Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Saturday, September 24, 2022

T+17 and All Systems Go

It was seventeen years ago today that I decided I wanted to blog about my love of spanking. I certainly had no expectation that I would still be doing this all these years later. But here we are.

In honor of the occasion, I would like to take a shot at answering Hermione's weekly brunch question: What do you like about spanking?

I'm sure I've responded to a dozen different versions of this question a dozen times over the years. It would be easy to say, "Everything," but that seems like a cop-out. For someone who has made spankings a cornerstone of my relationship, there are many answers. Here's what I mean:

What I Love About Spankings
That's not all, but I think it's a decent start.

Saturday, February 05, 2022

Blog by Numbers 2022

If you’re looking for a fun post, please scroll down. This is just me rambling.

Our friend Morningstar recently published a post where she expressed her distain for bloggers and Facebook friends who closely follow their reader/comment counts and complain over a lack of feedback. She posed the reasonable question, “Why do you post?”

This question made me stop and consider. I don’t believe I obsess over my numbers. I do check several times a year as a way of gauging what’s working and what isn’t. I am a professional writer, though I am an amateur in the world of kink. In both spheres, I write for my readers. I care what they think and I greatly value their feedback because it helps me to hone my craft. I seek to deliver content that readers like and statistics provide one method for measuring.

I guess my answer is that I post to serve the community through education, encouragement, and entertainment. If there comes a time when that is no longer the case, I believe I will stop.

Back in this blog’s heyday, one popular post could garner eighteen thousand page-hits. I was astonished by the numbers. My mailbox overflowed and it was all I could do to keep up with comments and produce more content. It was thrilling and fun, but even then, I knew it couldn’t last.

And of course, it didn’t last. Over the next few years, the frequency and quality of my posts slowly diminished. I took a year off, then went into semi-retirement mode. Not surprisingly, most of the crowd moved elsewhere. Today, my posts attract a few hundred hits. That’s a tiny fraction of the peak. While I might wish to regain that reach, I’m satisfied with my current readership. The last thing I would do is criticize my loyal readers over people who aren’t here.

The first days of MBS provide some perspective. I conceived this blog as a place to share my writing with like-minded people. The blog’s concept and identity evolved quickly from there, but this was the original idea. In the first few weeks, I posted in rapid fire fashion many of my best spanking stories written during the preceding twenty years (hint: they are still there). Very few people found them and even fewer commented. Every click felt like vote of confidence.

Today, I’ve kind of returned to that mindset. I humbly appreciate every link, commenter, and reader. Bless you. I can’t see you, but I know you’re there. And your presence reminds me that there is still an opportunity to spread spanko goodness. For that, I am most grateful. So onward we go.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Recap: MBS Sunday Brunch for Dec 2

Our question this week was whether there is, or should be, some etiquette related to closing or abandoning a blog. Here are your thoughts.

Mick and Lynda: I had to close my blog quickly to protect my privacy and I was sorry to leave people hanging. I started a new one and hope people can find me (you've helped a lot with that).

Perhaps someday soon I can open the old one again.

I'm glad you're back! Perhaps another alternative might be to move your old posts to your new blog.

Mr BB: It would be nice to know if someone is leaving. There is an interesting idea in your post about leaving useful information up that could be helpful to others who come along later. Sometimes it seems like some disappear because they share personal information and are discovered by non-lifestyle friends or family. That is completely understandable.

Ultimately, the decision is, of course, left up to the individual blogger. Albeit online, if their blog is of a personal nature and we feel a connection with them, we feel like we get to know them. They become part of our community. It would be nice to know that the person behind the blog is all right.

Sunny Girl: It would be nice to know if they are "going off the air," but I guess the reason they are might determine whether or not they can do a "goodbye" post.

Julia: DH used to blog. He did it quite frequently and had quite a presence in blogland. Then he got laid off in 2008, and things changed. After a year of not finding work, he started to lose confidence in himself and his ability to entertain people, so he just disappeared. He couldn't stand going back to it, and honestly, it is still a work in progress. A man and his ego is a very sensitive thing, and his was very badly bruised by losing his job.

Kitty: Sometimes when people state that they are leaving, it can sound like a dramatic bid for attention. And sometimes it is. But, it is nice to have a transition post out - because people do wonder. I know there are people who don't so much intend to leave as life just gets busy and they fade away. That's okay.

It is when there has been trouble in the relationship or severe medical issues that I wish for a little note about where someone has gone, because well, I worry. I don't know many bloggers in real life, but having made some connections through blogging, when they just go, the loss is felt.

So, yes, I would prefer a note if someone becomes aware that they are done blogging for now.

Hermione: I would love to make a good-bye post mandatory for bloggers who are about to depart the scene, but unfortunately that isn't always possible. It depends on the circumstances surrounding the departure. I can understand how it would not be possible, in cases of inadvertent exposure or severe health issues, to write a farewell post.

If it's breach of privacy, it would be better to go private than to delete, but the desire to remove all traces of the blog leads to impulsive deletion.

Unfortunately, deleting anything from the internet is very difficult, if not impossible. Blog posts stay around in cached form for a long time, and with the Wayback Machine available, deleted blogs persist for many years.

It's very hard for this community when a popular, well-known and much-loved blogger suddenly leaves without a trace, but in the end, how to handle it is a personal decision.

Prefectdt: That does not look like a very difficult set of questions, but they have so many varied and complicated answers.

I think it depends upon why the blogger has given up blogging and their own personality and reasons for blogging in the first place. It is just something that has to be down to personal choice, for the individual to make.

Having said that, it is nice to have a little notice and a chance to leave a goodbye comment, but (and sorry for the caps lock and exclamation marks, this is important) ONLY IF IT IS SAFE AND CONVENIENT TO HAVE A FAREWELL POST!!!

Fondles: I know that it's not always possible, but a goodbye post would be nice. Whether or not to leave the posts up for others may be a decision that depends upon the reason for leaving in the first place.

Thisgirl: I agree really with what's been said above. It depends upon personal circumstances. I know bloggers who had to delete everything because they no longer wanted a 'kink' presence on the net. I have also come across others who stopped posting, but kept it there as in the case of Bitchy Jones.

I think it's nice to leave a presence if possible. But sometimes, the person's personal circumstances probably just don't allow it.

Jenny: I'd write a big long comment, but it is way easier to say, "I agree with Hermione." Thanks! :)

Yes, I agree that it's easy to agree with Hermione.

Reece Seever: I took my blog down (actually, made it private) some time ago, and it was a hard decision. I still miss using it communicate, but I also felt like I wanted something akin to a personal diary focusing on the DD aspects of our relationship. I liked sharing some of those with people, but as the blog became more popular, I began to find links to it on blogs and websites that had material that I really objected to, like drawings depicting spanking of children. I also felt like the wider the blog was distributed, the more I found myself self-censoring content, thereby inhibiting its original function as a journal.

I am happy to consider adding someone as an authorized viewer. I can be contacted here.

Rosie: I think (most of the time) life intervenes. And usually, not in an epic or loud way. It happens in a more quiet, lasting, pervasive way. In that case, it's not that the bloggers intent to abandon their blog. It's more a matter of of moving into a new chapter of their life. They are less interested in it, have little to say, and quietly fade. More often than not, in my opinion, after so much time passes, they feel they cannot return, even to say goodbye, because no one is reading or it would seem weird at this point to do so.

