To my dear friend Eva,
Through triumph and tribulation,
Through confusion and captivation,
Through weariness and motivation,
Through parenthood and perspiration,
The love you share with Adam has helped you both to carry on and be strong.
A little thing like a birthday is merely a speed bump on the road of life.
So what better way could there be to recognize this milestone than to bump each other right into another sweet year together?
I hope you're enjoying a fantastic birthday!
May all the bumps be on Eva's backside!! Love you Bonnie!
Thank you Bonnie! It's been an awesome birthday! In fact, for many reasons I think it's been my best ever!!
Happy Birthday Eva!!! :-)
Bonnie, nice one, speed bumps eh, lets hope that Eva's exhaust isn't too damaged, I'm sure that Adam will be able to fix that. *G*
I'm so glad that you had a good one Eva.
Warm hugs,
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