Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Spanko Files: Terpsichore

We have an update from our friend, Terpsichore. As you shall see, the news is very good.

My First Real Spanking

There were no candles lit, no roses, nor anything romantic. But somehow that didn't matter. I was downstairs on the computer while my husband was upstairs in the living room watching TV. I came upstairs to say hello and greeted him with a kiss. He greeted me back. I greeted him again and then sat next to him. He was watching something on the History Channel. I didn't pay attention to what it was. I was focused on distracting him. He was enjoying the distraction.

Then, all the sudden, he kissed me and pulled me across his lap. He immediately pulled down my pajama bottoms. There was no time for anticipation. It didn't matter whether I knew what came next and I didn't have to beg for it. He smacked my bottom and then rubbed in gentle circles. It was like a massage, only better. There was no intensity or speed. It was more relaxing than erotic. But it didn't matter. I was enjoying it and I decided the second he placed me in that position that I was not going to move until he decided to stop. I wiggled a bit to get comfortable as I am a little long for our couch.

All the sudden, I became aware of the TV which was still humming in the background. I mildly wondered if he was still watching the program or paying attention to me, but decided it did not matter. He could watch TV with me over his lap anytime he wants ...and I told him so. The spanking continued with casual conversation, TV, and giggles. I just relaxed and enjoyed the occasional smack and rub. I hate to admit I was almost bored at times because it was so slow and relaxing, but I was so happy too. My husband started to explore other parts of my body and then after a while he rolled me over and started kissing me and we moved upstairs into the bedroom for more play and lovemaking. He even took the brush I had bought at Christmas time with the pretty flowers on it that up until now has just been used on my hair. He gave me just a few little light taps, but it was great to have a hand holding it other than my own.

I was all smiles... I had my first real spanking! It was not nearly intense enough or fast enough or long enough, or romantic in any way, but my husband initiated, decided when to start and stop. That for me made it real and special. And I am so very grateful as it has given me hope that it will not be the last time. While we have a long way to go, there is a lot to look forward to. :-)

We have since talked and it feels good to be communicating again about my favorite topic of spanking. He expressed his desire to have me guide him through the spankings as to what feels good and what is too much or too hard. It may be a long time before he finds his dominant side. However, since he is asking for me to guide him, perhaps I will find mine by telling him what I want. That’s difficult when I hardly know myself, but I am ready for the challenge of finding out together. Of course, the biggest obstacle is finding time to make love at all. But there will be a time in our lives when that will not be a challenge. I am happy that, in addition to being the parents of two small children we love so much, we are also a couple again. Since my first real spanking, we have had another encounter and we shared the best lovemaking of our life. I’m looking forward to what the future may bring... :-)

Bravo, Terpsichore! Your patience finally paid off.


Paul said...

Terps, this is such good news for you both, may it long continue and grow.
Warm hugs,

Jessie said...

Yay, I am so happy for you!

Hermione said...

Terpsichore, I am truly happy for you. You waited patiently for you husband to take the lead, and you've been rewarded.

It's great that he wants you to guide him on this adventure. You'll learn and grow together.

Gotta love that History channel!


PK said...

A wonderful beginning. This was a good way for you both to be comfortable. From our first time to now was not a straight shot. There was starting and stopping and meandering. But the trip is sooooo much fun! I hope you will let us take this journey with you.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful experience. Enjoy the discovery of learning what you both like together.

Greenwoman said...

Yay! Its always so good to see a couple have success in finding consensus about how to express their relationship and meeting each other's needs. Good for you. I hope this trend continues and that he comes to find spanking you one of the joys of his life. Blessings! And Bonny, thanks for the update. *smiles*

Terpsichore said...

Thank-you Bonnie for sharing my story and yes, I am very happy! :-)

Anonymous said...


I am tickled for you. If you want to help him "find his dominant side," make sure you tell him something you enjoyed/thank him/otherwise encourage him after every session. I've done that from the beginning, and now my darling Vanilla husband has been the initiator of the last few sessions. Yay!

grace said...

Terps, (Oh how I love that I gave you a nickname...LOL)

I'm so glad this happened for you. Babysteps are good.

Time and patience, my friend, that's what it's all about.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.


Terpsichore said...

Thank-you everyone for you support and hugs! :-) Terpsichore (Terps)

Anonymous said...

I've been searching for some new blogs to read, as not everyone updates on a regular basis. By the looks of it, I can spend many hours on your site going back to the beginning of your story. I'm hoping for some good insights and new ideas, crossing my fingers that Sir understands why I'm on the computer so much!!


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