Sunday, April 11, 2010

Recap: MBS Sunday Brunch for Apr 11

Our topic this week was SpankingTube. Here are your reactions.

Naomi: I love SpankingTube! I go on there occasionally, maybe every two weeks or so, and just browse the new videos. I am more interested in the real couples making home videos. I can relate more and I just sit there and think how brave they are!

I would love to make a video and share it on SpankingTube. But I haven't grown big enough nads for it yet.

Poppy: I don't tend to go there at all.

I find spanking videos almost too much for me. I am so picky about my tastes that it would have to be just so. When I do see a spanking video, I get overwhelmed. The sounds, the words, and the sight of a bum make me have to hide my eyes and crawl under a sofa.

I think it is a great idea and I applaud those people who put things up there, but it is too much stimulus for me. I need someone else to be in charge when I see or experience anything connected to spanking.

I bet I will be the only person who is so easily floored by the whole thing.

Janet: I have never heard of SpankingTube, but I will be sure to check it out! Thanks for the heads up.

Hermione: I have visited once or twice, but I tend to feel it is overwhelming. There is so much there, I don't know where to start.

Like Poppy, I am picky about quality, and I would want to watch something that appeals to me personally, not just any spanking. If I knew specifically where to look for something that I could relate to, I might watch it.

I'm sure that for those who feel comfortable filming their spankings, it's a great place to put them on display. I feel slightly embarrassed watching people do something that I consider an intimate act in front of a camera.

So Poppy, you aren't the only one. It really isn't for me either.

Sunflower: I've also never been to SpankingTube. I'm with Poppy and Hermione in how picky I am about the things I want to watch. I've honestly never checked it out because 1) I prefer to read my erotica rather then watch it, and 2) there is a plethora of well written spanking stories on the various blogs I already visit so I've never felt an urge to look. Maybe someday I will.

I'm also still somewhat shy about exploring the internet for TTWD, so I've never gotten the gumption to watch a video, even if I had the desire!

Jean Marie: Like Naomi, I love SpankingTube. When I have time, I surf it for great lengths of time. Soon I find that I have to disrobe and touch myself as I watch and fantasize and self-spank.

Mark: I'm probably in the minority on this blog since I am spanked by my wife. But SpankingTube doesn't have much F/m stuff. I like watching cute girls get spankings too though. The videos tend to leave out the best part (to me at least) which is the scolding and 'aftercare'.

Daisy: I often go to SpankingTube. I have seen virtually every video on it for the past year or two! However, I tend to watch only the first few seconds of each. They are "much of a muchness" and, as others have said, I am particular about what I want to see!

I like the ones where the girl objects, but is spanked anyway, by a loving partner, not the "actor" ones. I can't bear the ones where the spankee is passive and just lies there, no squirming, squealing, footlifting or hands flying back.

I also like to hear a lecture about why it is taking place. There is one actor who always lectures with one word to each spank, it gets so irritating. If he is in a video, I switch it off as soon as I see it is him!
There are some great amateur home videos though. They are really the best ones. The only exception is a fantastic video by Amber Pixie Wells where she is waiting for a spanking. The acting throughout is awesome. It's my all time favorite.

I would never appear in a video, much less post it for others. I'm not brave enough for that, and much too paranoid!

Dr. Ken: I don't go to SpankingTube. I have nothing against it. I just have a really ancient computer and it would probably take hours to load the smallest of clips!

I don't just "buy a new computer" because I really can't afford it right now, and the old one still does all the things I really need. If my computer were new, I'd probably spend a little time checking it out, but I doubt I would spend very much time there. I'm with Poppy and Hermione on this one.

Loki: I love SpankingTube! I have never seen such a variety of spankings all in one place.

Now as for favorites, while I will always love spanking video company productions, I am very partial to videos made by we average non-actors. Real is always the best! And I do plan to add me and my wife to the mix!

