account. Alas, it doesn't have a Valentine's theme. If you prefer a topical spanking, try this story or this one.

Last week, I posted a poll with relatively little accompanying explanation. The poll questioned whether I was obsessed with the subject of spanking. I’d like to now relate the rest of the story.

The tale began about two weeks ago as I was sitting at the computer and busying myself with answering e-mails and laying out the first of our Implement Series posts. Randy popped into the room, observed what I was doing, and commented, “You’re obsessed with spanking.” His tone didn’t even hint of criticism. In fact, I believe he was probably amused by the thought.

Still, that’s a serious charge to drop on someone. To make matters worse, he retreated before I had an opportunity to rebut his claim. Obsessed? I rolled the word around my brain as I stared blankly at the screen. What if it’s true? As moments passed, I became less certain of my own opinion.

An hour or so later, I confronted Randy about his remark. “Do you really think I’m obsessed?” I asked.

“Why, do you?” There are few things more annoying than a partner who answers a question with another question. He was smiling, but he appeared ready to verbally spar.

“No,” I replied definitively. I had now established my position. I mentally prepared myself to defend it.

“So, let’s ask your readers…” I was unprepared for this parry and demonstrated my overconfidence by agreeing. We decided that I would post a very simply worded poll. In addition, we agreed that the outcome would determine who chose the ground rules for a spanking session planned for the following weekend.

- - - - -

We now know that the readers believe, by a two to one margin, that Randy is correct. At least in their view, I am indeed obsessed with all things spanking. My dear husband had already promised me a “serious bare-bottomed spanking” should his position be validated. So it was to be.

Saturday evening was the appointed occasion for the payment of my debt. I felt slightly queasy with anticipation all day. I know this might sound silly to some readers because, after all, Randy has spanked me a thousand times before. I know full well that he won’t allow any harm to come to me, beyond the unavoidable posterior distress. Yet, I felt a certain trepidation as I worked though my weekend chores.

We watched a film on television early in the evening and not a word was spoken about what might follow. However, as soon as the credits rolled, Randy gave me explicit orders. We told me to go upstairs to our bedroom, strip, and lie face down on the bed. I considered those words to be fair warning that I was due for the full treatment.

I walked upstairs and positioned my nude body prone atop the bed, just as I had been instructed. As is his habit, Randy waited several minutes before joining me. I presume this time is intended to allow me to fully contemplate my fate, but it’s equally possible that he simply finds something else to temporarily occupy his attention.

Oddly, I didn’t hear Randy on the stairs. My first awareness of his presence was the sound of his hand slowly turning the doorknob to our bedroom. I jumped with surprise. When he walked through the doorway, I was no longer in my designated spot, but had rolled over to see him enter.

“Get back down on that bed like I told you.” His voice was clear and strong. Though his message was mildly scolding, his tone was playful. Obediently, I buried my head in my pillow. My man uttered something about extra strokes, but I was ready to just take my spanking and get it done.

Randy, of course, had other ideas. What I felt next was not a spanking implement striking against my bottom, but his rough hands massaging my shoulders, neck, and upper back. I can’t deny that these sensations felt wonderful, but they had the effect of turning up my nervous tension another notch. Soon, he was repeatedly kissing my skin in conjunction with the rubbing. I gasped when he nibbled my earlobe. If he sought to draw out my carnal desire, it surely worked. But I couldn’t escape that gnawing sense of worried expectation.

When the inevitable spanking came, Randy began by applying his hand. The swats were not only quite tolerable, they felt great. He struck the meaty portion of my bottom just hard enough to raise a nice sting. I entertained the fleeting thought that perhaps I had won the wager after all.

Randy soon after switched to the crop. Our crop is relatively short and light. Unlike the standard equestrian variety, this whip is not terribly severe. With flicking blows, he added punctuation to his earlier message. It definitely hurt, but I was enjoying every minute.

After about five minutes or so (it’s hard to judge time when someone is beating your bottom), Randy brought in the heavy artillery in the form of our dogleg hairbrush. This is such an effective and memorable spanking tool that I chose to feature it for the Implement Stories logo. Little did I realize that my selection would provide inspiration for this event.

The hard, smooth brush generates very different sensations than the crop that preceded it. It’s sufficiently heavy that it inflames the deep tissues of the buttocks as well as the surface. Each impact of the brush yields a loud “thwack” sound. For the recipient, every blow produces an intense, burning pain. After three or four solid swats, I was ready to escape. Fortunately or unfortunately, Randy’s steady left hand in the center of my lower back ensured that I would remain in place until I was thoroughly roasted. Unable to exit, I screamed instead. Undeterred, Randy continued to spank with a slow, regular pace.

