I think some MBS readers allow their enthusiasm for spanking to override any consideration for my well-being.
Look at this beast. A reader named Jack wants Randy to buy one and use it on my bottom. How could anyone take a solid wooden bath brush and make it even scarier? Why, they could drill holes in the head so it will be more painful when it strikes bare flesh. This is a particularly evil weapon of ass destruction.
If an eager reader cares to test this bath brush, I invite you to do so and write a review for us. I will happily publish it and feel relieved that it's not me for once.
There is also a matching hairbrush to add to your discomfort! I would be happy to purchase the items for Randy to test on your bottom! I am sure your readers would be happy to hear what you think.
A wise decision Bonnie, may Randy have mercy on your bottom!!
Thank you Bonnie, but I'll pass lol. We have actually never used a bath brush. The one we have at the moment is not one solid piece. The head is separate to the handle so easily comes off so it's thankfully not suitable for spanking.
Anon #1 - The hairbrush looks pretty wimpy. The hollow shape and rubber dome make it nothing to fear. The bath brush, however, looks like one to skip. We have a big bath brush and it's plenty formidable enough.
Anon #2 - He actually does most of the time. Thanks!
Roz - You are a wise woman.
Nope. I'd rather test a nuclear bomb.
Funny -- someone sent me a heavy clothes brush with my name engraved on it. I appreciate the thought, really I do. But there's no way I'm using it!
Not for me either. We have a dogleg bath brush and that is kept carefully hidden at the bottom of the toy box.
It is the length of the handle that my wife likes, provides the control she wants. No holes. The results is much better than a hairbrush. It hurts like hell, but my wife does not misuse it, just enough for me to learn my lesson. Jack
Erica - I'm right there with you. I know my limits and this brush is beyond all of them.
Hermione - I think we've achieved consensus.
Jack - So the readers know, I believe it was a different Jack who recommended this evil brush to my husband.
I have no doubt those are lessons well learned!
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