Showing posts with label spanking words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spanking words. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Butt-Hurt? I Know About That

Earlier this week, a younger coworker told me that a third colleague was "butt-hurt" over a recent management decision. My mind immediately drifted away to visions of being spanked while lying across someone's lap. I recovered enough to respond with something vaguely relevant to the conversation. But the image remained in my consciousness. Truth be told, it doesn't take much to get thoughts of spankings stuck in my brain and there is only one reliable method to chase them away. But I was working so that would have to wait.

The definition above is from the Urban Dictionary, a fine source for words that Webster hasn't yet gotten around to including.

I love unexpected spanking references, even when they aren't exactly meant as spanking references. When it happens, I hide my secret smile when I recognize that the discussion has moved to familiar ground. I'd never say, "You have no idea...," but I can think it real loud.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Recap: MBS Sunday Brunch for July 11

Our task this week was to assemble ten words we associate with spanking. Here are our words.

HerKnee: Ten words, okay... When the implement first lands, I always think the same thing:
  1. What
  2. was
  3. I
  4. thinking
  5. when
  1. I
  2. thought
  3. I
  4. liked
  5. spanking?
Hermione: What a wonderfully creative brunch topic. I love it! My words are:
  1. Anticipation
  2. Anxiety
  3. Acceptance
  4. Pain
  5. Pleasure
  1. Music
  2. Magic
  3. Burn
  4. Bliss
  5. Peace
Beth Eisley:
  1. Intimacy
  2. Pain
  3. Difficult
  4. Fulfilling
  5. Paradoxical
  1. Control
  2. Emotional
  3. Complex
  4. Demanding
  5. Intrinsic
  1. Unbalanced
  2. Expectation
  3. Excitement
  4. Nervous
  5. Whack
  1. Ouch
  2. Hello
  3. Fairies
  4. Crash
  5. Balanced
  1. Ouchy
  2. Fun
  3. Wonderfully
  4. Humiliating
  5. Belt
  1. Naughty
  2. Submissive
  3. Loving
  4. Intimate
  5. Panties
  1. Apprehension
  2. Excitement
  3. Anticipation
  4. Nervous
  5. Embarrassment
  1. Paddle
  2. Submissive
  3. Love
  4. Discipline
  5. Painful
  1. Odd
  2. Play
  3. Mind
  4. Sex
  5. Peace
  1. Naughty
  2. Passion
  3. Dynamite
  4. Thrilling
  5. Fulfilling
  1. Sex
  2. Game
  3. Submission
  4. Intimate
  5. Accepting
  1. Playful
  2. Energy
  3. Fun
  4. Uncertainty
  5. Suspense
  1. Sensual
  2. Sexy
  3. Arousing
  4. Stingy
  5. Warm
  1. Red
  2. Tingly
  3. Intimate
  4. Fun
  5. Obsession
Dr. Ken:
  1. Emotional
  2. Mental
  3. Control
  4. Laughter
  5. Sensual
  1. Erotic
  2. Fulfilling
  3. Discipline (on occasion)
  4. Satisfying
  5. Bouncy :-)
A'marie: OK, I TRIED not to cheat and look at anyone else's "paper." :D
  1. Red
  2. Paddle
  3. Control
  4. Sex
  5. Anticipation
  1. Belt
  2. Mischief
  3. Ass
  4. Lash
  5. Moan
Oliver Strict:
  1. Discipline
  2. Authority
  3. Control
  4. Acceptence
  5. Embarrassment
  1. Emotion
  2. Excitement
  3. Stinging
  4. Bottom
  5. Love
Daisy: OK, maybe that was cheating... Here goes...
  1. Apprehension
  2. Embarrassment
  3. Humiliation
  4. Power-exchange
  5. Consequences
  1. Responsibility
  2. Sexyyyyyyyy
  3. Pain
  4. Release
  5. Love
I actually needed far more than ten words, haha!

Ronnie: Only 10 Bonnie :)
  1. Anticipation
  2. Acceptance
  3. Pleasure
  4. Pain
  5. Respect
  1. Bonding
  2. Deference
  3. Sharing
  4. Trust
  5. Commitment
  1. Life
  2. without
  3. spanking
  4. would
  5. be
  1. like
  2. Christmas
  3. without
  4. any
  5. presents
  1. Lust
  2. Fear
  3. Pain
  4. Anger
  5. Fury
  1. Despair
  2. Tears
  3. Cuddling
  4. Happiness
  5. Exhaustion
  1. Anticipation
  2. Being
  3. Held
  4. Fingers
  5. Sliding
  1. Down
  2. Lingering
  3. Burning
  4. Sensation
  5. Later
Male Spanko in NYC:
  1. Private
  2. Caring
  3. Passion
  4. Thrilling
  5. Sharing
  1. Secrets
  2. Bare-Bottomed (two words, cheating)
  3. Kicking
  4. Blushing
  5. Woman
I'm an avid, semi-closeted reader of your fabulous weblog from the beginning, Bonnie!