But then, I've been wrong before. :)

Abby: I agree it would be nice to know that someone is leaving. We do feel a connection to each other, and I know I often wonder what happened.

Wilma Rubble: I haven't been at this very long, but so far I have experienced this twice. Both bloggers were among the first to comment on my blog and helped with support and kind words when I needed it.

One wrote a farewell for now post because of family medical issues. The other's blog has laid dormant for a bit. The latter has me more worried than the former. I find myself looking at the blog on my blog roll and wondering and worrying. It is amazing how quickly we become attached to one another here. I might not know the blogger's face, but I do have a sincere concern.

So I would love if people would offer even a couple sentences even to say, I am stepping away. I do understand how this sometimes is not possible.

Belle: I know that I would rather know what happened to someone, but I can imagine so many reasons why that person wouldn't want to share. I believe that a person should just do what is best for them. If for whatever reason they feel that they just can't blog, that's a good enough reason. We support people's decision to share, and we should support their decision not to share. We do not know all the circumstances, and they may not be able to share it all. When people make a decision, they may, at that point, not want to be confused by other people's opinions, or feel they have to justify themselves.

I believe in prayer, and I believe that God loves all the people that He created. It rains on the just and unjust, but I believe that He listens to our prayers. We should pray for those people, just like we pray for others who we must just put in God's hands (example: deployed military). This is just my opinion. God bless you all.

Ana: A while ago when I experienced a personal difficulty, I stated publicly that I would be taking a break from blogging and didn't know when. I worried whether it sounded like a bid for attention, but I received many expressions of thanks for saying so and not disappearing. Obviously, I am still here.

What I learned from that experience, and what I've learned from watching and worrying while other blogs disappear, is that online is a community like anything else. People have the right and ability to disappear at will. People do. But if circumstances allow, it is kinder and more respectful to at least say good-bye.

Most especially, if it's someone I've known for a while I worry.

Ronnie: It's sad when a fellow blogger just disappears so yes, I'd love if they wrote a final goodbye post but as others have said, not always possible. Depends on their circumstances.

Ms. Betty: I don't think most exits are planned. Having been there a few times, I can say that sometimes life just gets very intense and while you are certain you intend to keep blogging, the days and weeks slip by and you may not get the chance or have the energy.

Life has it's ups and downs, and sometimes fallow periods are required for fresh growth. The death of a blog is like any other death, and maybe it's not always our right to know the reason why. What I would suggest is that if a blog goes dark for some time, perhaps leave a comment or send an email telling the blogger they are missed, but no more.

After all, not everyone may feel comfortable discussing why they've gone silent in a public sphere.

Lea: I'd imagine if someone leaves because of worries of privacy and the like, they aren't in a position to say goodbye to everyone. I certainly appreciate when people post one final thing so you know all is well and they just aren't blogging anymore for a variety of reasons. I would try to do that if I decided to stop.

Six of the Best: If at all possible, when spanko bloggers are closing out, they should make an attempt to inform us of their intentions. Also since I believe that all spanko blogs are valuable, they should be left for future generations to digest and ponder their contents.

Bonnie: As described above, there are many reasons why someone would stop blogging, and not every circumstance is within their control. I would hope in all but the most extreme cases, it should be possible to send an e-mail to a blogging friend. “I'm OK” would be enough, but anything more is appreciated. In this way, word would get around to those who care and no one would have to be concerned. Ultimately, departing bloggers will do as they choose, but I think this is a reasonable request.

The second consideration is the months or years of accumulated content. I have to admit when an established blog goes dark, my second thought is often, “Drat, I never got to read their archive.” I know quite a few bloggers who deleted their blogs and later regretted the loss of all those wonderful posts. Taking a blog private is a much less drastic step because it's easily reversible later. The best option, if practical, is to leave the blog in place to serve as a permanent archive.

Thank you all for participating in this week's brunch!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Recap: MBS Sunday Brunch for July 29

Our question of the week examined why M/F bloggers greatly outnumber F/M enthusiasts. We offered these possibilities.
  1. There are simply fewer people practicing F/M spanking
  2. Bottoms tend to document and women are more verbal
  3. Fewer women than men are interested in topping
  4. Men are more reluctant to reveal weakness or submission
  5. M/F spanking aligns more closely with traditional gender roles
  6. Male bloggers get distracted and lose interest
  7. Women have sturdier backsides and a higher pain tolerance
  8. Women like to look at women more than men like to look at men
  9. The established blogging community nurtures M/F blogs
  10. Men are less likely to seek support on the internet
  11. Some other cause we haven't considered
Here's what you thought.

Joeyred: I have one of the F/M blogs in this category. I want to acknowledge the terrific support of other bloggers for my blog posts, most of whom are female subs.

Abby: Maybe it's some of all the above. But mostly, I think, men are less likely to share that they are a submissive.

Bas: All of those reasons apply a bit.
I think reason A has a deeper reason. When deciding to implement TTWD, we have to decide which one of us is being spanked by the other one. There is no real reason that this should not result in a 50/50 division for F/M and M/F.

But men are sissies and terrified of being spanked (I can certainly speak for myself), and they will do anything to make sure they end up with M/F.

Anon: All those reasons play into it, but when it comes down to it, the main reason is there are just fewer men than women are into submission.

Simon: Since you have one of the few blogs that lists a wide number of many different types of blog, I'm unsure about disagreeing with you. However, my impression is that there are roughly similar numbers of each. Admittedly the F/M blogs are often harder to find, but many of the blogs in your sidebar list a number of them. Having said that, I do feel that in general M/F is more socially acceptable than F/M, but I have no explanation for this that makes any real sense.

I can confirm that M/F spanking blogs outnumber the F/M variety by a wide margin. There are indeed additional links on F/M blogs, but many lead to stale or deleted content. I linked most of those blogs while they were active. If there are current spanking-oriented blogs (of any alignment) that I've missed, please let me know and I will add them to the blogroll.

Lillian: I would say almost all of the above apply. I think the dominant male/submissive female is a message we absorb through societal osmosis from early childhood. The fairy tales and bed time stories we grew up with (and tell our children) celebrate the strong, dominant male and the beautiful (but delicate) woman in need of rescue.

And... there is probably some primal stuff going on. Women bear the children, meaning we were weakened by babies at our breasts or advanced pregnancy (or both) and small children to tend, so we tried to mate with the strongest and best hunter we could.

I think these preconceived gender roles and stigmas must make it difficult for submissive men to admit to themselves who they are. It was hard enough for me to admit my submissive nature to myself, as a woman. It must be very difficult to get past for F/M relationships, but maybe that makes them very strong when they get there.

Christi: I definitely think it's a combination of A and E.

Another factor could be that while we female bloggers have tons of other female bloggers who are there for support and encouragement, I don't think men are as likely to seek out other men in the same open way.

Ana: I realize that we are a minority, but please don't forget F/F! Or M/M for that matter, which gets even less attention. The F/F presence online may be small, but we are still significant. (At least to ourselves! ;))

I would say the answer is a combination of E, I, and K.

