Comment: [linked site] seems very objectionable. Could you take a look?
Bonnie: Yes, I agree. I removed the link. Thanks for telling me.
Question: How does the Attitude Adjuster paddle created by Sid compare with Randy's Mother of All Paddles?
Bonnie: The dimensions are similar, but the MOAP is longer. Both are quite thuddy.
Question: Have you ever received a mile-high spanking?
Bonnie: Yes, when we vacationed in the mountains.
Comment: Someone posted on Tumblr, "Any woman who gets her bottom spanked should read 'The Female Bottom: An Owner’s Manual' on the My Bottom Smarts blog."
Bonnie: Thank you for the plug! Men are permitted to read it too.
Question: Will you link my new spanko author blog?
Bonnie: Yes, absolutely.
Comment: Your spanking stories and adventures are amazing and you are a very talented writer.
Bonnie: Thank you. I write about what I love.
Comment: 1:1?
Bonnie: Zero chance.
Question: If you and Randy were on a sinking ship and there was only room for one implement what would you grab to be spanked with on a desert island until you were found?
Bonnie: Being practical, if we have to live in an island environment, we would probably choose something that floats. Maybe a solid wooden brush that can also be used for hair.
Question: How often do you think Randy would spank you if it was just the two of you alone?
Bonnie: I'd say once a day would suffice, though he might think differently.
Question: cn i borrow ur panties/bra?
Bonnie: Borrow? Maybe that could be a new business opportunity: ShareBnB (bra and brief). Or maybe a new service at your local public library? As for me, no, I don't loan my lingerie, and if you somehow obtained one, I definitely wouldn't want it back.
Comment: You are something special. Randy is a very lucky man.
Bonnie: I'm lucky too. I found him as much he found me.
Comment: you know a lot about spankings
Bonnie: I learned every one of those lessons the hard way.
Question: Is it normal that my bottom itches after a spanking?
Bonnie: Yes. That happens sometimes.
Comment: I always wonder what it feels like having a smarting bottom if only once but ideally more than once.
Bonnie: I can tell you exactly how it feels. It hurts! But it's a good hurt and I love it, if not at that particular moment, then certainly later.
Question: Do you really get spanked with wooden paddles?
Bonnie: Yes, sometimes.
Question: Does the wooden hairbrush still provide a thrill?
Bonnie: That solid wooden dogleg hairbrush is still around. In fact, we have two of them. It's just as fierce as ever. When Randy reaches for that one, I know I'm in for it.
Question: I like your featured posts. Is there any history of those after they're gone?
Bonnie: All 2000+ posts are in the archive. If you know the title, you can search for it. I would be delighted if more people explored the archive. I think there are some good posts that most readers never find. The featured post is meant to provide a taste.
That's quite enough for today. If you keep sending them, I'll keep answering.
Hi Bonnie, some great questions and I loved you answers. Share BnB lol
That was me who recommended your article…The Female Bottom…hope you don’t mind?!
Roz - Thanks. I never considered the possibility of loaner underwear. And I don't want to think about what he would do with it before sending it back.
Sophie - Mind? I'm delighted you decided to plug my blog at all, let alone a post from 16 years ago! Thank you!
I really like the Featured Post widget and never thought of using it, but I might add it to my blog.
Hermione - When I first started using the Featured Post widget, I thought I was limited to posts from the past year because that was all that is displayed in the setup box. But I discovered that I could type in the title of an older post and it would search for it. The post that's featured right now was posted in 2005 and was written a couple of decades before that.
I love to breathe life into these old stories buried deep in the archive. My stats tell me that readers do find and apparently read the featured posts. That makes me happy.
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