Just about the time I thought that I couldn’t possibly accept any more, he dropped the brush. I felt limp. All of my emotions had been emptied out on that bed. Before I had any chance to regain my senses, Randy pulled me up to a hands and knees position by the end of the bed. When his hand explored between my thighs, he discovered a wellspring of desire. “Hmmmm…” He said as if somehow surprised by my body’s reaction to the vigorous spanking.

As he stood at the foot of the bed he grasped my hips, pulled me close, and entered me easily. As we proceeded to make love, the pleasurable coital joy was spiced with acute discomfort from the spanking each time his pelvis made contact with my freshly reddened bottom. I find this blend of sensations to be incredibly intoxicating. He too found his release as we bucked together in lovers’ bliss.

So there you have it. I would like to offer my thanks to everyone who voted, even those who just wanted to see me take a hard spanking. It’s unlikely that I will be making any more bets with Randy any time soon. The again, when one has an obsession, anything is possible.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to show your love! I encourage you to make it an occasion to remember.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Implement Stories #6: Griz and Good Girl

I'm delighted that another of my favorite spanko couples decided to join in the fun by contributing their own implement story. Griz and Good Girl publish a great blog named Everything Goes. If you haven't visited lately, I wholeheartedly suggest you do. The fun they share starts with spanking and bondage, and only gets better from there.

Let's learn about a very special crop.

good girl: This riding crop can be found at JT's Stockroom for a meager $28 and it is worth every penny. It is of high quality and is very functional. Like all crops, it provides an easy way to discipline a submissive with exactly the amount of force a dominant desires. It is 26" inches long and offers great leverage for a good snap to the ass, thigh, or breast.

Griz: One red ass, with two red cheeks. I love symmetry, and I love the new riding crop we have purchased. I have found myself with an uncontrollable urge to use it on good girl every evening and not just for training. I tell her to get on her hands and knees and spank her hard and many times over until she begs for mercy.

good girl: This new crop is actually my favorite spanking toy. It gives Griz more control over both the force and location of his spanks. Of course, I prefer the lighter, playful swats on my ass, though it is possible to hit quite hard with this crop. And the sound it makes as it flies through the air is truly a mindfuck. I reflexively flinch when I hear the whizzing sound of the crop flying through the air, even when its not directed toward my ass. We have a rule that I'm not allowed to touch the crop with my hands. Since its for disciplining me, Griz doesn't want me to become too comfortable with it. The picture above shows how I have to carry it around when he wants me to bring it to him. We're still beginner spankos and this has been a great starter toy for us. I give it two perky nipples and one sore, red ass up!

Griz: I like to smack good girl on her ass, and really, who wouldn't like to smack good girl on her ass? Well now, we have a new rule: Every time I slap her on the ass she has to thank me for doing so.


"thank you, sir"


"thank you"

Additionally, whenever I spank her, she has to count out the spanks. In other words, when she happens to walk by me and I take a swing at her ass and that melodical smack sound is heard, she is compelled to thank me for the honor of my hand on her rear. However, when I bend her over and spank her with a crop, paddle, spoon, flogger, or my own hand on her flesh, she must count each and every time I spank her, then thank me for it in the end.

good girl: While I don't particularly enjoy having to count each spank (because those kinds of spankings happen when I've done something bad), it does help me get in a submissive, repentent frame of mind. The same thing happens when I thank him for smacking my bottom. It makes me feel small, submissive, and grateful to him for taking the time to spank me.

I'm grateful to both of you for sharing your favorite implement and your spanking style with MBS readers!

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Implement Stories #3: Amber

Our third installment of the Implement Stories series brings us to Amber. She is the author of the excellent blog, Farmwife with a Twist. She chose to share three of their favorite implements. Here are Amber's descriptions:

This is our new riding crop from the Eden Fantasys. It was welcomed with great enthusiasm. For one thing, I've never seen my husband enjoying himself this much during an S&M session. He was smiling radiantly. He had this cheeky, playful look on his face, and he whipped me and controlled me with the help of this crop with more delight than ever. It clearly appealed to the horseman in him, and he kept making horse calling noises at me as he directed me into positions. Of course, a woman who is naked, wet, and trembling with arousal is not exactly the same as three hundred head of cattle or even a serious desert cattle driving horse, but you can see where his sentiments were coming from.

This is our coffin paddle from Blue Ridge Leather. You know, there are paddles, and then there are OAK paddles. The impression the solid oak makes is not comparable with anything else. It gives its own unique heavy burn, but a burn that is strangely sensual too, at least the way I see it.

This cane is my idea of tree trimming. Just right for those early Christmas gifts. Oh, and the pain is absolutely exquisite.

Thank you, Amber, for sharing with us a little slice of life on the farm.

So what do you and your partner use for spanking? Readers who wish to participate in our Implement Stories series may do so by contributing photos and/or tales of their favorite (or feared) spanking implements. Simply e-mail me your entries and I will post them here.

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