Our topic this week was making spankings fun, and I can now safely say that there are some mighty fun spankings going on out there! Here’s what I mean…
Michelle Carlyle: Since I write spanking fiction, we sometimes play out little fantasies from my stories. VERY FUN!
It's also fun to try a bunch of different implements and positions and in different rooms of the house. Like being spanked with a wooden spoon in the kitchen.
Okay, I'm getting damp... HEE!
Jessica: We haven't been at this too long yet. They are all pretty fun. We haven't done a lot of role playing at this point, but it sounds like a lot of fun!
Mary: When playing, I have been known to get into fits of giggles. There is something so delightful about the fun of being over his lap and knowing where it will go and just loving being together that I end up giggling with delight. Or when role playing, I can end up giggling at myself because while role playing, I can be far brattier than I would attempt in real life.
Sometimes, fun spankings can originate with my only "offense" being the fact that I have a cold bottom. Of course, by the time he has "discovered" this, we have been having some naked fun! Those spankings are delicious fun. I love leather implements for these and I love to be over his lap. Actually, just last weekend, a spanking took place with that exact "cold bottom" scenario. Being all revved up, I was careful to position myself over his lap "Just So" to make it particularly "comfortable" while he spanked away. I enjoyed moving my hips against him and I enjoyed the spanking quite a bit as well. My wimpy phase seems to be fading away as I admitted to need a hard spanking. He was happy to accommodate! The next thing I knew, I had my first spanking-induced orgasm. WOW is all I can say!
Lele: I can't think of anything specifically "fun" that we do, but I can think of something I'd eventually like to do! I think it would be a fun twist on making the spankee count each stroke to have them count in a foreign language. Of course, a conscientious top would have to add extra strokes for badly pronounced numbers. :)
Abby: This week’s brunch topic is perfectly timed with the best spanking time we have had in our lives! As you know, we decided to try filming our spanking sessions. We knew it would be fun, and certainly different. What we didn't know was just how intoxicating and addictive it could become!
We've found that the "us" that has always played together becomes flexible, that it allows for a different type of role play. It's a challenge to represent both ourselves and the characters we would like to see on film. The spankings have been serious, and yet they have a heightened exhilaration that makes them both more painful and more bearable simultaneously--at least from the bottom's point of view! We can't wait to see where it takes us next.
Natty: We do a lot of joking back and forth and have mock arguments during spankings. Sometimes, we even do so during serious punishment. I think my favorite was when we started arguing about Newton's third law of motion during a spanking. Another time, I started to pass out after being intimate. Once I started feeling better he asked, "So I guess this means you're not into auto-erotic asphyxiation...?"
I think it's important to laugh -- including during spankings!
Paul: It’s not surprising this is nearly everyone’s favourite topic.
While admitting that punishment, stress busters, and attitude adjusting spankings may be necessary, they aren’t necessarily fun spankings. Though when the stress buster works and she is relaxed again, then the fun can return.
Our regular good girl, good night spankings were great fun. Mel could ramp up the spanking by bratting and joking or slow it down by being polite and quiet.
These spanking were always followed by love making, which sort depended on our mood and energy levels. If we were very tired, it was a kiss and a cuddle. Mel would snuggle in close and we would fall asleep.
Something that we both enjoyed were scenes, we weren’t able to play as often as we liked. One of our favourites was naughty schoolgirl meets strict headmaster. Mel still had and could fit into her last uniform. She had shortened the skirt and tightened the shirt. If she had turned up at school looking like that, she would have provoked sexual excitement in the males and possibly some of the females. More than likely, she would have been punished (the cane was rarely used on girls, but it was used) or more likely suspended.
I wore my graduate’s gown and cap. Mel would arrive at my study late; her tie was loose, shirt top button undone and non-regulation knickers on.
I was constantly surprised how much she could take when we played. Somehow, after we’d played she was naked as we adjourned to the bedroom, I watched a bright red bottom adorned with cane strips flaunting itself at me as if to say, “Are you man enough to give me what I need?” Needless to say, I mostly was! WEG!
Terpsichore: Such fun! This is all very new to us, so it is all play. I love when my husband flirts with me in the kitchen when the children aren't looking and takes the spatula to my backside unexpectedly... :-)
Sally: Right now, my hubby has a very fun toy. It is a small sturdy cardboard tube that makes a loud noise and produces just a light sting. It just makes me laugh when he uses it! We also play with kitchen toys. They can be fun and he likes to add to my stress by trying to do it when our adult children are nearby and might hear or walk in. We recently tried our first spanking game. I found it here in webland. It was great and a lot of fun. The game also provided us with a way to try new things without working so hard to share! As for serious spankings becoming funny, that really hasn't happened yet. Things I would like to try right now are role plays and more games!
Prefectdt: Making a spanking fun is very useful when a guy is playing with a lady who is younger, lighter and shorter than her male spankee. It helps give a lady confidence and puts her at her ease with somebody who is visually intimidating to her but who she has to order around and be the boss of in play.
I know it's unbecoming in somebody of my age, but I still find it fun to brat, at least verbally. :-)
Hermione: Spankings are a serious business for me. I crave the pain a spanking involves. Pain is exciting, intoxicating, sensual, stimulating, overwhelming and more. But it's not fun.
Our spankings are always geared towards sex and orgasm. For either of us to laugh and joke during one would definitely derail the whole event. We did have some hilarity the first time we introduced bondage into our play. We were both unsure of ourselves, it turned into a real comedy of errors, and we giggled and quipped through the whole scene. It wasn't the intense experience I had envisioned, but it sure was a whole lot of fun!
