Our subject this week was baring the spankee’s bottom – When, how, and why? We also wonder whether a spanking while wearing a thong was equivalent to a bare bottom spanking. Here are your responses.
Todd and Suzy: Virtually all of our spankings end up as bare bottom spankings, and for the most part, they start that way. It can be fun to progress down layers though. Typically, when that happens, it will be a playful spanking.
As for why that is, a big part of it is probably convenience. If you pull clothing down, it either needs to remain bunched on the thighs/knees/ankles, or the spanking needs to be paused and the clothing has to be pulled completely off. We don't want to pause, and we don't want to leave them bunched up. Our spankings tend to be long, so that would get uncomfortable.
Clothing also has a way of getting in the way. It constantly needs to be pushed out of the way. Discipline spankings always start on the bare too because clothing provides somewhat of a warm-up.' Erotic play tends to start with no clothing at all (for obvious reasons!).
That doesn't mean that the act of baring the bottom doesn't have meaning though. For an erotic spanking, it's a kind of seduction that even a vanilla can understand. For discipline, it's a submissive and 'time to get down to brass tacks' moment. The bare bottom is sort of the center of the spanko universe, so that moment does not go unnoticed.
And the thong thing... A spanking over a thong is ~A SPANKING OVER A THONG~. LOL Sorry for yelling there. There’s certainly nothing wrong with thongs though they’re not our thing. But if there were no difference, then thongs would never have been invented. They do cover and thus they're different from actually being bare.
Anon #1: Always bare. I'm just not a very patient person. :D
Trying to Grow Up: My husband has been spanking me for two and a half of the three years we have been together. If I am just being annoying, he spanks me with a panty-covered bottom. But if we have an argument and I am 100% out of line, he spanks me bare.
We have been married for eight months. Right after we got back from our honeymoon we had a big argument and I asked if he regretted marrying me and a whole lot of other @$ and I got my butt busted. He only uses his hand because this has happened only twice and I will never ever do it again.
My mom has apologized to him about me being a brat without him even telling her anything. I am seriously working on trying not to be bratty or pouty. He loves me, but would like me to be a little calmer.
The only time I get spanked while wearing a thong is when we are fooling around.
Welcome, TTGU!
Measha: Almost all of our spankings are on the bare. During a punishment, I'm lucky if he lets me start out with my pants up (or PJs covering me). Otherwise, it’s right to business. Actually, it’s basically the same for fun spankings, too.
He never pulls my pants down. He almost always makes me do it. It’s more of a mind thing at that point, I think. Having to bare my bottom is really a way of showing him that I accept what's happening and that I accept his authority. And, it's humbling in a way that gets my mind where it needs to be.
Abby: I guess if one has been to my blog, it goes without saying that we go bare almost every time. That is partly because the punishment is more severe that way, and partly because it's sexier. Anyone who's ever had a tawse or similar lick certain exposed orifices can testament that, yes, a thong would have made a great difference. So, no, thongs do NOT count as on the bare.
There have also been quite a few times when I'm already bare because we're in the process of lovemaking. Suddenly, a spanking (though usually more severe than a hand spanking) becomes the order of the day. In this case, I'm already bare. It's not even an issue. My last caning was an extraordinarily painful break between two lovemaking sessions. Mr. W just reads me that well, and he knew I needed more than sex to achieve the emotional balance I needed.
Then again, for a comic "panties on" story, see my recent blog post. This is an excellent reason to take down the panties quickly oneself. :-)
Luvbunny: Yes, Sir and I do bare bottom spanking and we really like a bare bottom spanking more than not being bare. I get turned on faster with my bottom bare.
I believe that wearing a thong is not a bare bottom spanking.
Prefectdt: I like to experience the different sensations that the same toy can produce through various layers of clothing, but all the best spankings end up on the bare.
I do count a spanking wearing a thong as a bare bottom spanking. I usually wear a thong during a non-sexual spanking experience. It's not an embarrassment thing or anything like that, it is just a psychological trigger. It reminds the little guy downstairs that it is not "that kind of spanking" and he should not get excited about it. Wearing a thong does not detract from the bare bottom experience for me.
Hermione: Our spankings are always on the bare. I might get a pat or a swat over clothing as a hint of what is to come, but nothing more than that. Since spanking is erotic and a part of foreplay for us, my bottom (and usually the rest of me) is bare before it begins, although there might have been some progressive undressing to get to that point.
I would say that being spanked while wearing a thong counts as a bare-bottom spanking, and is much more exciting for me. Ron prefers to be able to access all areas, so he makes sure any obstructions, including thongs, are removed before he begins.
Jay: Uncle Phil always gets me to drop my trousers before I go OTK. I get a few warm up swats over my knickers, but then they get pulled down. I did get spanked and caned over my trousers at the last party, but it wasn't the same as bare butt.
Worzel changes each time. Sometimes, I will be told to 'bare my butt' other times he will start with knicker swats.
I guess it all depends upon what the spanking is for.
Meow: Lash always spanks my bottom bare. In fact, I'm always completely bare because he likes it that way. For us, it's a submission thing. At our house, it's pretty much bare hand on bare bottom almost 100% of the time. No comment on the thong question since I never wear them.
Daisy: A spanking over clothes? What’s that? Hahaha!
If we are in public, he might give me a quick but decisive swat to check me, and warn of my impending doom on our return to the privacy of our room!