Scunge: My Sir and I also LOVE SpankingTube. We don't watch,well at least I don't watch, the hardcore torture videos. Lately, there do seem to be more males getting spanked as well. I used to go there quite a bit, but now it is maybe about once a month or so.

Anon #1: There is very little on SpankingTube that I don't like. Most everything posted I consume avidly.

I'm there daily for relatively short lengths of time, and will watch most anything. I can't tolerate viewing some of the amateur "actors" due to a possibly unfair bias I've developed toward certain tops who seem like such lowlifes! I know that's elitist, but it's how I feel and I'm sure I'm not alone in that assessment. Anyway, I hope SpankingTube is around for a very long time. It has really saved the day for me, especially as I recall all the time, effort and money I wasted doing what I had to do before the internet.

Also, I am SO glad some are finding SpankingTube for the first time thanks to MBS!

Another point: I recognize that commercial sites are the backbone of SpankingTube as an enterprise, and most likely one operator in particular.

For me, I can't imagine NEEDING more than this vast array of delightful vignettes, as opposed to
actually buying the longform versions. Again, that's just me. Obviously, enough paying customers launch off of SpankingTube and support producers with their (repeat) business, or it wouldn't exist.

As an aside to Dr. Ken, there has to be a way to beef up even your dinosaur of a computer. You're missing too much not having the capability to watch ST!

Anon #2: I LOVE Spanking Tube! I visit a couple of times a week. My favorites are M/F, but I like F/F as well. I especially like paddlings and hairbrush spankings.

Anon #3: Many of the videos on SpankingTube are too harsh for me to watch. I agree that "real" M/f are best. I like to see the woman's face and hear her protests.

Betina: I like SpankingTube, but I do not watch everything on it. I just click the videos I think I will like based upon the mouseover text and the picture. I think it's wonderful that some are brave enough to post there, but I never would.

Ronnie: I'm sorry,but I can't really be of any help. I have only visited the site once. I didn't know where to start and haven't been back.

R Humphries: SpankoTube is not really to our particular tastes. Nonetheless, any service that expands access to new material within the community should be encouraged and applauded.

Anon #4: It's good for a visit now and then, but too many videos don't have emotion behind them. They're all mechanical. There are not enough videos where affection and release are strongly carried forth, IMHO.

So, yeah, I guess I'm "picky" too.

Prefectdt: I go to SpankingTube when I can and enjoy it, but it is difficult to find enough computer time to go there as often as I would like.

I submitted a clip to SpankingTube once, but it was not accepted. I did not mind so much that they did not put it up, perhaps it was just something that was not their sort of thing, but I was rather annoyed that they never gave a reason.

For some reason, I have difficulty embedding clips from SpankingTube on my blog. Any tips or tricks would be very welcome.

Bonnie: Video is not my favorite medium. Unlike prose or even still photographs, it typically leaves nothing to the imagination. With that said, I enjoy watching many SpankingTube videos.

The videos that appeal to me are first and foremost those crafted by genuine spanking enthusiasts. They understand and convey how real people spank and are spanked. The banter is not just believable, it's authentic. These sequences are never 23 seconds in length. Nor are they offered solely as teasers for longer clips at a pay service. I have no gripe with professional producers, and I might well like their complete films, but those two or three whack snippets on SpankingTube are a waste of my time.

It's extremely unlikely that Randy and I would ever post video on a public site. That's just not us.

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and insights. I hope you'll join us again next weekend for more fun discussion.


Anonymous said...

My hubby turns on spanking tube and it is only of few minutes of HEARING the spankings that I am totally ready for mine. (He is too). I would rather hear than see it. And I love the sounds of the particularly British scoldings. Fonda Redcheeks

K said...

I thought spanking tube was another way of saying spank the monkey. Shows how much I know. Can't wait to check it out.

sixofthebest said...

Once in a while, I visit 'spanking tube' blog, and find their selection of videos most enjoyable.

dublin.paolo said...

The introduction of Spanking Tube put an end to my affair with You Tube....cuts out that tedious searching for what I do want to find :)

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