You have thrown down the gauntlet and I accept the challenge. What would make a spanking fun for me? It would necessitate detaching spanking from its current association with successful sexual performance. A fun spanking would be a playful punishment for some real or imagined transgression. Just yesterday morning, Ron came into the bedroom while I was getting dressed, his right hand playfully raised and cupped as if preparing to spank, and told me I'd forgotten to do something or other. I asked him how he was going to deal with my error. Now, if he had only taken the hint, that would've been fun!
Are there other possibilities for fun? Like Paul and Mel, I'd love to dress up as a naughty schoolgirl and get a spanking from a stern headmaster. Maybe my upcoming birthday spanking will be fun. I hope so!
Dr. Ken: Just about all of the spankings my favorite lady and I were involved with were fun. There was one of a serious nature, but that was the exception, not the norm.
Sorry, I just had a "Cheers" flashback...
The spanking itself was fun. The added fun came from the sense of humor we both had. It would either manifest itself in the way she managed to earn the spanking--one of the earliest involved a squirt gun--or in things we'd say as the spanking was going on. We had no problem making little comments to each other that would have us both laughing, then the spanking would resume, then someone would say something else...
Laughter and spanking are a very powerful combination!
Elle: Spankings are fun for me, but almost always, they are the orgasmic sort of fun as opposed to the giggly kind of fun. Playing with different sensations can be "fun" and role playing is always fun too. But I don't tend to giggle so much as gasp. *winks*
The only times I've giggled have been when introducing new guys to my favourite pastimes. Because I'm young, a lot of my boyfriends have not really explored any kinks they might have. So I've been with two or three spanking virgins. I always feel a little wary of coming on too strong in the beginning. So I joke that I'm a naughty girl and flaunt cheeky glimpses of my knickers. This approach is more likely to win me what I want than saying "Whip me ‘til I scream please," even if that is the desired (and often achieved) effect.
On that topic, I wonder if anyone else has a sort of a sense for these things? I mean I can often tell (or think I can) when I talk to someone if they have a few BDSM leanings of their own. Guessing what someone wants and teasing to feel out the ground is another way I have "fun" with it!
Elle, we held a brunch dedicated to that topic last year.
Greenwoman: Spankings with my husband have always been mostly for fun and play. They are accompanied by silliness, giggling and even shrieks of laughter. Frequently, there’s a tickle session and wrestling too. It is only recently that I've gotten stress buster style spankings from him and we've never had any punishment spankings.
On the other hand with M, most all of the spankings were stress busters as we both needed the outlet a lot. He did punish me a few times, but they added a great deal of sexual tension that was an unexpected delight for us both.
My husband is still far more given to playful or sexual spankings than any other kind and lately he's been expressing an interest in dress up and role playing, so I guess that's likely to get added to the fun.
Personally, I think that any spanking that ends in orgasms and begins with laughter is the just right kind. *smiles*
Tim: I always keep the intense seriousness of spanking a bit at arm's length. For me, without a bit of humor and fun, it's nothing. So there's often a lot of funny interplay between me and the spankee as I scold and she squirms and we attempt to "one up" the other even during the spanking. (I'm glad to report that in the end, I win.)
Bonnie: Living with Randy, I am subjected to a nearly ceaseless barrage of silliness. Even when he’s serious about a spanking, the goof lies just beneath the surface ready to arise at the first provocation. My spanking accounts contain many examples, but I’ll share a more recent event.
Last night, he put me across his lap and celebrated the upcoming Olympic Games by singing the Olympic theme song while spanking my bottom in time (Thank you, Sherryl, for inspiring him!).
And so forth.
By the time he came to the second half of the song where the beat speeds up, he was crooning at the top of his lungs and swatting a hundred miles per hour with both hands. Needless to say, I was laughing so hard I could barely catch my breath.
It was a good hard spanking, but we loved every minute. That’s what fun spankings are about for us.
Thank you, everyone, and have some fun out there this week! :D
Almost made it before the recap this week, but not quite. Hubby and I have always enjoyed playful swats, but are new to spanking. I stumbled across this blog around Christmas time and it has opened a whole new world for us. All the spanking is fun here. We just moved into our first last weekend. There are now many more opportunities as the baby has her own room here and the teenagers are a bit further from the noise. A good deal of the fun comes from the flirting and suggestive gestures and sharing new ideas. Last night, hubby held up his belt folded in half and pulled it taught. I watched fascinated. He said I'm not ready for the belt yet and he's right, but there must have been something in the way I was watching him. He commented it was just a couple months ago I was telling him only ever his hands.
Another fun element is in the plotting together. Until our move, opportunities for spanking play were scarce. That didn't stop us from sharing ideas and daydreaming out loud. Hubby has been wanting a toy chest. I made him a leather paddle from scraps we had to see if we would both enjoy spanking before spending on the real thing. He made reference to hooks inside the lid. When I asked what for, he got this twinkle in his eye and told me for implements. I got a bit of a thrill from that.
Such a hot brunch! Thanks, everybody!
Thank you for the link to that topic, Bonnie. Interesting reading.
K - Welcome to MBS, and thank you for sharing your experiences. It sounds as though life in your new home is getting better by the day. The plotting is great fun!
I hope you will stop back again and let your voice be heard. You're always welcome.
Indiana - I just love the responses we get each week!
Elle - I'm glad you enjoyed that discussion. There's a lot of good information in those old brunches. I refer back myself sometimes when I recall a really good suggestion, but can't remember who said it.
Wow, this was a really great discussion, Bonnie! Thanks!
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