Here's a change of pace. How about some Keyword Chaos? What follows are phrases people entered into search engines that led them to this blog.
- list of spanking blogs - Look to your right -->
- panty gusset pics - OK, now, big smile...
- secret service impressed by california businesswoman - This is about as unlikely as any search phrase I've seen. It goes to prove that on the web, you just never know.
- spank curtsy - One must employ proper manners when attending a formal discipline session
- spanking big round bottoms - For some strange reason, I get lots of these
- spanking sin - So, let me get this straight. Is the spanking itself the sin, or is it the punishment for some other sin?
- secretary secret spanking - I have to think that if you whack somebody's bottom in an office, it's not going to stay a secret for long
- allday butt plug - Is that anything like a Black Cow?
- spank tits balls held tears forced cum sorority - These gals sure know how to throw a party!
- sex spankying - For people who like a little nookeying with their spankying
- what's new handprints spanking - It's the five finger salute
- butt plug underwear - Always an understated fashion choice
- i'm hot, tight, aggressive bottom. is very good. - I think that phrase might have lost something in translation
- why bottoms go red after being spanked - Because they are beaming from all the attention
- nipple clamp enema beg - Huh?
- mommy spanks email - Bad spammer!
- spank cried rectum - ...And the wind cried Mary
- are you going to spank my bun sir pictures - Oh please, Sir Pictures, not the flash!
- inside my panties - I'm guessing that's a show sort of like "Inside the Actors' Studio"
- a proper spanking - It beats an improper spanking any day!
- cliff smarts holidays in ireland - Coming up on today's episode of Lost on the Internet...
- diy and personal lubricant and recipe and sex and make your own ingredients - One part Mazola, two parts baby oil
- tonya harding wedgie pics - In this weird world, those photos might actually exist
- wife needs to be spanked chores - If it feels like a chore to spank your wife, you're probably not doing it right
- kevlar thongs - The new definition of toughness
- woman who offer spankings - Two for a nickel, five for a dime?
- learning to spell fly swatter spanking - It's remarkable how often we spankos need to spell those words
- six of the best caning - Why does no one ever get six of the well above average?
- normal spankings - Abnormal spankings are so much more exciting
- hard girdle spankings - Why would anyone wear a hard girdle?
- panty assignment - OK, Gloria, you get these flowered bikinis...
- nylon surprise - I screamed when the nightgown jumped out of the drawer
- photos visual panty lines - Got lines?
- punished big ass - Oh, no, I don't want to be punished big
- supergirl thongs on bare asses - Are they bare or are they wearing thongs? ...And what does Supergirl have to do with any of this?
- precisely spanked - I definitely appreciate a man with good aim
- shoe store skirt salesman panties - When I go to the shoe store, I steer clear of those pesky skirt salesmen
- cheerleader wedgies - Rah Rah Rah, Hut Hut Hut, get this thing outa my butt!
- anal sex badly - If you're going to do it badly, I think it's better to skip it altogether!
- raunchy ladies underwear - I've heard that some raunchy ladies don't wear any underwear at all
- funny spanking of asses - Some guy in a clown nose paddled me with a floppy orange shoe
- pure spankings - New from Time-Life Media, here's the CD box set that no spanko household can do without
- what to wear to a spanking - Nothing is always a popular choice
- free spanking - Wouldn't this make a great protest sign?
- my aunty wears pantyhose - Amazing! So does mine.
- panty girdle discipline - The mere threat would be enough to make me behave!
- spicy food ass crack burn sore - There's a kink we hadn't considered
- bare butt baboon pictures - As opposed to pictures of baboons dressed in evening wear?
- sex with a glass cigar tubes - There's nothing better than a good old-fashioned romp in the humidor
- visible panty line inspections spanking humiliation - I'd love to meet the person who gets to be the inspector. Now's there's an unusual occupation!
- sexy girdles worn by tall sexy british girls - This person has a very specialized fetish
- spankee fonder - Does this involve dipping in hot cheese? No, wait, that's fondue.
- doctors recommend spanking foreplay - Really?
- hitachi magic wand how to open - Don't open it. There aren't any batteries. Just plug it in and flip the switch.
- stories remembering getting a hard spanking - Remember? How could I forget?
- spanking tonya harding - Apparently the wedgie wasn't sufficient
- naughty girls get their bottoms paddled - So do nice girls, if they know how to ask
- great spanking sites - I once got a few quick swats on the Golden Gate bridge
- seven straps - The lost scene from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Love them, Bonnie!!!
Hehe those are so funny Bonnie!
I got one the other day that was:
Elephant Spank Movie....
Hay bonnie you've creased me up again. Great!!!
Warm hugs,
Bonnie~ These are - aw always - AWESOME!!
Tigger - Thanks. One challenge I find in repeating this feature every couple of weeks is keeping it fresh. As I've mentioned, I get hundreds of hits every week for "big round wide protruding bubble butt" or something similar. There are only so many gags I can use in response.
As a result, I look for really odd and incongruous sets of words. Many times, I select a phrase before I have a punchline. Assembling the Keyword Chaos series is a fun activity and one with which Randy often helps. A good laugh shared is always beneficial.
Kelly - Hi! It's good to hear from you.
I would file that phrase under Really Bad Ideas. I got one like "Spank Bear Bottom." This is also a monumentally poor suggestion.
Paul - Thank you! It's funny. When I first started posting these search strings, a couple of readers complained that I had wandered off-topic. It seems they've either been won over or departed for greener pastures.
Eva - Thanks. I love having a feature that my readers unwittingly help to write.
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