Showing posts with label dogging bat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogging bat. Show all posts

Friday, January 04, 2008

The Spanko Files: Hermione

A number of our MBS readers are skilled writers as well. It's my privilege to allow their voices to be heard.

One Tender Moment
by Hermione

This story is about a spanking, but more than that, it’s about one special moment during the spanking.

It was our date night, and my anticipation had been building all day. We watched TV for a while (at least, I pretended to watch). Finally, my husband said, "It's time." We went up to the bedroom, undressed, and then got into bed. We kissed and cuddled, with special attention being paid to my bottom. Ron turned me over onto my tummy, and I held my breath and watched as he chose the implement for the evening. Oh good, I thought, as he reached for the dogging bat – a long paddle made of two layers of leather that slap together – that hung from the bedpost. It’s my favourite. It has a nice thuddy feel, makes a loud crack, but doesn’t hurt too much.

I gripped the iron rails of the headboard and gave myself over to the sensations as the stiff leather made contact with one cheek and then the other. Each swat was harder and louder than the one before, and it felt good, like a deep massage. Then the swats stopped. Ron rubbed my reddened globes for a while. When he picked up the bat and began again, the strokes were faster and lighter, but stingy. He aimed for the sweet spot just above my thighs.

Then one well placed stroke landed at the base of my left cheek, just above the top of my inner thigh and very close to the cleft. The sensation it produced was completely unexpected. It felt like an electric current, and traveled straight to the place inside me where I feel an orgasm. I gasped, not in pain, but in delight! Now I understood how someone could climax during a spanking, and I definitely wanted more. I wiggled and tried to maneuver my bottom so that the paddle would land in that very sweet spot again, but the rest of the spanks were of the regular, non-electric variety.

The spanking ended and was followed by gentle fingers that brought me quickly to ecstasy. Ron entered me from behind, pressing his cool body against my hot bottom, and had his own happy ending. We held each other close for a while, and I thanked Ron, as I always do. He laughed, embarrassed, the way he always does. Then we dressed, and he went off to watch football while I busied myself with some household tasks that could be done standing up.

I could still feel the sting of that single stroke on my tender flesh the next day, and savoured the memory of the delicious moment. It was something I had never expected to feel, and a promising sign of even better moments to come. Do you think a discrete 'X' drawn with indelible ink would be considered topping from the bottom?

Thank you, Hermione, for sharing that magical moment!

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Implement Stories #8: Carye

Carye is a longtime friend of MBS. Despite an incredibly busy life, she finds the energy to add her wisdom to many of our discussions. That's why I am delighted to present a trio of effective spanking implements recommended by Carye and her Papa Shrek.

We own three implements :-) The first one we got was a dogging bat. I enjoy this one. It has a nice sting with a little something extra. It is leather with a metal piece inside. We found it at a farm store. It is normally used for horseback riding. It is noisy though!

Our most fierce paddle, and the one I fear the most, is called the Mistake from the Hanson Paddle Werks. Papa Shrek got this for me after a serious infraction! We've had lots of fun with it. I enjoy it, but it can really pack a wallop! If you go to the link, there is an interesting story of how it came about. It is slightly larger than a Texas prison strap.

My personal favorite is the Hickory Smacker from Spanking Paddles by Walt. For some reason, I really love the wood feel of this paddle. One of the reasons I like it best is because Papa Shrek can be the closest to me while using it. It also packs a great spank. There is something about the cool wood that I really enjoy feeling before and after a spanking. One interesting side note is that we actually came up with Caryagal (Carye) as my blog name because Carya is the biological genus name for hickory!

Thank you, Carye! Those toys look as though they would provide many hours of enjoyment, particularly in the skilled hands of Papa Shrek.

There's still time left if you would like us to feature your "weapons of ass destruction." Simply drop me an e-mail with your stories and/or photos.

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