I am almost always spanked on the bare bottom, even for a warm up. Davey prefers it that way, so he can see how fast my ass is reddening up! This is how he gauges the strength of the swats. We are still learning! He also likes the skin to skin contact. Sometimes, he likes to have me wear pyjamas (I never wear them for bed; I usually sleep in the "figleaf in autumn" outfit) and have me pull them down as part of the ritual, leaving them around my knees. Strangely, pulling clothing down, and leaving it just below my bottom, or around my knees/ankles, makes me feel more like a punished, naughty girl, than when I am naked, when I am definitely feeling like a WOMAN, and expectant of what is to follow!
As far as I am concerned, thong spankings count as bare bottom (even though I am never allowed that luxury!) Because, the bottom IS bare!
Thongs are designed specifically to expose the bottom while covering the private parts. When watching a video spanking clip or seeing a photo, I find it an absolute turnoff when "naughty bits" can be seen during a spanking. This is where thongs can come into their own, in my opinion!
Of course, I realise some find that exposure a turn on, but to me, it detracts from the spanking, which after all, is what this kink is all about!
I guess it’s my upbringing, making me a prude, but to me, only the husband should be able to view his wife in such intimate detail. Some areas of the body are for his eyes only. Sorry, but that’s how I am! Each to their own. I am not saying those who do it are wrong, just that it’s not for me!
Bogey and Becall: All of our spankings are recreational, erotic and always sexual. We are both fans of attractive underwear, so spanking and panties go together for us. Becall always gets a long warm-up on her panties. She may get well over a hundred pops over her panties with various toys, before one or two-dozen forceful licks on her bare bottom.
Sometimes when she thinks my underwear is “cute,” she will give me a few pops before pulling them down.
For us, both thongs and boy shorts count as bare bottom.
Soma: Like most of the other comments, our spankings always end up on the bare. They usually start over clothing first. Whether it’s jeans or just starting over panties, I always end up bare in the end, every time. There's always a progression for us. It never has started immediately on the bare. I think the progression helps to make the spanking more serious and stern as it goes by. It also helps to put me in the punishment mindset and make me more embarrassed and submissive as it goes along. I actually have never worn a thong during a spanking, so I'm not sure if that would still count. I'm thinking it probably would still be pulled down. I've noticed that when he pulls my panties up to bare my bottom it does not have as much of an effect as it does when he pulls them down, which always happens.
Meg: Since all of our sessions are playful progressing into erotic, we typically start with me over his lap, wearing either a special short skirt that gets him very excited or pair of hot pants that have the same effect. From there, we move to the long paddle, either with the skirt up or with me still in the hot pants. Then the hot pants, if I'm wearing them, come down. Since I wear special panties (either tiger-striped or leopard-spotted) that are close to being thongs, they usually stay on until we move on to things after the spanking. Occasionally, they come off first, but he most often finds the panties a huge turn-on, and I guarantee that they offer no protection at all from that wicked board. It's sort of a best-of-both-worlds situation in our view.
Anon #2: The ritual is important. I can still hear the tone in my wife's voice as she says, "Somebody's due for a spanking! Pull your pants down!" I've replayed that particualar session in my mind for years, now. Or, when I'm over her knee and she's about to yank my pants and shorts down, there's my feeble (and totally unmeant) protest, "Not on my bare bottom!" So, of course, it's on the bare. There's no other way.
As far as thongs go, I'm not sure she'd even be caught dead in one. When she graces my lap, it's always the full moon shining as soon as her pants come down.
Lee: Well, since I don't have any formal spankings at this point, just some play before and during sex, I am always bare. Sometimes, I'll get a swat when he's teasing me about something, but nothing "serious."
I also think a thong "counts," but it isn't nearly as much fun!
Dr. Ken: I almost always spank in a progression. I begin over skirt or pants, then remove that layer and spank the seat of the panties, and then pull those down. The spanking always finishes on the bare bottom. Since the majority of the time, I'm only using my hand, I like the feel of the different materials as the spanking progresses, and greatly enjoy the final sensation of palm-on-bare-skin.
There is a psychological effect on the spanking when doing it that way, plus a visual treat for the spanker.
And a thong, minimal coverage though it may provide, still means that something is being worn on the bottom, so it does not qualify in my book as being a "bare-bottom spanking" until the thong is pulled down.
Loki: When my fiancé and I play, it usually starts over her panties and then on the bare. It's mainly because of time. Most of our play is at night and we have to work the next day.
But when we do have time, that is a whole different story. I enjoy the way she looks wearing different types of clothing while being spanked. The progression does follow a common course, that is skirt/pant-to-tights/leggings-to-panties of various types-to bare. But, for me at least, each separate spanking is a work of art that makes you want more until that final piece of clothing is removed and the finale begins.
Bonnie: We always make it to the skin, but sometimes, it takes a while. In this case, getting there is truly half the fun. Randy decides such matters at our house and he varies his unveiling technique to fit the situation and/or his whim.
As the one on the receiving end, I don’t feel one bit of difference between a spanking with a thong and one without. They both hurt! I’ll acknowledge that the visual presentation is different, but I don’t see any of that.
Thank you all for joining us for our spanko brunch. I hope you’ll return next week for more of the same, only different!
Hello All,
Sorry I could not comment on Sunday. Please suggest appropriate punishment - I will forward them to my mistress.
I'm a male bottom. I do wear a thong, but just to keep the package in place.
I'd just as soon be completely bare, but the decision was made because of a very difficult conversation at a local emergency room.
Best regards and sorest possible bottoms to all,
Hello, you have a nice blog. I have a spanking blog to.
I wonder if you want exchange links betwen our blogs.
Let me know!!!
Best Regards
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