Thursday, July 04, 2024

Ask Bonnie

Hello again, dear friends. I bring you just one reader question this time, but it's a fun one.

Question: How does it feel to be a wife who gets her bare bottom spanked hard with a wood paddle?

Silly Bonnie: It's exactly like a trip to the circus, but without the ringmaster, clowns, lions, jugglers, acrobats, elephants, barkers, freaks, calliope, trapeze performers, cotton candy, games of skill, flaming hoops, and the high wire act.

Blunt Bonnie: How do you think it feels? It hurts like hell!

Scientific Bonnie: Disciplinary paddlings cause a conspicuous reddening of the lower buttocks that can persist for several hours. This visible effect is generally accompanied by painful reactions in the afflicted areas. An intense but superficial sting arises at the time of spanking and fades within a few hours. A deeper throbbing pain persists longer and may cause profound discomfort while seated. After repeated forceful strikes in the same spots, temporary numbness may occur. The skin becomes warm to the touch as blood flows to the punished region. The skin's surface may also lose elasticity and acquire a rough texture.

Turn Around Bonnie: I suggest there is only one way to truly find the answer you seek. I recommend you experience a long hard paddling for yourself, right on your bare butt. If you cannot find someone to swing the paddle, do it yourself. As I am often reminded, a spanking is the only way you will learn. Look for a hardwood paddle with rounded edges, at least half an inch thick, and of sufficient length to reach the bottom of each cheek. Start with about twenty swats and go from there. You too can become a member of our exclusive club.

Psychologist Bonnie: Accepting vigorous paddlings brings me fulfillment in ways I struggle to fully explain. I embrace my role of the bad girl deserving of severe corporal punishment. I crave the full ritual including all of the pain and embarrassment. It brings me happines to watch the video later and relive everything he says and does to me. It thrills me to have vivid memories flood back into my mind when I sit down. Spanking is our kink.

Just Plain Bonnie: Spankings are one aspect of our excellent lives together.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Song Parody: When I'm Really Sore

This spanko song parody is respectfully dedicated to all fans of the Beatles and their song When I'm Sixty Four.

When I'm Really Sore

When I get punished rubbing my rear
Many hours from now
Will you still be giving me the swinging pine?
Birthday greetings line upon line

If I've been out ‘til quarter to three
Would you spank some more?
Will you still treat me, will you still beat me?
When I’m really sore

I could be handy, digging out toys
When you think they’re lost
You can craft a paddle in your old wood shop
Sunday mornings, flicking the crop
Swats in the garden, pay for my deeds
Who could ask for more?

Will you still treat me, will you still beat me?
When I’m really sore

Send me an email, drop me a text
What you gonna to do
Indicate precisely how you mean to flay
Yours sincerely, almost okay

Give me your answer, fill in a form
Sting for evermore
Will you still treat me, will you still beat me?
When I’m really sore

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Bonnie: The Interview

Randy interviewed me on video yesterday. We had just completed my second hard spanking of the day and the third in less than 24 hours. He didn’t go easy on me. I don’t know how many swats I received with that unforgiving teardrop-shaped wooden paddle. Maybe a hundred. I know my bottom was sore when he began, and it didn’t get any better along the way.

Here’s our transcribed interview, edited only for conciseness. I really did say all that dumb stuff. I was lying across his lap and he still had the paddle in his hand. My bottom, visible in the video, was conspicuously marked.

R: How do you feel now?

B: Uh, I dunno. Spanked?

R: Do you enjoy being punished like this over my lap?

B: Yeah, um, I do.

R: What is it that you like?

B: Being here close with you. Feeling your hands holding me.

R: What about your butt?

B: It really hurts a lot.

R: (rubbing) It’s very red and feels warm. There’s a cute mark over here on your right cheek. (touches the welt)

B: That happens when you use the paddle.

R: What do you think about getting spanked twice in one day?

B: It’s OK. If you decide I deserve it.