Wow, thank you for your years of dedicated readership!

  1. Exhilaration
  2. Bonding
  3. Relief
  4. Spirituality
  5. Submission
  1. Prostrate
  2. Shock
  3. Soreness
  4. Romance
  5. Afterglow
Thank you all for joining in!

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Recap: MBS Sunday Brunch for June 6

Our topic this week was reactions to the use of spanking words during otherwise vanilla conversations. Here are your thoughts.

Poppy: I had to talk a lot at work about a process with a name that was shortened to CP. I would go from very businesslike and relaxed to a blathering idiot if I thought about what I was saying.

I can say someone will "get a spanking" at work – from a boss, not from me – if they have done something bad, but only with very close friends. Other than that, if even a suggestion of spanking comes up, I look like a terrible prude because I purse my lips and won't say a word. It is because I think I may die of shyness, but no one knows that.

Six of the Best: When I hear certain words that I associate from the past, such as England, the number six, knickers, or garter-belt and stockings, my erotics flash back to me.

Hermione: It happens far too often at work. Someone will say "carrot and stick," "crack the whip," "whip them into shape," "so spank me," or "what can we do [with uncooperative clients] - spank them?" and I will have the same reactions you mentioned. I struggle not to react, all the while wondering if the speaker has guessed. In fact, I suspect I may work with a spanko or two, because of the frequency of spanking references, but I'll never know for sure.

I make a point of never speaking spanking-related words for fear of giving myself away. The only exception is talking with Ron, and I have a post coming up this week that addresses that topic.

Mija: Whenever I hear someone say "brand spanking new" or something like that in a vanilla context, my first thought is "not a spanko."

It may just be the company I keep, but I've never heard anyone in the scene use the word casually and I know I can't. It just has too much power.

Spanked by Wife: I am lucky enough to be with a Lady who won't hesitate to roast my bottom when necessary and sometimes when I request it (because it's something that I need). Just a few days ago, she fulfilled a request and delivered one of her best spankings ever.

I decided to send her flowers the next day as a token of my gratitude. I didn't want to hold back when it came time to tell the florist what I wanted to say on the card. I just held my breath and requested, "Thanks for disciplining me last night. Spanking me the way you did shows how much you care for me." It was somewhat embarrassing and difficult for me, but I wanted the card to convey my thoughts.

What was interesting was the florist's reaction. She expressed thoughts that indicated that she approved and told me she was going to show this one to her husband!

Dan Navarro: I'm considered a normal, middle-class husband and father. Of course, I keep my spanking fetish a secret from people I love, but when there comes an opportunity to talk about spanking, I have no reticence about jumping into the conversation.

One example is a recent conversation with vanilla friends about our favorite TV shows. I offered that one of my all-time favorites is "Weeds" on Showtime. My friends seem interested to know what I could possibly like about a series that shows a suburban mother dealing pot. I matter-of-factly replied that I'm not into the pot thing, I just enjoyed that magnificent scene where the lead actress, Mary Louise Parker, gets a solid, over-the-knee spanking from Demian Bichir, her on-screen lover.

My friends' comments told me that some of them had actually viewed that scene, but they quickly changed the subject and went on with other matters. I don't hide the fact that I am a spanko when a opportunity legitimately presents itself.

R Humphries: I have posted extensively about those wonderful moments that I call the Vanilla Nuggets. These are when totally vanilla conversations turn to the subject of corporal punishment or spanking. This was not uncommon in the UK, back in the day, especially around the time when CP was being controversially abolished.

There are two moments that I still savor. The first occurred in a London pub. A colleague was bemoaning the errancy of one of his offspring and kvetching over the fact that the school was no longer allowed to give him six of the best. Our Girl Friday quite unexpectedly piped in that “we used to get swished by the prefects at school.” Unfortunately, this line of conversation was interrupted by a barmaid taking last orders and by the time she was finished the subject matter had changed. I spent the next month using all kinds of stealth tactics to extract more information out of Girl Friday, but sadly, I had no luck.

The second classic moment occurred when I was dining with an old friend and her mother. We were reminiscing about the wayward ways of the eldest son of the piece when the mother chimed in, “but it was always Debbie who needed to be spanked.” This caused me to almost choke on a rather fine Shiraz! Debbie just giggled and pointed out that she had turned out OK and again the subject moved on.

In many ways these magical Vanilla Nuggets delivered in normal day-to-day conversation are of more inspiration to me as a writer than more conventional spanking observations made by real-life spankos and spankettes. The moral of the story is to keep your ears pricked at all times. Those nuggets are out there.

