We have cause for celebration today as fifteen new members join our blogging community. I invite you to explore these blogs and encourage you to welcome our new friends with supportive comments.
Regular MBS readers will recognize Not So Submissive as the creation of our friend, contributor, and long time commenter Indy!
To all of these newcomers, I wish you a wonderful blogging experience with lots of engaging readers. If I can be of aid, you know where to find me!
Hi. I'm not exactly sure how I got here, but thank you for the warm welcome. So many people have visited my site and I hope you all enjoy it. I appreciate everyone who writes blogs here, because they are so helpful to me. I will try to leave comments a little here and there to let you know I stopped by.
Jadedjewel - Our LDD life
Bonnie, Thanks for doing these types of posts, they are very helpful.
Thanks Bonnie.
Thanks so much, Bonnie, and to the 200+ of you who stopped by Not So Submissive.
The only down side of having a blog is that I haven't yet clicked the remaining links, but I will!
Bonnie: thanks for the mention of my blog. It has created many hits to the site. Hopefully people will like what they see and interact over time.
Bonnie, I cannot thank you enough for your kind words of encouragement.
I am looking forward to reading your insights and commenting often.
Also, thank you to each and every one of your readers that have stopped by.
Kaiser, A Vanilla Villain
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