Showing posts with label spanking poll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spanking poll. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2022

Best Loved Tails

A reader named Amy recently told me that this blog has so many links that she doesn't know where to start. That's a fair point and one I take seriously. So I want to assist readers who experience link lock. That's a kind of temporary paralysis induced by long lists of site links.

Some of you know this blog better than I do. On this occasion, I need your guidance and solicit your assistance.

I invite you to share your five to ten best loved spanking blogs in the comments below or via email.

We're not looking for popular blogs necessarily, but those that reliably provide quality content you enjoy. If you are concerned about offending someone by omission, you may comment anonymously.

If we get enough responses, I will mark the most recommended blog links as MBS Reader Approved.

Thank you in advance for your help with this project!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Poll: Aftermath

Every spankee wants to twist around to gaze in the mirror after a spanking is finished. We wonder whether our bottom looks as bad as it feels. We wonder if there are marks and, if so, how they might compare with spankings past. Whatever the reason, we simply have to look.

This poll explores your experience with these sorts of telltale signs.

Have you (or your partner) ever...
1. ...Had a donut-shaped mark made by a paddle?

2. ...Had an itchy bottom the day after a spanking?

3. ...Had dimples appear after a spanking?

4. ...Found it too painful to wear underwear after a spanking?

5. ...Had to sleep on your stomach after a spanking?


6. ...Had the center of your cheeks turn whitish?


7. ...Had a numb bottom?


8. ...Had your skin become firm and hard?


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Poll: Why Spank?

Check all that apply
Stress Relief
Why Not?

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Poll: The Paddle

This poll was suggested by my swat-happy husband (who has no clue how much his beloved wooden toys hurt when applied to a bare bottom).

1. Is there a spanking paddle in your residence?

2. How recently was the paddle used to spank someone's bottom?

Within the past week
Within the past month
Within the past year
Longer than one year
It's never been used
3. Who received the most recent paddling?

Your partner
Someone else
No paddlings here

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Poll: The MBS Blogroll

I'd like to hear what you think.

1. Is the blogroll an important reason why you visit MBS?

2. Should we add links to blogs written primarily in languages other than English?

3. Do you prefer a blogroll sorted in alphabetical order (easy to find specific blogs) or chronological order (easy to see what is new)?

4. Which one of the following subjects would you most like to see emphasized when we add to the blogroll?

Erotic spanking
Domestic discipline
Recreational spanking
Spanking photographs/video
Spanking fiction
F/M spanking blogs
F/F spanking blogs
M/M spanking blogs
Commercial spanking sites
Spanking models
Something else

Thank you!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Poll: Spanking on Television

Which of the following TV spankings would you most like to watch?

A classic movie like McLintock or Blue Hawaii
A newer film like Secretary
A classic sitcom spanking like I Love Lucy
A spanking episode in a contemporary sitcom
A miniseries about a couple who spices up their love life with spankings
An adult spanking documentary on public TV
A gameshow featuring spanking
A star-studded pay-per-view spanko spectacular
A soap opera with spanking
The spanko Olympic games
An amateur public access spanking show
A popular commercial spanking film
A spanking-themed reality show
A beauty pagent with a spanking competition
America's Next Spanking Model
Why would I want to watch spanking on TV?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Spanko Census

Which of the Following Best Describes Your Orientation?

Straight Male Spanker
Straight Male Switch
Straight Male Spankee
Gay Male Spanker
Gay Male Switch
Gay Male Spankee
Bi Male Spanker
Bi Male Switch
Bi Male Spankee
Straight Female Spanker
Straight Female Switch
Straight Female Spankee
Lesbian Female Spanker
Lesbian Female Switch
Lesbian Female Spankee
Bi Female Spanker
Bi Female Switch
Bi Female Spankee

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Poll: Settle the Debate

Do spanking enthusiasts fancy an attractive posterior for more than just swats? You decide...

Do you think there is a connection between an interest in spanking and an interest in anal play?


Friday, July 17, 2009

Poll: MBS Links

As of the time of this writing, this blog has 282 links. That's a lot by any measure. In the past, MBS readers indicated that they value the links and want me me to continue finding and adding new blogs. As you see, I have done so. Now I wonder if I have gone too far.

Should MBS Have 282 Links?