Ronnie: At the office, if I hear anyone mention any words related to TTWD, it stops me dead in my tracks. I wonder whether they are taking about me, and what they have found out.

When I'm out and about, it actually amuses me to hear those words. It gives me a lovely warm feeling. :)

Thomas: Having been 100% "out" for some time now, I have little pause for using these words in vanilla conversation, and my friends/family/coworkers know that I'm probably throwing them in for very non-vanilla reasons. As such, it's never REALLY a vanilla conversation as long as I'm around. One particularly conservative and prudish manager of mine, who also happens to be an ardent fan of John Wayne, gets that look on his face when I mention the Duke's spanking scenes. I'm sure that he'd much rather forget that those existed. :P

Hal: I can feel myself blush every time I hear any reference to TTWD in vanilla company. I cannot join in the conversation, the words just get stuck in my throat! Heck though, I still am a little embarrassed saying it in front of spanko friends! Maybe I was just born a prude, and that's a difficult thing for a spanko! LOL

Make Mine Red: I've always found it very difficult to join in on those conversations. But they do catch my ear and I just smile and listen... and think about them later.

Elysia: Years and years ago, while having lunch with some work colleagues, the conversation turned to spanking. It seemed that my friends were very happy to talk about their spankings from childhood. I had very few to share, but listened intently. Everyday for about a week we talked about spanking at lunch. I remember it like a wonderful vacation. I'm not sure if they were vanilla, because the conversation sometimes wandered to adult situations. I'm sure that I blushed a few times, because Henry and I had "dabbled" in the erotic spanking. I was too shy to share that though. Probably couldn't go there today either, and I might turn a darker shade of pink – in my face that is!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our brunch! Randy and I will be away for the next two weekends. During that time, our community brunch will be in the capable hands of Hermione. I hope you will join her and share your insights.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Recap: MBS Sunday Brunch for August 31

Our topic this week was first reactions when one hears the work “spanking” in an unexpected context. Here are your responses.

Daisy: My first thought? "Yes, oh, yes please....!"

Never mind the context in which it was SAID, the word sends a delicious shiver right through me. I couldn't describe it as pure pleasure, nor as dread. It falls somewhere between the two, with a chunk of each. Ha ha. But the feeling is still one of longing... for that special moment to arrive.

Thomas: Regardless of where I hear it, my ears perk up a little and I try to hear more of what's being said. Chances are, unless they're talking about spanking children, I'm going to stick my nose in and make some kind of comment about it. If I'm wearing one of my spanking t-shirts or hat, I may even offer my services to whatever naughty party is being marked as deserving. ;)

Michelle: My ears perk up, and I listen to the conversation. It doesn't matter whether they are talking about Shadow Lane spanking videos or a brand spanking new car, my spine tingles and I start to get excited.

Girl: Oh God, it's always embarrassing. When I think of the top ten words I find most erotic, spanking is the number one. Thus, when I hear terms like "The Roman's spanked the Greeks in that war" (my Social Studies teacher in high school loved to used the word "spanked" for won) or "They spanked the opposition" to be more general, I get a little flushed. I would simply never use the word outside of innuendo and sexual context. My partner and I both tend to get a smirk when spanking is brought up. Toying with the vanillas who know what we do can be terribly amusing. But overall, I just perk up. Who knows? If they're talking about spanking, the person in question might just make a new friend!

Heather: Typically, I don't think a whole lot about it. I know that's not the response you're looking for, but that's how it is for me.

Lucy: I'm convinced that I've "outed" myself to strangers this way. When I hear the word in any context, my face goes bright red and a delicious shiver runs through my spine. I'm always afraid that people can tell I'm aroused by the word. I definitely have to agree with Girl. It's not a word that I tend to use in day to day conversations because it is so sexually charged in my mind.

Stacy: My first thought is usually a mix between a "Oh yes, please!" and a "When and where?" thought. This is usually followed by butterflies or shivers, or a smirk, or a leap of the heart.

Naomi: I don't even know. My reaction is somewhere behind the locked door of my subconscious, so trying to pin a special word or description on it is hopeless, and would probably end up being false.

However, I can tell you that my stomach gets a tickle in it and I get nervous. This is especially true when it's a family member saying the word. I automatically assume they know that Scott spanks me, at least for a split second, and then I go back to reality, take a deep breath and go on, unfathomed.

It's a pretty strange experience, actually. I'd rather not have people say the word 'spanking' around me. LOL. Even when Scott says the word 'spanking' I get nervous. I don't think it's in fear. It's more in an anxious sort of embarrassed way.

I'm so used to being secretive and ashamed of my spanking desires that even the word being said brings me back to those days.

Dr. Ken: If a female uses the word "spanking" in some way, my inevitable thought is, "Yeah, I'd like to give YOU a spanking." If it's a male using the word, I usually wind up thinking, "I wish I had somebody at home to spank..."

