Tuesday, September 27, 2022

TMI Tuesday

Our friend Prefectdt suggested that I try something called TMI Tuesday. This blog posts five TMI questions every week intended to serve as prompts. MBS is pretty much TMI every day, so why not?

1. If your chest is hairless would you have a chest hair transplant?

Now here’s a question no one ever asked me before. Yes, my chest is hairless and no, thank you, we like it this way

2. Are you the center of attention at parties?

No, but I’m not a wallflower either

3. What libido-boosting foods do you believe in and use?

Dark chocolate!

4. Do you ever get tired of talking about sex?

Only when guys send me dopey questions

5. How do you think your attitude toward sex differs from your partner’s attitude?

I like to be the woman

Well, that was different. Thanks, Prefectdt. I may have to do this again.



I did one of these once and enjoyed it. Now I follow the blog and when an appropriate bunch of questions come up, I'll have another go. It is an interesting idea for a blog.

P.S. If you ever change your mind about the chest hair transplant, I would be happy to be the donor :)


Hermione said...

What fun! Your nosy readers are quite creative!


Anonymous said...

My co-worker used to complain about a libido-diminishing food that women consume. It's called 'Wedding Cake'

Bonnie said...

Prefectdt - Thank you for the idea!

Roz - It was fun!

Hermione - I think I will try these prompts again.

Anon - Perhaps it depends who's serving it?

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