Sunday, August 19, 2012

Recap: MBS Sunday Brunch for Aug 19

Our topic this week was the progression of a spanking and how it changes in intensity. I presented graphs illustrating different spanking techniques and asked brunchers to compare them with their own experience. Here are your responses.

Joeyred: Terrific charts. Almost all of the spankings I deliver are of the "Nice Warmup" variety. Most bottoms prefer it above the other types.

As a bottom, I have experienced all these above spanking types. One that I really like is corner time, warm up, change of position, hard spanking with leather belt, corner time, and aftercare.

Excellent topic and illustrations.

Reece Seever: Great charts! Most of Anne's spankings are of the "What was I Thinking" variety. If I could change one thing about her DD spanking approach, it would be to add a bit more warm up.

Hermione: I usually get the "What Was I Thinking" kind, despite my frequent requests for a warm up. The response is "I don't do warm ups." As the spanking progresses, it feels more like a "Shock and Awe" in that the pain lessens as my bottom reddens, even though the swats are harder than at the beginning.

Fondles: I love your charts. I possibly get a mix of the "Nice Warm up," "What Was I Thinking", and "Roller Coaster" (as 'incentive' spankings, maintenance, and general play/just to show me who's boss spanking sessions, respectively).

Mrs. Soft Bottom: That's so nerdy. I love the charts!

I like the "Nice Warm up" and "Roller Coaster" for erotic spankings, but "Shock and Awe" for maintenance and correction.

Bonnie-jo: This is such a great idea!

SNP: Fun charts, good topics, and yes, "Nice Warm up" is the best. :)

Lea: I like a "Nice Warmup" and occasionally a "Roller Coaster." I'd add a graph for the "Half-Assed Effort" where the line stays generally low all the way across. This would be in the cases that he may be distracted by the TV or something.

We probably don't want to promote that one, lest it gain popularity!

Sublime Wifey: I love your charts! Could you make a graph for this scenario?

With a kid in the house, we rarely get spanking time. So frequently, I get sneak attack swats around the house, and then nothing for hours or days. Sometimes, it's a few playful swats while I'm doing dishes (mmm). Sometimes, it's three or four swats hard enough to bring tears while I'm getting laundry out of the dryer. Sometimes, it's skirt up or pants down sneaky sexy swats. But it's always without notice and without any follow up as he goes about his day. I wonder whether we'll get another chance to continue today or even this week or month. It's been so long since I've had a full spanking that I'm wondering if we're even doing this anymore or if sneak attack swats are it for me.

Here's your “Sneak Attack.”
Loki Darksong: Awesome charts! By looking at them, I feel that the type of spankings that I tend to give are primarily the "Roller Coaster" type. I will have to give the others a try and see how well I like them.

Bonnie: Randy mixes in all of these elements in a manner that keeps me from anticipating exactly what will happen next. He tells me that it's part of my giving up control. He does keep me on my toes (occasionally literally, but that's another story).

Thanks, everyone, for indulging my graphical tendencies this week. I sought to find a different way to describe a spanking. For anyone who didn't quite understand the graphs, I promise we'll have a completely different sort of question next week.


SublimeWifey said...

Bonnie! Thank you for graphing my sneak attack swats. The spikes make me smile and cringe at the same time.

A'marie said...

I love your graphs. They're spectacular. :D

Alice said...

Great discussion topic Bonnie - although I'm going through a bit of a "flat line" period at the moment, so you just made me more aware of what I'm missing. :-)

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