E: Because a lot of blogs associate spankings with sex and heterosexual traditional gender roles generally don't support female dominance, there can be a twofold backlash against non-M/F blogs. One is the idea that by fate or divine right that a man spanks and a woman is spanked. This implies that a woman is not capable of spanking. Thankfully not on my blog, but I have heard comments from male spankers saying that it was "unnatural" for a woman to spank. Also, because most blogs associate spanking with sex, then F/F and M/M get confused with a different kind of sexuality.

I: Very thankfully, the above bigotry has not been part of my blogging experience. Things have changed quite a bit since I started out. But I still get comments from really nice people who still talk about my "husband" spanking me or referring to D as "he" or "him." Or they just don't get the dynamic because it falls outside of the familiar.

I do want to say that there has been, as Joey mentions, incredible support. But I do think that sometimes people aren't quite sure what to do or how to respond to TTWD dynamics that fall outside of M/F.

K: The assumption is that all spanking pairs are cross-gender. I mean, if you look at your blogroll (still one of the most amazing things you do for the TTWD community), blogs that are NOT M/F are generally noted with a "F/F" or "F/M" after the title. (I sometimes have thought perhaps I should add an F/F at the end of mine.) But not one marked as "M/F". Why? Because it is understood as the norm.

With all of this said, I want to say that the online community has changed a heck of a lot since I ventured online. This kind of support for relationships that are not M/F did not exist 10-12 years ago. The TTWD blogging community pretty much didn't exist because blogging was still new. So... I think that as the blogging community expands and becomes more established, we will see more and more non-M/F voices joining the crowd and becoming more "normal". There is a lot more acceptance now than there used to be already. :)

Fear not. We love you and all of your sisters, Ana. The F/F spanking community includes some truly brilliant writers. RS's question didn't address F/F (or M/M) spanking blogs specifically, but we definitely haven't forgotten you.

Joan: I think men who enjoy being spanked are less likely to be in a 24/7 relationship including spanking. If Fetlife is any indication, there seem to be more men that get their spanking "needs" met in a different sort of setting such as parties, relationships that aren't live-in, or professional dommes. It means that the sessions aren't constant, the "dynamic" may not be continual, and it might include ethical privacy concerns. This is just not as blog-friendly a scenario.

Hermione: I suspect there are roughly equal numbers of F/M and M/F practitioners, but the former are more reticent about coming forward with the details. It's true that woman are more verbal, so that could be another reason there are fewer F/M blogs. Male reluctance to admit they enjoy submission is another reason.

As far as the established blogging community is concerned, it is well represented by F/M blogs. I count many of them as my good friends, and frequently get an equal number of comments from male and female bloggers who are on the receiving end.

One observation I'd like to make is the recent rise in domestic discipline blogs that are formally linked to a popular and very specific DD methodology. Those blogs are usually by female submissives. F/M relationships have their own methodologies (Spencer, for example), but for the most part, the F/M blogs are more independent of any formal adherence to a specific set of behaviours. They therefore tend to be on their own, and not part of a pre-established group.

A-Non: The five essential questions are:

(1) Are there an equal number of M/F and F/M spanking couples?
(2) Is there equal desire among men and women to be spanked?
(3) Is there equal desire among men and women to spank a partner?
(4) If the answer to Q1-Q3 are Yes, are women or men more likely to blog about their experience?
(5) If the answer to Q1-Q3 are Yes, are tops or bottoms more likely to blog about their experience?

Personally, I think there are many more M/F couples than F/M couples. Some men enjoy being spanked, but it seems that a much greater proportion of women enjoy a good bottom warming. I've heard one explanation being that women have very busy minds with lots of task-switching in our thinking, but during a spanking it is impossible to think of anything else. So spanking provides the chance to think about nothing (or, at least, nothing other than surviving the present threat).

Also, I think there is something to the satisfaction that women get out of suppressing the "fight-or-flight" response that arises when being spanked. This may connect to a feeling of satisfaction at controlling all of the emotions that come with a spanking -- and having a man help us to control that desire to fight or flee.

Personally, I find F/M stories a bit creepy, because I find it unattractive to see a man losing control of his emotions and I have no desire to control a man's actions through spanking (I have other means!).

On Q4 and Q5, I think women are more likely to blog and bottoms are more likely to blog, both of which, with what may be a greater proportion of M/F spanking couples, leads to more M/F blogs. I don't think that support or encouragement from other bloggers has much to do with it.

Reece Seever: All of the answers are very enlightening. I admit that the one that intrigues me the most is C. In other words, are there an equal number of women who would like to be the dominant and, if not, why not? When my wife and I first started our DD journey, she was a very traditional, vanilla woman from a traditional Catholic family in which, where the man made the money, had the job, set the tone for the family and, whenever they argued, the result was either that he won or they both sulked until someone gave in. The first several years of our marriage were like that in terms of the sulking part. If we argued, it was all passive-aggressive stuff that left us both unhappy. And, she had never once experienced a situation in which she could really be the one in control. While it was "weird" to both of us trying this little experiment in switching the traditional gender roles, she now says she would not have it any other way. Ordering me to bend over and take a thrashing is just way too empowering for her to ever go back to a more traditional role.

D: I once had a lady friend who would take M/F, but was also very happy to use F/M. I don't know how it started. I think we might have read something somewhere about a couple who played spanking games, and we decided to try it too! Each of us threw dice, and the higher spanks the lower. The die is then thrown again to decide the the implement, bare or clothed, and the number of spanks. I found it so exciting to find myself bound and bent over a stool or chair, whilst S deprived me of my trousers and pants, before raising a burning smart in my firm bottom, often with a light wooden paddle. She didn't spank too hard, as she knew it might well be her own curvy bottom getting similar treatment after the next throw. Once both our bottoms were scarlet and smarting after numerous throws, we were only too keen to soothe them with some thrilling sex.

Kaelah: I believe there are several reasons why there are less F/M blogs than M/F blogs. First of all, I don't think that there are fewer men who want to be on the receiving end of a spanking than women.

But in my opinion, x/M is much less acceptable than x/F in most societies (especially in the more traditional ones like in some states of the US, where many blogs come from) and in our community as well. One reason for that is the belief in traditional gender roles which makes only women on the receiving end okay since they are supposedly the delicate ones who need guidance and a strong shoulder to cry on. Quite frankly, it's a view that totally freaks me out, but one which I have come across several times in discussions. Some people simply state that M/F is the only "natural" and therefore legitimate constellation.

A second aspect which, unfortunately, is also still common in our world and in our community is homophobia. When it comes to spanking, that also affects F/M because some men refuse to look at nude or bare bottomed men and therefore fight for the prohibition of x/M stuff on forums and the like. I was just recently involved in such a discussion. Luckily, as Ana already said, the community has become a bit more open-minded, and so the forum owner decided that everyone was welcome as long as x/M stuff, being in the minority, was labeled accordingly.

