People used the following search terms to find this blog. Just for fun, we added some comments.
- adult spanking implements – Do hairbrushes have an age of consent?
- anatomy of a spanking – We just did a physics post, do you know any physiology experts?
- are you my bottom – No, are you a horse's?
- big bottom spanked – You have come to the right place
- butt sex surprise – Not a good surprise, talk about this stuff first
- butt wack bingo – I think the world is ready for a spanko beach movie
- cartoon girl spanking – More red ink than a Radio Shack balance sheet
- cheerleaders paddled – Could we maybe paddle the majorettes this week for a change of pace?
- greyhoundsowner – A romantic tale of love and spanking aboard a long haul bus
- hot bottom – If I lie on my stomach, the hot part is on top
- how often should you spank your wife – Is this a trick question?
- how to do bare bottom spanking – Step one: bare the bottom; Step two: spank
- illustrated spanking – All right, which one of you goofballs drew smiley faces all over the paddles?
- kink jar – It's like a swear jar, but it collects spanking tokens instead of quarters
- loopy jackie – Johnny's kinkier sister
- lost bet spanking story – The Seahawks lost so now I have to write this story
- message spanking – I can feel that message every time I sit down
- most irritating spanking – They're all irritating, It's why your bottom turns red
- my bare bottom – is shaped like a pear
- project manager spankings – It's not that complicated, you don't need a gannt chart
- self spanking generator – So that's in case you lose power to your spanking machine?
- spank me good – Or spank me bad, but please do spank me
- spank my but – But what?
- spank my jeans – Are you planning to be in them?
- spanked with a plug – With all the implements you could choose, you pick that thing?
- spanking 2020 – No thank you - I'm done with everything 2020
- spanking embassy – So I guess the trade talks are not going well
- spanking furniture – My bottom is well upholstered, but that doesn't make it furniture
- spanking womens bottoms – Just how many women are you expecting to spank?
- spankofile – Those clerks are so naughty
- thong sicle – Why is my underwear in the freezer?
- trip to pirates cove lyrics – When I wrote a story called Pirate's Cove, I didn't realize that it was also a beautiful Tom Petty song
- true adult spanking stories – As opposed to lying adult spanking stories?
- wedgie punishment quiz – Question one: Has your waistband ever touched your earlobes?
That's it. Keep searching and stay safe, everyone!
Thong sicle? What was that person searching for?
Happy New Year to you and yours, Bonnie.
Hermione - My best guess is some combination of (a) limited English skills, (b) a auto-correct mishap, or (c) an exquisitely weird sense of humor. Happy New Year! :)
How in Sam Hell did greyhounds get into this??
I’m thinking some auto correct issues... lol
However, I’m glad people are still looking for spanking info!
I always enjoy these and your comments. :-) Hugs and Happy New Year!
LoL Bonnie, these are so funny. The mind boggles. Loopy Jackie lol. I too wondered about greyhounds lol
I loved your responses. They made me chuckle! Thong sicle? really?
Have a great 2021 Bonnie!
Have a great 2021 Bonnie.
Happy New Year and all the best whishes !
B :)
Happy New Year Bonnie! Thank you for your wonderful blog. I hope we get to read about all of your spankings this year.
Erica - As with most of these odd words, I have no idea. A related and equally puzzling question is why a search engine send them here. I don't write about dogs or buses. My only speculative theory is that someone with that handle once posted a comment here.
Minielle - I agree that's often the case, but it doesn't explain why people enter something bizarre and misspell it.
It looks like more people than ever are looking for spankings. I hope they find them!
Windy - Yeah, wearing the thongsicle would be a whole different sort of unpleasantness. I'll pass. Regardless of the name or gender loopy means ouchy.
Terps - Thank you and Happy New Year to you too!
Roz - Funny thing about the greyhound search term, it previously appeared in a Keyword Chaos installment in 2017. I had forgotten about it. Someone is clearly very interested in this subject, but I doubt they found what they sought here.
Fondles - That's where I draw the line. If it a pair of briefs, they might conceivably be helpful for cooling an overheated posterior, but a thong? No way.
Prefectdt - Thank you. May the new year bring peace and bountiful happiness.
Brigitte - Thank you and I wish you all the same!
Anon - Happy New Year, and you are very welcome! It's unlikely that you will get to read about all my spankings this year because my writing time is limited by other commitments. But I will share what I can. :)
These are always so hilarious! I wish you could interview some of these people. I would love an explanation to things like thong sicle, loopy jackie, greyhoundsowner etc.
I hope you and Randy have a wonderful 2021!
Liza - I think part of what makes this feature fun is the fact that we have no idea who is typing these keywords and what they were hoping to find. So we get to guess.
Happy New Year to you as well!
Happy New Year!! I think maybe the project manager search was me??!! Lol l.. Wow. Best of the best to you and yours.
MJ - Happy New Year! That's funny. I don't think I would like to have spankings configured to strict specifications and delivered on a fixed timeline. :)
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