Paul: Being a widower Dom my feeling is one of gentle regret.

Hermione: My first thought is usually "Did I really hear that?" But thinking happens a long time after all of the uncontrollable physical responses that immediately occur. Like several others who have responded, my face flushes, my heart rate and breathing speed up, and I become sexually aroused. If I hear the word at work, I try not to react further, but if I'm at home and hear it on the radio or television, then it's safe to laugh or comment. In either case, I listen carefully because I hope to hear more.

Prefectdt: Nearly twenty years of living a very secretive life, even from most other spankos, has left me with a knee jerk reaction of "run and hide." I have to fight this off, as I am now trying to be as out as possible, even with my vanilla friends, without freaking them out about it.

Now, as long as the conversation is not about kids or my mother is there, I try to use the situation to be a little more honest about myself than I used to be with people.

Frank Spanko: When I hear the work "spanking" uttered, I usually think of, well, spankings.

Mike: One of the first thoughts that comes to mind is whether the person who said it is into spanking or not?

Kate: I think of my Master's hands on my rosy bottom!

Greenwoman: I'm all ears...*grins*

I usually look down at my hands immediately so that my expression betrays nothing, but I'm all ears. The next thoughts will go one of two ways, as spankee or spanker... Of course, those thoughts are typical once they get there, so I'm sure you don't need me to say the rest. *winks and smiles*

Anon VII: To me, the word is intertwined inseparably with private, intense personal intimacy between two adults. I'm not into spanking children (many years ago, I gave my now-grown daughter one little pop with my hand on one occasion for spitting in a fit of temper), and Meg and I aren't into punishment, so to me the punitive implications are alien. For that reason, it grates on my nerves to hear it referred to either flippantly or as a threat. Occasionally, I overhear a wife or lady-friend tease her significant other with what's rather clearly an invitation, but to me that's a public display of affection unless I have reason to infer from facial expression, tone of voice, or situational context that it's a taunt, to which I do not care to be privy.

Along with the frankly sexual connotation of the word, there is to me an implication of trust - confidence that the other will not be abusive but will provide the recipient with a high level of pleasure. I'm aware, of course, that I'm reading into that the manner in which Meg and I use the word, and that such does not always apply to everyone. Hence, when I hear the word used in a way that I cannot reconcile with that view, I cringe.

Jujubees: No matter where I am, I do a double take. I can't help it and I always hope no one is onto me.

Anon: Awhile back, my boss made a comment that I had "spanked" him. I think I played it off well, but I also wonder if he can tell.

Maryann: I heard the word just yesterday at the mall and shot a grin at Max. Then I realized a mother was threatening her little girl and it didn't seem fun any more. :(

Our Bottoms Burn: When I hear a female use the word, I quickly give her bottom a glance to see how spankable it is.

Yeah, I know. I am totally without any redeeming graces.

Lee: I perk up, in many different ways. It doesn't affect me that way if a kid is being threatened or punished, BUT if a "spankable" male is talking about his own childhood spankings, it does. After all, I know him NOW, and can only imagine his CURRENT reaction. I hear most of my out-of-context "spanking" this way.

Bonnie: I have a whole lot of different reactions that cascade in rapid sequence when my ears detect that magic word. To answer the question as presented, though, the very first one is “What? Did I just hear what I think I heard?”

Even if I determine that the context is not particularly appealing, the word stays with me and energizes my sexual interest. If the rest of the conversation (or that portion I can manage to overhear) is irrelevant, my mind is off and flying with my own spanking-oriented fantasies. Should, however, the discussion provide fodder for my imagination, so much the better!

As with many things, the moment of reckoning is swift and unavoidable. I ask myself whether I am blushing (probably), whether anyone has noticed (perhaps), and whether I can hide my enthusiastic reaction (doubtful). I next locate some small item in my purse that seems to require my complete and immediate attention. The fact that I don’t conceal my intense interest very effectively doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try, and a valiant try it is. But I can’t help it. It’s my kink.

Thank you again, dear friends, for joining our Sunday get together. I hope you will stop back next week!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Top Ten: More Magic Words

Tim over at Spanking Central posted a top ten list of otherwise innocent words and phrases that scream SPANKING to those of us so attuned. I think his list is excellent. In fact, I offer this second group of ten to augment it.
  1. When a sportscaster says team A spanked team B, I picture baseball players in the locker room rubbing their strike zones!

  2. Speaking of baseball, who can't appreciate the "Sultan of Swat?"

  3. Any sort of "corrective measures" or "punitive damages"

  4. An initiation ritual of any kind

  5. "My seat was very uncomfortable."

  6. "A turn-around specialist is working with the board of education."

  7. "Excuse me, I'm late for my tanning session."

  8. Rump roast

  9. On the "hot seat"

  10. "Feel the burn..."