Another problem I have observed is that men who enjoy being spanked take the huge risk of being seen as unmanly. I discussed that topic, which is connected to the issue of traditional gender roles, in a recent post. I actually think that there are quite many people who feel uncomfortable with the thought of a man handing over control to a woman for a spanking, no matter how playful said spanking might be. The idea that a man might show stronger emotions during a spanking, let alone cry, seems to be even more disturbing for some people. In my opinion, there are many women among those who have these kinds of prejudices as well. Consequently, it seems that there is a considerable number of men who like to play on both ends, but don't tell anyone because some female bottoms (and maybe some male tops as well) wouldn't see them as "real" tops any more. Maybe we would have more mixed M/F and F/M blogs, too, if that weren't the case.

Yet another issue is that, in my experience, people often have only black and white views and don't distinguish properly between different ways of doing things. So, being a bottom equals being a sub, being submissive equals being weak, being into spanking equals having a DD or D/s relationship and wanting to get spanked equals the desire to cry and to let go of control. For someone like me, a switch who doesn't believe in traditional gender roles, who doesn't identify as a submissive (even though I often play as a bottom), who loves watching M/M spankings, who doesn't do any real-life punishments and who uses spankings for sexual pleasure, relaxation or empowerment, this makes feeling at home in our community already rather difficult at times. I think for male bottoms who are into non-DD spanking, our community must be even less inviting. There aren't many good F/M clips and pictures which could attract their attention (but tons of M/F stuff), most of the existing F/M blogs are about DD only (so, they have a bigger support group at least, which lovers of other forms of F/M spanking don't have) and men who admit that they enjoy being spanked take the risk of having to face the kind of prejudices which I pointed out above. So, why should male bottoms who are into non-DD spankings feel like they belong in our community and like it is worth to invest lots of time into writing an elaborate F/M blog?

Maybe another aspect is that men are generally less likely to write a blog about their private spanking exploits than women, anyway. But, what about female tops then? Maybe there are indeed slightly less female tops than male ones. But I think that F/M blogs written by female tops are also rarer because female tops also face the risk of having to deal with prejudices, especially if they and their fantasies aren't of the strict wife / mother / auntie or the mean mistress kind, which seem to be the most common and accepted roles for a female top in the spanking and the BDSM community.

Excellent points, Kaelah. Thank you!

Buttwed: I actually think there are more F/M situations than M/F. As for many men, the release of control and the experience of physical consequences is a big part of the need for corporal punishment. I also think from your list big factors are: B, D, E, F, and H. Plus getting caught doing my own blog or even commenting here will bring "too sore to sit" results.

Red: I believe that women are more verbal, and willing to share their feelings and thoughts with others. They build a relationship with other M/F bloggers, and it becomes a self supporting arrangement. Men's blogs get far fewer comments. Male spanked bloggers may be more reluctant to share, as there appear to be far fewer F/M blogs than M/F, but I think there are far fewer F/M than M/F arrangements in our society..

Social upbringing makes it far easier for a woman to want or agree to be spanked, than a man, and far easier for a man to agree to spank a woman.

While I agree with your points, there are clearly a lot of people interested in F/M spanking as evidenced by your blog's continuing popularity.

Prefectdt: I believe it may be a variation of C: "Fewer women than men are interested in topping." I hope that this statement is wrong and it is more the case that fewer women are prepared to admit that they are interested in topping because of image problems. Either way, a guy who finds himself without a regular Top has little chance of finding regular play and therefore has less to blog about from a personal point of view.

E: Yes. I think traditional gender roles have an influence. It certainly influenced me into calling myself a switch in my younger days. The male ego has a lot to answer for.

F: "Male bloggers get distracted and lose interest" Sorry, what was that point again?

K: "Some other cause we haven't considered" There are probably many, but one is very prominent not only to X/M bloggers, but also to male X/F bloggers. There are a few exceptions (Devlin O'Neill for example), but most male spanking and BDSM bloggers attract a lot fewer comments and interaction than their female counterparts. I cannot speak for all the male kink bloggers, but although a lot of the time I shrug this off and do not let it bother me, there are times that it can be very discouraging and I can imagine a new male blogger noticing this could be put off from continuing his blog.

Loki Darksong: Here is what I feel are the combined answers.

* D) Men are more reluctant to reveal weakness or submission. *

Well, yes and no with this one. You see it's not a reluctance to show submission per se. It's a sad fact that many within the spanking community has associated submission in men with weakness. Furthermore, there is the misbelief that bottoming is submission, especially when it is a man who does it. All of which is far from the truth!

* E) M/F spanking aligns more closely with traditional gender roles. *

I have encountered this little tidbit myself in a debate on Fetlife last summer. This is another belief that is being rigidly preached in the spanking community. M/F and F/F roles are what is supposedly the traditional roles for spankers as dictated by the media. F/M spanking seems out of the norm in that sense. And the men who bottom have found themselves the subject of ridicule.

* I) The established blogging community nurtures M/F blogs. *

This also is in concert with the enforced norms within the spanking community. That norm being that M/F spanking is on the top, with F/F spanking right next to it. F/M spanking is looked down upon and M/M spanking is practically banned. One can look at every major spanking event in this country and see this actually played out.

I am a straight male top with almost twenty-six years within the scene as a whole. And I can say that this is wrong. How can a community that is outside the norm have the audacity to impose a norm? Why should it matter which gender gets spanked? I have spanked and have been spanked by both women and men. And I, for one, do not see what the problem is.

Our Bottoms Burn: I think all of the reasons you list play a part in it.

I think there are as many males as females who enjoy a spanking, but they hide as they know most women will reject them.

Submission does NOT have to be a part of spanking. There is a world of difference in what F/M connotes as opposed to F/m.

If you want to get into even more confusing dynamics, try switches.

I can relate to Kaelah's and Loki's replies.

Bonnie: As I said in the initial setup, I don't know the answer. However, I can speculate.

Based upon a poll I did a couple of years ago, I wonder whether the best single answer might be C. A mere 17% of female respondents described themselves as spankers or switches. Without this slim proportion of female spanking enthusiasts, there can be no F/M relationships.

Contrast these numbers with the male spanking enthusiasts. A whopping fifty four percent identified themselves as spankees or switches. Factor in next the larger proportion of male readers and we find a ratio of five male spankees for every female spanker.

Granted, this is a M/F blog and I asked my readers. But even if these numbers are somewhat skewed, Reece's conclusion about the dearth of female spankers appears to be a reasonable bet.

There are so many great points made in this discussion that it's impossible for me to do them all justice today. There's an amazing spectrum of people and interests. What I would like to do is reintroduce a related, but slightly more general question in a few weeks and invite the group to continue this conversation. Thank you all for a great brunch!

Friday, June 29, 2012

In with the New: Midyear Edition

Here are some fascinating new friends to meet and greet. Let's help them feel at home in our neighborhood!

A Buck's Doe
A Good Spanking
Ava's Thoughts on Loving Domestic Discipline
Beautifully Submissive Butterfly
Edmonton Spanking Enthusiast
F/M Spanking Stories (F/M)
Feisty Confessions
His (un)Submissive Young Lady
Holding 49 Percent
I Heart Spanking
Learning to Follow His Lead
Spankings 4 Her
The Bottom Drawer
The Road Less Traveled
Ticcer's Wife
Warm Glow Spanking

General Spanking
DD Blogs
Ds/BDSM Blogs

To these new members of our community, I bid you welcome. If you would like some blogging tips and suggestions, try these. In any case, we're very glad you're here!

