This week, we discussed reactions to news reports about a Jennifer Lopez spanking tape. Here are your thoughts.
S.N.M.: There's not that much to say, really. The guy seems like a celebrity hanger-on trying to capitalize on his "conquest." I pity Jennifer, but also wonder how she ended up marrying the jerk in the first place. Anyway, it doesn't seem like she's at the risk of losing this legal battle, so not a big deal either way.
Now, on to the fun part. J-Lo likes being spanked? Holy crap, that's awesome! I guess we can stop worrying about that monolithically gorgeous ass going to waste.
Sara: Personally, I have little respect for a man who needs to kiss and tell OR spank and tell! As for the interest in spanking, I am beginning to believe there are lots more of "us" than I once did.
Diesel Diva: Monolithically gorgeous! OMG, that's funny. I have to totally agree with you, Bonnie. My thought patterns followed about the same route. Like so many other things that happen in our society today, JLo's video is absolutely none of our business. The fact that it exists should be between the two of them only. If that slimeball decides to make it public knowledge, he should suffer the legal consequences. Things like this wouldn't be news if the general public didn't pay attention. I personally don't care about Tiger's antics, Jon & Kate or Octomom. It's a media attempt to distract us from the systematic rape of our rights by Washington's elected elite.
Hermione: I hadn't heard about this until today, but it was a stroke of luck to find a link to the item with an actual reference to spanking. So often in this type of story, the details of the actual content of the video would have been omitted. So that was my first thought. But besides that, yeah, what a sleazoid he was, to do something like that. And I agree with Sara, spanking is probably more common than we think.
R Humphries: Shame on you Bonnie, for missing the latest breaking story on TMZ, ‘Tiger Spanks JLo in Secret Vegas Tryst.’ No, just joking!
Personally, I feel sorry for Ms. Lopez. Most of us humans engage in all sorts of experimentation during the discovery of our erotic id. The gutter-press tries to make this sound like ‘her sordid past’ when it is nothing of the sort. She was just doing what many married couples do in making a home video. Clearly the sleazebag of the piece is the former-husband. I’m sure that the courts will find in her favor, but as usual, she has been subjected to unfair public scrutiny and the only people who benefit are incorrigible media barons. Hopefully, her current husband will see the funny side and simply do the right thing and put her over his knee...
Todd: I'm not surprised that J-Lo is a spanko. Not at all. I have been working on a post about her getting her butt insured for a while. Why would you do that unless it's getting spanked? LOL
As for the video thing, there's not much to say beyond what you've already said. The ex-husband is slimy and what he tried to do is disgusting. Beyond that, a good question is if the video is released, would you watch it? It gets out there in a slimy way, but it is J-Lo getting a spanking...
This probably means that I'm going to hell, LOL, but I think I'd watch it.
No, I can't imagine watching someone's private bedroom video. Randy, however, would probably pay top dollar for a blue-ray version.
Annabelle: Personally, I care nothing about celebrities, positive or negative.
About a year and a half ago, I overheard my uncle threatening my aunt with a spanking and I was instantly amused. Then they moved to a new house and remodeled the kitchen. When I went to see the new kitchen, I wanted to bring a gift to celebrate their work, so I asked my cousin for suggestions. She told me her mom "LOVED" spatulas.
It was a bit weird going shopping for her wondering if the spatulas were going to be used for cooking or as pervertables! (Yes, I bought a nice wooden set).
Jean Marie: My thoughts traversed the same trajectory as previously discussed, but I know for a fact that JLo got a judge to immediately issue a restraining order, so we won't see the taped spanking. I have to guiltily admit that I was disappointed more in not getting a glimpse than in the sleaze-ball's attempt to cash in on their romp.
Dr. Ken: It seems like almost every week now we hear about some "celebrity" involved in a sex tape scandal. The only thing that comes to my mind is: Please – everybody, celebrity or average citizen – STOP TAPING YOURSELVES!
Our Bottoms Burn: Sure, he is a sleazeball. What we don't understand is Bonnie's third thought about feeling guilty. When you summarize comments please explain that for us dense ones that have not yet had coffee.
Bogey and Becall, Jennifer Lopez was a person long before she was a celebrity. As such, I think she doesn't deserve to have the most intimate details of her personal life spread all over the tabloids. I love a good spanking and I actively promote the practice among those of us who share this interest. Even so, I would be very upset if some inconsiderate person outed us to our family, co-workers, and vanilla friends. I feel guilty because this is information that we should not know.
Spank-A-Lot: Personally, I guess a majority of us would agree that J. Lo's ex is pretty much an a-hole for trying to peddle the video. However, unlike Bonnie, I do not feel guilty for almost jumping in the air and cheering that J. Lo is a spanko! With an ass like hers, it probably would be a sin to not be a spanko.
While there is talk about superstars being entitled to privacy, the reality of life is that rumours and scandals really fuel their careers. It's like being a garbage cleaner and moaning about the stench of rubbish or maybe a teacher who hates kids. It doesn't take rocket science to know that being a celeb means a loss of privacy. Each celebrity has the choice to quit being a celebrity and enjoy their privacy, or continue being one and not moan about the loss of privacy.
While Ojani's actions are downright despicable, I feel no guilt about being happy to know that J. Lo is a spanko! :)
Jack: The is nothing better than seeing a big-butted woman spanked!
Bumtickler: Her ex-husband is a non-person and should realize that and crawl into a hole along with all the others who do stuff to appear in the tabloids.
A one-time alleged spanking video does not make her a spanko (why didn't she destroy it or lock it up?). She has the equipment for it and that leaves a lot of us drooling and hoping. Maybe what we need is for someone well-known to "come out" and that will bring us into the mainstream.
There probably are a lot of us around. I wish I had some way of identifying them. I ordered some buttons from Birchwood to let others know about me. I haven't gotten them yet (hint, hint).
Missy: Wow, we're nearly unanimous on this one. Usually I'm not interested in celebrity sex tapes, but I must admit that the sheer poetic serendipity of Jenny's bounteous bahookie getting a spanking is pretty irresistible.
PK: I am very proud that J-Lo is a spanko. I don't even need to mention the creep to whom she was married, but J-Lo has done nothing to be ashamed of. Being a spanko is a healthy, happy way to live if you find the right person. I think we all know that. But EVERYONE deserve their privacy.
I have thought at times how hard it must be if you were famous and also a spanko who, like most of us, want to keep this desire somewhat private. Imagine if Michelle Obama, Oprah or Julia Roberts wanted to read or write a blog of this nature. What if they wanted to order some toys? In a way with all their fame and pull, they would have less freedom than any of us.
I think it will be great when our kink becomes more mainstream and we won't have to feel as though we have to hide.
Em: I'm probably one of the least informed people in this country when it comes to items of this nature because I try to avoid them as best as possible. I don't believe that celebrities owe us anything other than their best work in whichever field they have made their fame. Their private life is theirs and I wish it would remain so.
I wouldn't watch the video if it were released (although I can't say I wouldn't be tempted in this case) and I try not to click on "news stories" like these. I think it's for the same reason I refuse to watch reality TV. Now, if the article were written in a POSITIVE manner, that would be something I'd sit down with over a nice cup of tea. :)
Thanks, everybody!
1 comment :
JLo may just be one of us... saw this on TV last night. 2:57 is especially good, out of context at least :)
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