Yes, I like the links as they are
Yes, but perhaps they could be organized in some way
Yes, and please find more if you can
No, that's simply too many blogs to read
No, just give us the very best
No, links aren't that important
Are there links here?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Poll: Blogging

1. Do you currently have a spanking-oriented blog?

Yes, and I love blogging
Yes, but it's not very active
No, but I used to
No, but I'd like to
No, but I have a vanilla blog
No, it's not for me
No, I don't have much to say
2. Why would you most want to have a spanking blog?

I like to express my creativity
I wish to share my experiences
I seek to meet like-minded people
I want to be a part of a community
A different reason
I don't want to have a spanking blog
3. Why would you not want to have a spanking blog?

I have privacy/security/safety concerns
Too much time is required
I haven't much to say
I have no spankings to share
I'm shy
I'm not comfortable sharing my secrets
Another reason
I definitely do want a spanking blog

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Poll: Switching Roles?

Do you and your spanking partner ever switch roles?

Sure, we switch regularly
Sometimes as a change of pace
We tried but it didn't work
No way! Never!
No, but I'd like to try
Partner? What partner?

Friday, January 09, 2009

Poll: The MBS Blogroll

I invest a lot of time in creating and maintaining links to other blogs. Many readers tell me that the blogroll is their favorite part of the blog (I take that as an indication that I need to write more articles). I am sometimes asked why there are not more F/M and/or M/M blogs listed. I haven't deliberately excluded these folks, but they are not well represented.

My question is whether you desire a more inclusive blogroll.

Which types of blogs should I feature in the MBS blogroll?

M/F only
M/F and F/F
M/F, F/F, and F/M
M/F, F/F, F/M, and M/M
Some other combination

Monday, October 27, 2008

Poll: Spanko Halloween Costumes

Which Halloween Spanking Costumes Do You Prefer?

Bride of Frankenstein and the Monster
Ward and June Cleaver
King Kong and Fay Wray
Goldilocks and Big Bad Wolf
Superman and Lois Lane
Headmaster and Schoolgirl
Sarah Palin and First Dude
Football Star and Cheerleader
Pirate and Wench
Something Else (please comment)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Poll: Your Role

This poll was suggested by a loyal reader.

Which of the following best describes your role?

I deliver spankings
I receive spankings
I both deliver and receive spankings
I aspire to deliver spankings
I aspire to receive spankings
I aspire to both deliver and receive spankings
What's all this I hear about spankings?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Poll: Spanking Partner

If you were in a position to start a new relationship, would you consider a potential partner who had no interest in spanking?

Never, never, never!
Probably not
Only for a very special person
Perhaps, under the right circumstances
Sure, it's not that big a thing for me
Spanking? Are you serious?

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Poll: Stress Relief

Do spankings provide stress relief for the spankee?

Yes, absolutely
Yes, in many cases
Only occasionally
For us, it's not about stress
Spankings? What spankings?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Poll: Thinking About Spanking

When I post polls, I often receive inquiries like "Why must you ask questions that are directed at spankers or spankees or M/F or people in relationships or whatever?" Well, for everyone who ever asked, this poll is for you. It's open to all MBS readers. In fact, if you're not a reader and just meandered in from the internet, you can vote too.

How Often Do You Think About Spanking or Related Topics?

Less than once a month
Once a month
Once a week
Once a day
2-4 times a day
5-12 times a day
Once an hour
More than once an hour
Most of the time

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Poll: Talking about Spanking

When is the best time to talk with your partner about spanking?

Over lunch
Late at night
Before a spanking
During a spanking
After a spanking
After lovemaking
Whenever I choose
We don't talk about spanking
I don't have a regular partner
What am I doing *here*?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Poll: What Type Of Spankee Do You Prefer?

Last week, I heard about it from the spankers for posting a spankees-only poll. In the name of fairness and equal time, here's a poll intended exclusively for those who like to spank.

Which type of spankee do you prefer?

Quiet and resigned to their fate
Resists at first, then gives in
Pure brat all the way, lots of backtalk
Wants to wrestle, struggle, escape
Totally into the experience and loves it all
The one who happens to be over my lap
I don't spank, but I wish I did

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Poll: Getting Paddled

This poll was suggested by a regular reader. It's for the spankees.

Have you ever been spanked as an adult with a wooden paddle?

Yes, and I liked it
Yes, and it was OK
Yes, and I didn't like it
No, but I wish
No, and I'm glad
No, I don't get spankings