Monday, February 20, 2012

State of the Blog

For those who are eager to read about spanking, you might want to skip this post. For anyone still here, I would like to talk a bit about blogging and this blog in particular. I have no big announcements, but there are some milestones worthy of note:
  • We now have over 500 links (Thanks to all spanko bloggers!)
  • We now have 500 followers (Thanks to all of you as well)
  • We now have over 1000 RSS feed readers (Glad you're out there)
Pretty cool, huh?

Blogroll Presentation

I mentioned the 500 links, but all is not well over in the linkage department. First the good news. The alphabetic blogroll, labeled Kindred Spirits, works great and is completely up to date. The color codes allow readers to get a sense of a blog's content before they visit.

Unfortunately, the chronological blogroll (Good and Hot) is ailing. About a month ago, some clever programmer at Google touched the code that updates gadget contents and broke it. Since then, I have been unable to add, update, or delete links. Since the listing is chronological, old or dead links automatically sink to the bottom (where they will cause no trouble). However, not adding new blogs is a more serious problem. If Google is fixing these bugs, or even developing a work-around, they haven't told us. For now, there seems to be a new effective maximum blogroll size of around 170 links.

I'm surprised that no one has complained about missing links. That means either it isn't as big as problem as I think or people aren't paying close attention.

In any case, I needed a stopgap. The solution I came up with was to create second chronological blogroll to maintain links for more recently added blogs. It is named Newest of the New and it's currently located at the very bottom of the right column (yes, all the way down there). In the past month, I've added over sixty new links. I've decided the idea of having a separate blogroll to highlight new blogs actually has some merit independent of Blogger's problems. I think it should probably be displayed in a more prominent place, but that involves moving around everything else.

This is where I need to solicit your thoughts. I know the blogrolls are very important to many readers. Today, the items in the right column are organized like this:
  • Profile
  • Good and Hot (G&H) - Somewhat broken chronological blogroll
  • Twiddlies - Drop down links, followers, and miscellaneous gadgets
  • Kindred Spirits (KS) - Clean and complete color-coded alphabetic blogroll
  • Newest of the New (NotN) - Growing chronological blogroll for blogs added since the gadget bug appeared
Let's assume for now that the profile stays on top.

How should I organize the right column?

G&H, Twiddlies, KS, NotN
G&H, Twiddlies, NotN, KS
G&H, KS, Twiddlies, NotN
G&H, KS, NotN, Twiddlies
G&H, NotN, Twiddlies, KS
G&H, NotN, KS, Twiddlies
Twiddlies, G&H, KS, NotN
Twiddlies, G&H, NotN, KS
Twiddlies, KS, G&H, NotN
Twiddlies, KS, NotN, G&H
Twiddlies, NotN, G&H, KS
Twiddlies, NotN, KS, G&H
KS, G&H, Twiddlies, NotN
KS, G&H, NotN, Twiddlies
KS, Twiddlies, G&H, NotN
KS, Twiddlies, NotN, G&H
KS, NotN, G&H, Twiddlies
KS, NotN, Twiddlies, G&H
NotN, G&H, Twiddlies, KS
NotN, G&H, KS, Twiddlies
NotN, Twiddlies, G&H, KS
NotN, Twiddlies, KS, G&H
NotN, KS, G&H, Twiddlies
NotN, KS, Twiddlies, G&H

I've also pondered a more permanent solution that involves several smaller chronological blogrolls organized by blog type (like the color codes). But that seems like a lot of work to create and maintain, and I'm not sure it would be helpful to the reader.

Link Guidelines

Speaking of the blogrolls, I've fielded some questions lately about what I do and do not link. The criteria haven't changed in a couple of years, but they're perhaps worth mentioning again. I link every spanking-oriented blog I find, with the following exceptions:
  1. Sites that are not organized as a blog with dated posts
  2. Blogs that have not been updated in two months or more
  3. Blogs that are private or require a registration/subscription
  4. Blogs that lack significant spanking content
  5. Blogs whose primary purpose is advertising
  6. Blogs that contain little or no original content
  7. Blogs that depict children or non-consenting adults as spankees
  8. Blogs that feature extremely graphic or offensive content
  9. Blogs with considerable text in a language other than English
  10. Blogs authored or frequented by minors
  11. Blogs that advocate abuse or exploitation of women
Please note that there is no prohibition against M/M spanking blogs. I have simply yet to encounter one that fits within these parameters.

I have no issue with anyone blogging as they choose. I attempt to link blogs that will be of interest of MBS readers. You've told me what you like and these guidelines largely reflect that. If you think it's time to revise these standards, I'd like to hear your ideas.

Comment Verification

So what do you think of Blogger's new CAPTCHA techniques? Those are the fuzzy words that must be deciphered and retyped when you want to leave a comment. I've used this tool for years to keep out robo-spam comments. It's always been a lesser evil for me, but the new version is difficult even for humans.

There are alternatives, but until now, I've considered them to be worse. I could turn on comment moderation, but comments would appear only after I approve them. When I'm away, it could be hours or even days before they appear. I use this technique today for posts over one week old, but the volume of comments is very low. I could disallow all anonymous comments, but I think that might destroy the feeling of openness. I also question how effective it would be.

I could simply turn off the verification and allow Blogger's spam detection to filter out the bad stuff. I'm not very impressed by what I've seen of this technology so far. A couple of weeks ago, they quarantined Hermione's brunch response, and there are some readers who seem to be systematically filtered for some reason. On the flip side, some very spammy comments still get through. If I choose this option, there will be a lot of housekeeping. Again, I value your opinions.

What do you think about comment verification?

CAPTCHA is a necessary evil
Don't allow anonymous comments
Let Blogger filter the spam
Try comment moderation
None of the above / Something else


Today is President's Day here in the US. I don't talk about politics on this blog, primarily because I want all readers to feel welcome. But in honor of the holiday and the ongoing election process, I will make a brief exception. Is anyone else troubled by the fact that the three leading Republican candidates have all signed a pledge to work toward eliminating pornography?

People disagree about what constitutes pornography and therein lies the problem. I think this blog is pretty tame, but I have no doubt that it is offensive to someone. If we allow our government to eradicate any speech that offends anyone, none of us will be able to say anything. As problematic as corporate censorship is, government censorship is far worse because they have the ability to lock people away for their views. What has happened to the party of small government and individual liberties?

Wrapping Up

I guess that's about it, except to remind you that I like to hear what you think. This is your blog as much as it is mine. Please tell me how we can make it better. I'm listening...

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Spanking Blogs: Myth and Reality

I was recently invited by the publishers of Wellred Weekly to contribute a guest article on a topic related to blogging. The result was Spanking Blogs: Myth and Reality. As the title suggests, I present a series of ten common misconceptions regarding spanking blogs and then set the record straight. I hope you enjoy it!

Monday, January 30, 2012

In with the New: Stay Close to the Fire Edition

Let's offer these new friends a warm and toasty greeting!

