Sunday, October 29, 2023

A Different Dawn

Yeah, it's me. I know I've been gone for almost a year. But here we are. A lot has changed, but much is the same.

I am grateful to everyone who expressed concern or wrote to check on me. The short explanation for my absence, call it an excuse if you must, is that my husband Randy was diagnosed with a blood cancer in the summer of 2022. We were told it was often treatable, though his age was a concern. He survived chemotherapy and despite some tough times, he is now in full butt whacking remission.

This experience changed both of us in ways we are only now beginning to fully comprehend. He looks ten years older and closer to his chronological age. But he is back to his smiling self. His employer allowed him to take a leave of absence and he's back working again, though mostly from home.

I feel less certain about my role and purpose. I faced the crushing possibility of finishing my life alone. His mortality reminded me of my own. I pondered how I've spent this life I was gifted and what good I have done for the world. As I emerge from this time of reflection, I think publishing a spanking blog was probably a positive. I once had a spreadsheet full of post ideas. Now as I type this, I have no specific plans. I'm not even sure I'm back. But I think I might try this again for a while.

I have dozens of questions and comments that readers have sent. Apparently, they were here even when I wasn't. I will end the suspense by answering the number one question. YES, I am definitely still getting spankings. It still stings and I still love it all. You needn't worry another minute about that one. I will answer more questions later.

Until then, have a lovely week!


Dan - A Disciplined Hubby said...

Welcome back Bonnie, even if you're unsure you actually ARE back. I'm so sorry you and Randy have gone through such a frightening trial and so glad that it seems to be ending well. I can understand how it has led you to examine your own role and purpose. I often wonder whether the time I spend writing my own spanking/domestic discipline blog is really the highest and best use of my time and talents. Maybe not, though I think it has given an outlet to some similarly-wired people who didn't have a place to gather and talk. Could there be a better use of my time? Probably. But, it's also something that I'm undeniably drawn to do, and so far I haven't found something else that motivates me as often or for so long.

wolfman7446 said...

My sincere best wishes for a fast and full recovery for your husband.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that Randy is in remission, I hope he stays good and healthy. May you both live long and enjoy many whacks. It is great to see you back, perhaps let the ideas come as they will. Posts that you want to post will always be better than posts that you have forced out. I was out of action for about five years, it is strange how you can fall back into the rhythm, if you find your own way of doing things.


Prefectdt said...

That was me, by the way.


Erica Scott said...

Oh, Bonnie. All the hugs to you. ♥ I am sorry for all you and Randy have been through.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,

I'm so sorry to hear you and Randy have been through such a rough and scary time. So glad to hear Randy is in remission. Seems it's not just your butt he's kicking:)

Sending positive thoughts. Take care,


Hermione said...

OMG I can't believe it! You're back! Let the bells ring out and the banners fly!


KDPierre said...

Welcome back, and please accept my sincere wishes that the positive turn for the health issues for your husband continue.

Jean Marie said...

SO glad that you & yours weathered this storm & have come out on the other side, SO glad that you are back blogging!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back, missed you, knowing you are spanked, my wife is the one who does the spanking in this home, so hope you address that also. Jack

Bonnie said...

Thank you, everyone. I was hoping some people would remember me.

Dan - It's reassuring to reassess one's priorities and find them in need of only minor adjustments. But it was a long road to get there.

Prefectdt - What a lovely wish. I appreciate that. I think blogging is like riding a bike. One you know, you don't forget.

Rick - Thank you. He's doing OK now.

Erica - Thank you! I thought about you so many times when you endured the scenario I most feared. I cried when I read your post about John. That easily could have been Randy. Your strength is an inspiration and your willingness to share allows the rest of us to better understand how to navigate difficult times.

Roz - Ha! I think you're right!

Hermione - Hi! It's great to hear from you! I missed everyone.

KD - I appreciate your support.

Jean Marie - We survived and this outcome was uncertain for a while. As for blogging, we'll see.

Jack - Thank you. I prefer to write about what I know, but your contributions are welcome.

nora said...

It sounds like you two have really been through the ringer! You have my empathy. It's nice to see you in this space again <3

Bonnie said...

Nora - Yes, thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, happy to see you back, You have been missed.

Sorry to hear what you and Randy have been through. A frightening time for you both.

Sending positive thoughts.

Hugs to you both.


Bonnie said...

Ronnie - Thank you, my friend. It's been tough, but we're doing better now.

Midwest Reader said...

Great to see you back! Very glad that Ronnie is doing well.

Bonnie said...

MWR - Thank you for stopping by. We're doing OK.

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