Can you believe this is the first Keyword Chaos of 2009? Well, I guess we'd better get started.
Keyword Chaos begins with some slightly weird search terms that people have used to find this blog. Then Randy and I add our comments to each one. I hope you enjoy the results as much as we enjoy assembling them.
- how do you spank your lover? - With silver bells, and cockleshells, and pretty maids all in a row...
- men who give spankings to women - Did you wrap this yourself?
- spankiing - It was all downhill
- spanking is fun wife - oral sex is fun husband
- the first time I as spanked - Was there maybe supposed to be another verb in there somewhere?
- wifes that like being spanked - We wifes go in for all sorts of kinky fun
- deer hoof handle - OK, that's creepy
- ginger root butt - Don't burn your britches
- mutual spanking - For the adventurous investor
- stings like crazy paddle - Oh, no, not the crazy paddle!
- adult spankings and entercorse - That's a very descriptive term
- amateur girlfriend blogspot - No professional girlfriends allowed
- bare-bottom spanking letter - Forget the letter, go for the real thing!
- bdsm, mbs, bad habits - BDSM and MBS are good habits
- bear bottom spanking movie - Unfortunately, several crew members were mauled during the filming
- begging for a spnking - Oh, pls mster strng slnt type, just spnk me!
- bend over girl make it jiggle lyrics bra panties - Lyrics? Could this be the genesis of Spanko: The Broadway Musical?
- best spanking bottom - And now, the envelope please...
- blogs, it is calming to know many of us are in the same boat - And we're not without a paddle either!
- big butt bonnie - Is that the best you can do?
- bonnie bottom smarts spanks herself - No, that's Randy's job and he does it well
- bonnie has have thick round rump plump thick bubble butt - Yeah, and your grammar stinks
- bonnie have a thick round rump plump thick bubble butt - That's getting a little personal, isn't it?
- bonnie have a thick round rump plump thick bubble butted butt - A butted butt? I can assure you that I'm not going to turn my back on a ram
- bonnie have thick round rump plump thick bubble butt - You just like thick so much that you had to type it twice
- bonnie have thick round rump plump thick bubble butted butt ass - So you finally got them all in there, huh?
- bonnie you have big thick round rump plump thick bubble butted butt ass - Flattery will get you nowhere
- boobs or asses quiz - This guy is both!
- free spanking stories of the old wes - Watch out for Wes. He's a mighty strange old codger
- garden hose spanking - I'll never think about the groundskeeper the same way again
- getting turned on by spanking - Like flipping a switch...
- give her a spanked bottom - Preferably her own
- homemade spanking machine - It's too bad Rube Goldberg isn't around anymore.
- how to get a girl to want to be spanked - Ask her?
- how to make a spanking sting - Swat her bottom firmly. Take my word. It will sting.
- how to give great spanking to your partner - Discover what she likes
- husband spanking wife permit - I wonder if it has to be renewed every year like a fishing license
- ice maiden butt plug - If she's already stuck up, this won't help
- lesbian spanking tours - Now there's a money making idea! A cruise perhaps...
- lure of the paddle spanking - There's just something about a principal's office
- regular spanking - I rather favor the irregular variety
- scottish men spanking - A word to the wise: Don't make fun of their kilts
- self spanking in leather shorts - Those don't launder well so you had better just drop 'em
- self spanking pepper - I don't think that's how you spice things up with a spanking
- spank my wife - Please!
- spanking bare underwear - Which is it?
- spanked by old man story - Is he anything like Old Man River?
- spanked mature wemon - Rasta spankos?
- spanking forst time - There are too many trees here; I can't see a thing
- spanking makes me wet - Wet spanking makes me sore
- spanking movie ouch - I think "Ouch" would be a fine title
- spankothon - We're raising funds for the senile tops home
- stingest spanking implement - Thine flogger doth hurtest
- understanding why my wife likes to be spanked - Just take her word and go with it
- what spanking implement is easiest - Easiest for whom?
Loved yours and Randy's reponses. Very fun.
I like the way you guys think-lol.
Have a great day!
I Gal
you guys are nuts...lol!
Very good.
Hugs, Jay
You two are great. Loved this.
Hi Bonnie,
"bonnie have ..." - that searcher sure was persistent!
"deer hoof handle" - must be like a deer horn handle, only cloven.
Chaos is always fun!
"the first time I as spanked - Was there maybe supposed to be a verb in there somewhere?"
This one threw me, because Spanked is a verb
It certainly takes all sorts... that bubble butt guy sure was thick....I'll bet his brain cell died of loneliness.... how sad...
Hugs, Bonnie, and Randy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, my stomach. Thank you, Bonnie, I needed that!
Entercorse... oh, I can't stand it... - Erica
Hilarious. Thanks for the good laugh. :)
Thanks for the chuckle...really needed it today! :-) Loved it!
Hysterical! That "round plump rump thick" guy sure was a charmer, wasn't he? I'd be willing to wager he won't find a play partner any time soon.
Web-Ed at Chicago Spanking Review
I'm with Erica about "entercourse" and your response-- that made me laugh aloud. I sure hope there was only one "thick" guy and that those search terms weren't independent...
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