R: Bon, if you ever got everything you deserve, we’d wear out my arm.

B: (imagining) Yeah, maybe so.

R: Is there a spanking that you wish you could get?

B: Right now, I have no idea.

R: Would you like me to strap you to the bench and cane your butt right now?

B: Not sure. Maybe later.

R: Would you like me to give you some more swats with this paddle? (whack whack)

B: Ow! I told you I don’t know. You’re confusing me.

R: Do you feel sufficiently punished now?

B: Yes, sir.

R: Is it embarrassing to get your bare bottom spanked with a paddle in front of the camera and then have to explain how it feels?

B: Yes.

R: What’s it like to be an accomplished adult woman, a grandmother, a teacher, who requires frequent corporal punishment?

B: It’s just what we do.

R: Do you like the embarrassment aspect?

B: Yes, I think I do.

R: Would it be more embarrassing if your blog readers knew about all this?

B: Maybe.

R: Then I want you to tell them everything, OK?

B: Yes, sir.

So, there you have all my paddle-addled observations after a day of spankings. It only hurts when I sit, stand, walk, bend, move, roll over, stretch, or climb stairs. But I'm smiling today.

Friday, May 03, 2024

In Praise of the Pear

This ad came out when I was eleven years old. Body shaming anyone?

Today, in the age of TikTok, SnapChat, and Instagram, the message is ubiquitous. If you know a young woman, let her know that we value her for a hundred reasons unrelated to her physical appearance. Show her you care. Listen to her. But you can also tell her that she's beautiful.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Spanking Haiku

What, I wondered, have I never shared on the blog? Haiku! Let's try that.

Spanks seem bad to some
But they're really great for me
Want to tell the world

When I am the bad girl
Receive all that I deserve
My heart is fulfilled

Hard swats coming soon
Lift my skirt and get in place
Wait to feel impact

Accepting each sting
Shocking yet familiar
Holding on so firm

Punishment over
My lover carried me through
Cling to him always

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Bend and Bare, Bon, Bend and Bare

These are words I know well. In the early years of this blog, I used to have a large tagline at the very bottom of the page that read, “Spankings Happen.” And so they did, and I am grateful that they still do. When I hear the title phrase, I know it’s time for another session with one of our favorite spanking paddles. What follows is a fulfillment of my spanko dreams.

On the weekends, Randy sometimes paddles me more than once in a day. He is delighted when I raise my skirt to reveal residual redness or marks on my bottom from a previous spanking. He always asks me if it hurts. If I tell him that it does, he kneads my exposed skin to draw out the last throbbing vestiges of my previous punishment before starting again. If I say it doesn’t, well that’s a challenge he is happy to accept. Either way, the paddle smacks repeatedly against my tender cheeks. And that always hurts. A lot.

He often secures me by grabbing the waistband of my thong with his left hand. This leaves his right hand free to wind up and deliver a full swing of the paddle. Of course, I can’t see much other than the floor at these moments, but I’ve studied his technique in the hundreds of videos we’ve watched together. He recently started assigning silly titles to the videos. Two of my favorites are “Bon Beating Bonanza” and “That Lesson She’ll Remember to Forget.”

In other news, it’s finally starting to warm up (weatherwise), so we’ve been playing in the basement more often. That’s where our spanking bench is located. I love the bench. It’s an exhilarating feeling to have my wrists and ankles bound with velcro straps. Even before the serious punishment begins, as I lay there with my bottom completely vulnerable, I know I am due for the full treatment. This anticipation is delicious. Then I receive all that I deserve.

After it’s finished and everything is cleaned up and stowed away, we head back upstairs. Each step I take along the way triggers additional posterior pain. It’s almost a bonus spanking. Randy was so enchanted by this phenomenon last time that he had me go back and walk up the steps again for the benefit of his camera.

Spankings are good at our house. Randy’s health issues remind us that everything in this life is temporary. Carpe Diem in this context means assume the position, and I do!