Amateur Spankings
Celeste Jones
Dana Kane (Spanks) (F/M)
DD and D/s Wife
Getting Spanked
Girls Punishment
Graphic Spanking
KZ Roth
Ms. Clara Hewitt (F/M)
Otto's Femdom Spanking Art Photoblog (F/M)
Quicksand's Cocoon
Retro Spank
Under His Thumb
Understanding Me
Woodshed of Wonder
Xcite Spanking Stories
General Spanking
DD Blogs
Ds/BDSM Blogs

To these new members of our community, I bid you welcome. If you would like some blogging tips and suggestions, try these. In any case, we're very glad you're here!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Recap: MBS Sunday Brunch for Dec 18

Our topic this week was photoblogs. Here's what you think.

Pink: Having a photoblog, I'm a little bit biased. I prefer those that contain minimal text (perhaps just sourcing) so that I can let my mind wander instead of being limited to someone else's take on the picture.

In contrast, I prefer more specific descriptions when visiting text-oriented blogs. I want the writer to take me somewhere.

Blondie: I love them all! And I am glad that your MBS blog has links to them all.

Sara: Personally, I have little interest in photoblogs.

Sublime Wifey: I enjoy the photoblogs. Sometimes, I must admit that I find the professional photos, while beautifully done, a bit intimidating. Just like any photo with gorgeous models who have have perfect hair, make-up, and bottoms, I feel inadequate. The ones with photos of real people might not look as striking (haha - I think I'm punny), but I don't feel so out of place in the spanko world when I see them.

Hermione: I've always said there are two types of people in the world: those who enjoy words and those who prefer pictures. I am one of the former, and rarely enjoy my visits to photoblogs. Some spanking pictures are clever, funny, and even arousing, but when I see total nudity, exposed genitalia, sexual acts, or extreme marking, I'm outta there!

Thanks to the colour-coding in your Kindred Spirits blogroll, readers know the type of blog they are visiting before they click, so photoblogs can easily be avoided or specifically chosen, depending on personal preference.

Dr. Ken: I do enjoy the photoblogs as long as they stick to the subject of spanking and have fairly original content. I agree with Hermione when it comes to photos or drawings that are more pornographic in nature. If there is exposed genitalia, sex acts, or heavy marking, I don't go back!

The photoblogs I DON'T like are those that just raid Tumblr, Photobucket, etc. every day and re-post pictures other people just put up. That's not a blog – it's a Xerox machine!

MarQe: Surprise I like photoblogs! I have a Tumblr that is a spanking blog, but also contains some sexual content and stuff I happen to like.

I do not like images that are too severe or overtly crude in nature.

Jean Marie: My lover and I both enjoy photoblogs if they are "sexy." I realize that is subjective. We don't like ones that show heavy punishment, dreadful bruising or bloody marks. Lupus comes to mind as one of this type that we avoid. We're turned-on by blogs that seem to admire the beauty of the female derriere or show the drama of the power-play between the top and bottom. I often become very aroused looking at sites like MarQe's Study, and will either summon Keiter to the monitor to have a look for himself, or just go seduce him. Some pictures are so evocative, I have to write a short story about it, which turns me on even more...

Sunny Girl: I'm with Hermione. I'm more excited by words. I don't mind seeing a spanked bottom, but I don't like extreme marking, exposed genitalia, or explicit sex.

Daisy: I have, on occasion, visited a photoblog, some accidentally and some deliberately, and have never really enjoyed much of what I saw. I guess I am more of a words person! I agree with Hermione and others who have already posted.

Seeing naked people, or vicious looking marks, and especially exposed genitalia, actually makes me feel quite uncomfortable. And I don't like stumbling across pictures of people having sex either.
I prefer to read, and from the details given, build up my own little picture in my head!

That said, I think it is great that you include them in your blogroll. Everyone is different, and we can choose which we wish to investigate. I actually find it helpful. Each of us can more easily avoid the type of blogs we are not so interested in, and head for those we DO want to see!

TheVBB: I enjoy a good spanking photoblog as long as they stay on subject. I don't like it when I am looking through spanking pictures and all of a sudden I run across a group of explicit sexual pictures. That is not why I look at spanking photoblogs. I also do not like hard core spanking pictures such as those from Russia or Eastern Europe that are very graphic and abusive.

Mikki: I agree, word for word, with Hermione. I couldn't have said it better!

Fizzy: I think my problem with some photoblogs is that if there's something you don't want to see, it's too late. By the time you look away that image has already been seared into your brain. With text you have a bit of warning. I like to see well-chosen photos within text blogs, but my favorites have few or no photos at all.

Lea: I do like some photoblogs. I like the written word best and tend frequent those types of blogs, but photoblogs have their place.

David: I think it's all been said. I like a nice pink bottom, but those Eastern European photos are gross. As I say to mine, my safeword is for spanking my bottom, not burying a 6-inch nail!

Six of the Best: It is said that 'a picture is worth a thousand words,' and yet, I agree that the words in spanking blogs play a very important part in our spanking community. I thoroughly enjoy my communications with you and other spanking enthusiasts. As to a solution to this problem, only time will tell. Besides, I have never believed in censorship, and you probably likewise.

That's right. I believe people are smart enough to know what is appropriate for them.

Keiter: Imagine my surprise in seeing that my girlfriend had posted my point of view yesterday without checking in with me. Jeanie is currently not sitting on her adorable bottom.

To add MY perspective, I think I enjoy photoblogs more than my girlfriend (who is more visual than most women, from my experience). Women are more cerebral and men more graphic in general. I can speak for both of us to say that we like your extensive blog roll and its color coded clarity.

Our Bottoms Burn: What Hermoine said seems to be a common view and one we share "when I see total nudity, exposed genitalia, sexual acts, or extreme marking, I'm outta there!"

If it's only pictures, it had better be outstanding photography that we have never seen before. We are not good with words in our blog, so we often use pictures to express what we fail to do in words. Sometimes, I will just post a few pictures which I call a phone-in no effort post.

Bonnie: I find it difficult to paint all photoblogs with a broad brush. To be sure, there are some I find relentlessly offensive, for all of the reasons noted above. However, there are other photobloggers who seek to intrigue more than shock. Even a dedicated word nerd like me can appreciate a thoughtful and artistic presentation of spanking and romantic subjects.

For an example, I encountered a photograph a while back that showed just enough to rev my motor. In the foreground was a woman's face. Her expression was one of pure bliss. Over her shoulder, her smooth back and hips were visible. Behind her, but appearing slightly out of focus, was her lover with his strong hands gripping her hips. This photo captured the essence of lovemaking without sliding into porn. It was sex-positive and female friendly. I can tell this story with words, but it would be difficult to capture the emotion in her eyes.

Likewise, in spanking photographs, less is often more. I really want to see people's faces. I want to know about the feelings behind the action. Only then can my own imagination take over.

Understanding the diversity of tastes of MBS readers, I seek to link blogs that appeal to their interests. I include many spanking photoblogs in the mix because I think they express a perspective that is unique and, at least to some readers, valuable. There are spanking oriented photoblogs that I choose not to link for various reasons. But in general, if it relates to consensual adult spanking, you can get there from here.

Emily Winters: I prefer blogs that illustrate text with photos. It's what I do. I have a great deal of fun seeking out those copyright-free images that best present what I say in my text. I do visit both types of blogs and enjoy them all. What's not to love when a good spank is in order?

