Practical K has a most unusual spanking implement. Here's his story:
My girlfriend and I both switch, and our favorite implements are mostly wooden paddles. Something about them really does it for both of us in pretty much either role. All the same, we have a variety of toys including several straps. One of these is built for this purpose. Another is basically a razor strop. However, over the past few years, while traveling, we have also acquired a couple of lovely straps that were originally meant for other purposes. Nonetheless, they are wickedly effective for our favorite secondary use.
The most unusual and intriguing of these is a leftover segment of an authentic mill-wheel strap. This is not only the most unusual, but quite probably the oldest spanking implement we own, even if it wasn't originally made for that particular purpose. We suspect it dates back to the 1930s or so based upon the age of the other equipment where we found it. We came across it on a weekend trip a couple of years ago when we stayed at an old mill-house in the country. On exploring the well-preserved, but no longer functional machines, we came across this piece of leather which had been cut off from a larger section of a sort of conveyor belt and discarded as scrap, but which obviously had, well, a certain potential.

We looked at each other and immediately our eyes lit up at the possibilities. Later that evening, I went to where it was laying and casually made off with it. I'm sure no one else even noticed, but we counted it as a major find. Not only did it look fiendishly well-suited for bottom-warming, it had a wonderful patina of age about it.
So it found a new home in our collection of toys, where it still has a pride of place. The only problem is that, in practice, the thing is so intrinsically severe that we both hesitate to pull it out and put it to real use. Although we both enjoy switching in either role, neither of us ever goes for this strap unless we're on top. It has since acquired a certain aura as a result. We also have made it a practice to not bring it out for show, but only when we intend for it to be used. Needless to say, when it does get introduced, it makes a genuine impact in every sense of the word. So we mostly keep it in reserve for "special occasions."

In any event, it looks great in the collection. It's well aged and very nicely worn. It measures about a foot and a half long and over four inches across, and is made of very sturdy, but still flexible leather about a quarter-inch thick. It also has two rows of very wicked holes running down the face, so it somehow looks even more menacing than our "real" straps! It makes an indescribably intimidating sound when it is swung with even moderate force, almost like whistling, as well as a lovely firecracker sound on impact. Any further sounds produced will not be commented on.

The center is worn almost smooth from years (probably decades) of use driving a machine, and is almost like suede, but the outer edges are still extremely firm. All in all, it has more character than most of our other playthings combined. In a way, it's almost (I said almost) a shame that the thing just plain and simply hurts so damn much.

Oh, yes... I mentioned that I've wanted to share this story with you and your other faithful readers, but that there were some complications that prevented it. Well, I also related our little pact that it doesn't get taken out apart from use, so as to help preserve its special and almost regal status. So although I had the idea to photograph it over a week ago, I knew that doing so would bring certain obligations. I figured that her response would be that if I wanted to take a picture of it, then I could also be the one to volunteer to have it used on them. Finally, I decided to go ahead with it. However, after we read through a few of the previous Implement Stories together, we compromised. So we both felt it this morning, right before the photos were taken. In fact, the strap was probably still warm while we "posed" it. I know we both were!
Wow! Thank you, Practical K and girlfriend, for your excellent story and for your dedication to the spanko cause!
Keywords: implement stories, leather strap, spanking strap, spanking