Wednesday, September 28, 2022

A Spanko Birthday

I'm celebrating a birthday today. It's one of those milestone birthday numbers. I think I should celebrate. I'm still around and some of my peers are not. That's good, for me at least. I'm pretty healthy and I can do most of the things that matter to me. I like that.

But damn, I got old all of a sudden. That grandmother who stares back at me in the mirror is not how I picture myself. But that's me. Being a senior citizen is no picnic, but it's the only game in town. So hooray, I guess.

Yes, since you asked, I'm sure there will be a birthday spanking, but it has not happened yet. Film at eleven.


wolfman7446 said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie!!
I know what you mean about looking in a mirror and seeing a senior. In my mind I am still a young, mature, and viable man; but the mirror reminds me that I am in fact old and nearing the end of life. Live what you have left to the fullest!!

Jean Marie said...

Happy 30th birthday, Bonnie! You are not getting older, you are getting better!

Anonymous said...

Yeah birthday spankings are the best! Happy Birthday Bonnie!


Happy whateveryeth Birthday, hope you have a good one and a good Birthday spanking :)


Erica Scott said...

Yes. This is a tough one. I know. ♥ Not gonna give you any platitudes here, because you and I both know they're BS.
Just know you're wonderful. Happy birthday, Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

And many happy returns Bonnie…birthday and spanking wise!
Sophie x

Roz said...

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Bonnie! I hope you have a wonderful day and birthday spanking. I'm sure Randy will deliver:)


Rich Person said...

Happy Birthday, Bonnie!

Every year I look at the women around me, and they look younger and younger. I'm sure this applies to you, as well.

I hope this milestone gives you all the same thrills as the first milestone--your first adult spanking.

Much love from all of us!

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for a very happy birthday!

PK said...

Happy Birthday to you. It's not that we feel old, it's just that the numbers SOUND so old. I'm sure you will enjoy your birthday spanking and so will Randy.

JJones said...

Happy Bday. Aging is a humbling have my sympathies and understanding.

I have been a lurking admirer of your blog off and on for over a decade. Thank you for your efforts, courage and honesty.

I was curious to get a few more details about how you and Randy made the initial determination that you were both really into spanking. I believe you mentioned you met and dated in college. Was it as simple as a playful swat in chemistry class or was there more spank flirtation involved? If you feel comfortable sharing and remember from many years ago I think it might be interesting.

Thanks in advance for you consideration. Best wishes.

Bonnie said...

Wolfman - I think I might need a different mirror.

Jean Marie - I've been getting better for quite a while now.

Anon - You are so right!

Prefectdt - Thank you. It certainly was!

Erica - That's very sweet. I know you know. Thank you. It's ever forward from here.

Sophie - Ha! Thanks!

Roz - It certainly was!

RP - No, it's not quite like that milestone. I have some confusion about my first adult spanking. I convinced a high school boyfriend to spank me when I was 16, but I wasn't an adult. There were other guys who also spanked me before I met Randy. I was an adult, but it wasn't my first. I like to think that my first time with Randy was my first really good adult spanking.

Anon - Thank you!

PK - That's the spirit!

JJ - Hi and welcome! Here's how it happened. Your guess was a good one. We met in a biochemistry class. :)

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