For our next installment of Implement Stories, wwe feature Pagan showing off her beautiful custom Leather Thorn paddle.
My hubby and I have an ever growing collection of spanking toys, but our most memorable (and unique) is definitely the InSinerator. An odd name, you say?
Incinerator: [in-sin-uh-rey-ter] – noun: a furnace or apparatus for burning trash, garbage, etc., to ashes.
InSinerator: , [in-sin-uh-rey-ter] – noun: an apparatus for burning the Sin in the recipient to ashes. Most effectively, I might add.
Now, I like a sound spanking as much as the next girl, and if it's delivered with a nice solid leather paddle, so much the better.
We have several leather paddles that we are very fond of, and include in most of our spanking play; the Boudoir Paddle from the London Tanners, the Brat Paddle from Leather Thorn Paddles, and the Small Hairbrush Paddle from Adam & Gillian's. All very well made, quality implements.
But being a greedy bottom, I decided I wanted something MORE. Something BIGGER. Something that would cover BOTH cheeks, so that each side didn't have to wait its turn.
Yes, yes... I know. My name is Pagan, and I am a spankoholic. It has been... um... never mind. LOL
So, I contacted John at Leather Thorn Paddles, who was happy to work with me on designing a nice BIG custom paddle.

Here is is, in all its glory: Fifteen and a half inches long, four and a quarter inches wide... and a full HALF INCH THICK. Two layers of leather - no stiffener.
Like a rich dessert...it is best served in small quantities. But it is absolutely GORGEOUS, and it most assuredly makes an impression.

Remember what Mom always said... Be careful what you wish for....
Modesty prevents me from posting a pic of it framed by a reddened bottom. But my hubby has teased that he's left my name imbedded in my butt more than once. LOL
Thank you, Pagan, for showing us that marvelous custom paddle. I know I'm impressed!
Readers who wish to participate in our Implement Stories series may do so by contributing photos and/or tales of their favorite (or infamous) spanking implements. Simply e-mail me your entries and I will post them here. For those who have already submitted implements, thank you! Yours will be appearing here in the coming days.
Keywords: implement stories, paddle
Pagan! That is one BEAUTIFUL paddle! I may drool!
Modesty, schmodesty...Let's see some rosy cheeks! (pretty please?)
Leather Thorn makes the BEST paddles, straps and tawses bar none! I love Leather Thorn!!!
PK, you're so right. It really is. The pics don't do it justice. :)
Tony, you'll have to picture it in your mind's eye, I'm afraid. ;)
Anon, he really does do beautiful work. I have quite a few of his.
It was so much fun watching this one come together from conception to delivery! We finalized the design on a paper template before he cut into leather. All of the diamond pattern and little scallops around the edge are hand-stamped. It's really quite an art. The detail is just beautiful.
My search for something bigger is DEFINITELY over. LOL
Thanks for putting it up, Bonnie. :)
Thanks Bonnie, fascinating series.
Pagan that paddle is truly scrumptious, depending how it's used is it thudy or more stingy, my guess is thudy. Thanks for sharing.
Warm hugs,
Hi Paul, the paddle is definitely thuddy, although not nearly as much as a wooden counterpart since it does have some give. It stings too, of course. Double thread. LOL
Elis - I have no doubt that it makes a great first impression (and after that, it's all good).
Tony - Pagan is a guest here. Let's treat her with respect.
Anon - They certainly have lots of satisfied customers!
Pagan - You're most welcome. thank you for sharing this lovely leather creation!
Paul - I, for one, like a little thud with my sting...
Pagan - That sounds wonderful. Enjoy!
WOW WWE The Most Powerful World wrestling Entertainment for free, Geez this is cool!!!
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