Joeyred51: I agree with Hermione and Lea. I prefer text more than just pictures. But beautiful pictures plus well written prose, such as found in Emily's blog, is the best of both worlds.

Thanks, everyone, for sharing your insights!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Remembering the Disappeared

We regularly celebrate the arrival of new blogs to our community. It's a fine day when a blogger hangs out their digital banner and begins to inform, entertain, enlighten, and befriend. I lead the way in greeting them as often as I can because these are our people and we want them to feel at home. I smile as I add each new blog to my blogrolls.

But there's another side. In the past six years, I've watched a thousand spanking-oriented blogs come and go. It pains me to remove old friends from my blogrolls because they don't post any more. I'm sure their reasons are plentiful and valid, but still I wonder.

Some blogs offer a detailed explanation – The story arc has run its course, it's just not fulfilling any more, my relationship is over, I have a new partner, I've lost my kink, I was outed, I'm sick, my days are too full, or I don't want our lives to be so public. The blogger may leave the farewell message up for days or weeks before dispatching the blog. Or it may stand forever as a memorial to the vibrant meeting place the blog once was.

Those words help readers to understand the blogger's mindset, but they're seldom satisfying. Far worse are the blogs that simply go “poof” one day without warning. What, we are left to ponder, would prompt a blogger to simply erase their wonderful creation? What could have been so horrible that all traces must immediately disappear? We just cannot know. Even very large, popular blogs have died in this inglorious fashion, shrouded in mystery.

Then there are the blogs that go private. This situation, for a reader, is somewhat better, because it holds the promise that all that great content still exists and might return one day soon. But again, we don't really know.

Finally, there are those blogs that simply stop, as if frozen in time. Has the blogger given up? Have they found a preferable pastime? Are they even alive (I know of at least three bloggers who sadly are not)? Or might they return to rescue their digital creation? Fine questions all, but the answers are elusive.

So let me ask you. Why do you think so many successful bloggers decide to pull the plug? Could it be burn-out, lack of interest, or competing priorities? Or is there something else? Or someone else? Have you ever deleted a blog? If so, please help me understand. What was your motivation? Is there anything a friend could have said to cause you to preserve the blog's content?

I think a lot about the disappeared, especially when I maintain the blogrolls. I wonder if perhaps some of them still walk among us. I'd like to think they do.

Monday, May 09, 2011

In with the New: Rising River Edition

Here for your reading pleasure is another fine collection of relatively young spanking-oriented blogs.

Caned Photoblog
Discovering Alice
Hard Palm Spankings
Heather 1
Kytten's Corner
Love Honor and Obey
More Than It Hurts Me Photoblog
My Journey into a D/s Marriage
Red Bottomed Redhead
Some Favourites Photoblog
Sugar Refined
Tail Tales
Tales of Naughtiness Photoblog
To Shock the Unsuspecting

To these new members of our community, I bid you welcome. If you would like some blogging tips and suggestions, try these. In any case, we're very glad you're here!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Sometimes, I get caught up in numbers. This blog has:

          1,389 Posts
          10.5 Million page requests
          2,039 Days since the blog began
          275 Brunches
          50 In with the New posts
          98 Spanking accounts
          15 Fictional spanking stories
          25 Tutorials
          384 Text links
          377 Chronological links
          32 MB of archived data
          3,660 Reader mail messages received
          1 Tired publisher

Yet I know behind these numbers are real people. Thank you to everyone who visits this place. I hope you will always feel at home here.

Monday, April 18, 2011

In With The New: Spring Awakening Edition

One of my favorite parts of being a blogger is the opportunity to introduce new spanking-oriented blogs and the people who publish them. Here is another fine collection worthy of your clicks.

At Her Feet
Caring Dom 20
Developing a Good Wife
Learning Domestic Discipline
Maintaining Elegans
Our Life
Pada Hastasana
Scarlett Heart
Spanked Hortic II
Spanking Desire
Spanking Enforced Diet
Stories by a Spanko
The Fun in Learning
The Spank Shop

To these new members of our community, I bid you welcome. If you would like some blogging tips and suggestions, try these. In any case, we're really glad you're here!

Monday, January 24, 2011

In with the New: Snowbound Edition

Here comes another splendid group of new spanking-related blogs. I hope you'll check them out and leave a comment on those you find to your liking.

Dieselpunk007's Blog
Disciplined Magnolia
F/M Spanking
Good Girl, Smart Girl, Pretty Girl…
Hidden Halo
Inside Out
Kind Hard Photoblog
Little Miss and Domestic Discipline
Love in a Maze
Shelter in the Storm
Spanked Princess - Mumblefish
Spanking Parties
Spanking Stories
Strictly Spanking Videos
The She-donist

To these new members of our community, I bid you welcome. If you would like some blogging tips and suggestions, try these. In any case, we're glad you're here!

Monday, December 27, 2010

In with the New: Winter Break Edition

This has been a tremendous year for spanking-oriented blogs. Many articulate and interesting friends made their blogging debuts during 2010. Our community is much richer thanks to their considerable contributions. To cap the year in fine style, we introduce one more outstanding collection of new blogs.

Defer and Submit
MoonFairy's Musings
Newly Taken
Nippin' Her in the Butt
Notes from the Workshop
OTK Spanking Photoblog
OTKate Photoblog
Spanking Photoblog
The Gift of Submission
The Quiet Man
The Sore Butt Diaries
XMemore's Blog

To these new members of our community, I wish you good fortune and good friendship. If you would like some blogging tips and suggestions, try these. In any case, we're glad you're here!

Monday, October 11, 2010

In with the New: Jack-o-Lantern Edition

Here are eleven young spanking-oriented blogs to explore and enjoy.  If you like what a blogger has to say, I hope you will leave them a comment.

A Mor-al Thoughts
Devoted Princess
DWC Desires
Get Your Daily Spankings
My Life Journey
Paddlemepink's Blog
Pie Divided
Raven Red
Samantha Woodley Fan Blog
Spanking, Panties, and More
Tenth Muse Top

To these new members of our community, I wish you friendship, fulfillment, and fun.  If you would like some blogging tips and suggestions, try these.  In any case, we're glad you're here!

Monday, September 06, 2010

In with the New: Kickoff Edition

As I discover new spanking-oriented blogs, I am struck (OK, pun intended) by the sheer number of people engaging in this activity and the wide variety of reasons why we spank. What a wonderfully diverse community we have!

Here are eleven young blogs to explore and enjoy. If you like what the blogger has to say, please tell them so.

A Clandestine Adventure
C & e: Life in DD
D's Female Naughty Butts
Emilee's Diary
Kat Obeys
My Domestic Discipline
Naughty Ness
Richard Gets Spanked
Spank Me Hard
Thinking Out Loud about TTWD

To these new members of our community, I hope you find friendship, fulfillment, and fun. If you would like some blogging tips and suggestions, try these. In any case, we're glad you're here!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Fifty Things About My Bottom Smarts

In preparation for the fifth anniversary of My Bottom Smarts later this month, I thought it might be good to present some retrospective posts, each from a different viewpoint. This first one is a variation on the popular fifty things meme. Here are fifty facts and observations about this blog that the casual reader may not know.

1. I got spanked for a couple of decades before I ever knew what a blog was. For lack of a better option, we mostly figured it out for ourselves.

