Roz: Have you attended kink events or munches?
Bonnie: Not really. It's not our thing. We attended a small munch of sorts many years ago, but the conversation didn't click for us.
Roz: Do you have a favourite movie?
Bonnie: The Godfather parts I and II
Roz: What is your dream vacation destination or place to visit?
Bonnie: Maui
RP: How many people do you know outside the blog world who share your interest?
Bonnie: None that I know.
RP: Do you suspect anyone, but don't know for sure?
Bonnie: Not really. I used to wonder about my sister-in-law, but I think she's vanilla.
RP: In general, how popular do you think consensual spanking is?
Bonnie: I don't know. The percentage likely depends upon how we pose the question. How many couples enjoy an occasional swat on the butt during sex? I will guess that's a pretty substantial number, maybe even approaching half. The percentage of couples who enjoy regular spanking sessions is undoubtedly much lower.
Ronnie: Have you ever attended any spanko parties? I can't remember reading about any.
Bonnie: No, it's not our thing. Specifically, Randy isn't interested in playing with other people. A scary stalker experience convinced us that we need to be careful.
Prefectdt: Do you have a cellar, attic or other unusual place where you occasionally like to play spanking games, just so that things don't get boring?
Bonnie: We own a spanking bench and the only place where we have room for it is in our basement. It's hardly an ideal location for such activities, but the bench serves its purpose.
Anon #1: Why did you stop posting photos of yourself in jeans (assuming it's you)?
Bonnie: Those pictures are old and I don't look like that any longer.
Jack: Do you find it 'not normal' for the wife to be the 'Mommy' when the husband acts like a naughty little boy. I ask because our relationship is FLR, and my wife has me call her 'Mommy' when I've been bad and need a spanking. I accept this, don't care who knows, it was in fact my mother-in-law who said I needed to be spanked, the 'Mommy' my wife just added.
Bonnie: If normal means average, who would aspire to that? If your relationship with your wife satisfies both of you, then what I think is of little consequence. May all your spankings be meaningful.
Anon #2: Would it be possible to see a nice, clear shot of your feet? I'm sure they are lovely and it would be great to see them in all their glory. Does your husband show a special appreciation for your beautiful appendages?
Bonnie: My feet? Wearing dress shoes for too many decades have left my poor feet and toes in a less than original condition. I'm going to pass on this one. Sorry.
This was fun. Thanks, everyone!
Some interesting questions Bonnie and I enjoyed reading your answers. Thank you for answering my question. We attended both a munch and an event once. Both very interesting experiences lol
Bonnie, thanks for answering. Stalker sounds scary.
Thank-You for taking the time to answer my question and Thank-You for response, it was the most meaningful I have ever received. My spankings are memorable, my wife "Mommy' insures that, the marriage is strong, what more could a man 'naughty little boy' ask for. Once again Thank-You Jack
Thanks for your answers. It's wonderful to get to know you two better.
A spanking bench in the basement sounds nice. The head height in my cellar would only allow OTK.
Thank you all for participating in our March Q&A fun!
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