2. Many of the spanking stories I published during the first couple of years pre-date the blog. As a writer, I've always enjoyed memorializing noteworthy events.

3. Some of those old stories appeared on other, now defunct forums.

4. I started MBS as a place to share my stories with like-minded people. I hoped to attract a core group of regular readers who liked spanking stories.

5. I had no inkling this blog would become popular. I still find the numbers difficult to fully grasp.

6. I remember clearly the thrill I felt when I discovered that really successful bloggers like Dan had linked me. It was a bit like being featured by Chross today.

7. In those early days, I figured that I would run out of new material within a few months. I learned that I have a lot to say about spanking.

8. Much of the inspiration for In with the New comes from Angelbrat. She no longer links blogs, but in those early days, her blog was an authoritative source for the newest in spanking blogs.

9. As popular as In with the New is, it attracts relatively few comments. I can't explain that.

10. Readers and other bloggers ask me how I find so many new blogs. I use my statistics, Google blog search, Blogger keyword search, Wordpress keyword search, and friends' blogrolls. Once in a while, a new blogger will make the job easy by contacting me.

11. I had to agree to a list of guidelines before Randy would agree to help me with my blog. They were mostly to ensure my safety. I still follow them.

12. He actually helps a lot with the blog though his words seldom appear. We co-write the responses for Keyword Chaos. We spend a very silly hour laughing together. You should see the gags I don't use!

13. I try to maintain a certain degree of civility on the blog. I love a good joke and don't mind the occasional dirty word, but I insist that readers be treated in a respectful manner.

14. Other than spam (which gets eradicated on sight), I've deleted maybe ten comments in five years. This is not a move I undertake lightly. I want readers' voices to be heard, even when I don't agree. But I won't tolerate comments that are blatantly abusive toward me, Randy, our favorite pastime, or our friends. At those rare moments, I become a benevolent dictator.

15. I wrote a one act stage play set in a spanking booth. That's something I've never seen on any other blog.

16. I want readers to feel comfortable and at home here – sort of like your favorite sister's living room.

17. I decided early on that I would not accept any sort of advertising on the blog. I've never regretted this choice. All day long, I am a mercenary author. But in this place, I am contributing editor, publisher, and chairwoman of the board. I write what I like and everything you see is here because I chose it. Complete control over content make this medium an author's paradise.

18. I receive a lot of e-mail. I try to answer it in a timely manner, but that doesn't always occur. Too often, I begin my replies with an apology. What happens is that I ignore it for a few days and then get so far behind that I don't even want to look. Perhaps spankings would help...

19. The spanking story that readers most frequently ask about was one of my oldest. It's called The Boat Story.

20. There have been a number of occasions when other blogs have borrowed features they saw here. I consider this a kind of tribute, especially if they morph the idea into something that is uniquely theirs.

21. If this blog has a central theme, it is that consensual adult spanking can greatly enhance a loving relationship. That, and it's fun!

22. There are a few prominent and respected bloggers who want nothing to do with Love Our Lurkers Day (watch this space for our LOL 2010 announcement). I don't entirely understand their objections, but I certainly respect them.

23. I hope there aren't any lurkers out there who think they have to remain silent until October. Truth be known, we love you all year round.

24. As a professional journalist, writing fiction was never something I felt I did well. It's much more difficult and time consuming for me than describing real life events. I think my best fictional story is The Sphere. It was my first ever attempt at science fiction. It explores the physics and feelings associated with spanking and lovemaking in zero gravity.

25. One fun aspect of fiction is that it allows me to explore disciplinary themes that are not a part of my relationship with Randy.

26. The brunch began as an experiment. I didn't expect it to be an every week feature, let alone run for years. People ask where I get brunch topics. Many are submitted by readers. Others are inspired by events around here, stories in the news, or other blogs. If all else fails, I'll update an old topic.

27. For every blog feature that succeeded, there were probably two more that didn't. My philosophy is to try everything and keep the stuff that works.

28. Readers consistently tell me that the blogroll is one of their favorite features. It takes a lot of time, but it's tolerable thanks to good help from a great friend.

29. I use both the chronological and alphabetical blogrolls. I think others do too, but I haven't any way to track that.

30. From time to time, a reader will suggest that I should link this blog or not link that one. People have specific tastes, and I get that. But I try to link blogs that a reasonable segment of my audience will enjoy. If F/M, for example, is not your preference, that's perfectly fine. But let's not isolate these folks.

31. Readers write and ask me bizarre questions like, “Do you really get spanked?” “Do you really like it?” and even, “Are you a woman?” For those keeping score at home, the answer to all three is yes. I suspect some of these people ask me (or tell me) weird things just to see if I will mention them in the blog.

32. I used to write a lot more humorous posts. I'm not sure why those dried up. It wasn't a conscious choice.

33. One feature I've always wanted to try is an interview segment. I really like what Suzy is doing. I particularly appreciate her choice of subjects. Everyone interviews the spanking models, and we do love them, but it's great to hear from regular spankos too. Were I to try an interview feature, I would probably choose a somewhat similar format.

34. Nothing I write increases readership as much as a photograph of my rear. I guess we have to conclude that while the pen may be mightier than the sword, it's no match for a curvy pear.

35. I have a small group of readers I have dubbed the panty patrol. They write me to ask when I'm am going to show them more visible panty lines.

36. I love song parodies. I used to post a lot of these. Perhaps it's a good time to revisit the concept.

37. It bugs me when sites republish my content without permission and then adorn it with tacky ads. They steal my words, my readers, and my integity.

38. The MBS paddle logo was created by Dante.

39. I think I like the followers gizmo. It helps new people find my blog. But it also provides a path from my blog to spammish places I would not normally send readers. I try to block the worst of them, but I'm not very discriminating at this stage.

40. We need to invite Daisy to brunch because she is a much better cook than I am!

41. I'm glad that people liked the blogging tips post. It's off-topic, but it has the potential to assist community members. I am thinking about making it a stand-alone page.

42. The best part about blogging is the opportunity to meet and talk with so many interesting friends.

43. The second best part of blogging is when Randy reads the blog and gets inspired by what I wrote.

44. The worst thing about blogging is not having enough time to do everything I think needs to be done. I feel bad when I realize that I haven't spent time at a favorite blog in weeks.

45. Randy says my blog needs monkeys. I say the last time I mentioned the subject, I ended up up-ended.

46. Sometime around the end of the year, MBS should record our ten millionth page request. That will be an event worthy of celebration. But I'm really curious to see whether my counter will display eight digits!

47. When readers ask how long I plan to keep blogging, I never have a good answer. I'm sure I will call it quits someday. But that day is not today and it probably won't be tomorrow. I guess I would stop if blogging ceased to be fun.

48. My polls tell me that MBS readership is consistently about 60/40 male to female. Comments, however, run more like 70/30 female to male. I'm not sure why that is.

49. When I updated the template, I dumped all those little chicklet links. Did anyone miss them? I figured out that I wasn't getting many hits from those sites, so why bother?

50. I think the biggest difference between Bonnie the blogger and real life Bonnie is that my cyber incarnation is nicer and more patient. When I'm having a epic bad day, I typically don't blog.

So there you have it – Fifty things about MBS.