Showing posts with label spanking media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spanking media. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2011

Recap: MBS Sunday Brunch for May 29

My apologies for Blogger's weirdness on Saturday. I guess they took a long weekend as well. Thank you to everyone who persevered.

Anyhow, our topic this week was favorite (and least favorite) media for spanking content. Here are your thoughts.

Michelle Carlyle: My reply is all of the above. And of course, I am partial to spanking fiction. I can't imagine why.

Six of the Best: The audio portion would not be of interest to me. All of those others are “Go.”

Anon: I enjoy written real life accounts the most.

Bree: I enjoy pictorial sets the most only because I do not have enough time for the others. Phots are quick and they get the job done. I feel like I get a quick emotional wallop and feelings I never knew I had are brought to the surface often leaving me to ponder the why, when, where and what about those feelings.

I would like to consume more written real life stories, but there's not enough time. (sigh)

I think audio podcasts are most helpful to people who are learning about adult consensual spanking. They are actually helpful regardless of one's experience. It has helped me tremendously. It was there when I needed to be set straight or reassured a few times.

I would be most likely to create and share semi-biographical spanking stories. Fictional stories have to come from some part of you, so for me, that part is real. Real life spanking stories sometimes have to be spruced up a bit in my opinion. I think no one totally remembers every little detail before, during or after being spanked. You have to also be inside the head of the other characters to make a good story. Semi-biographical spanking stories, as I like to call them, would be my forte. I am working on a book right now. I don't know whether I will have the time to do this. Maybe I can work on this when have writer's block for the other story. I might try that.

Then there are spanking blogs. What about spanking blogs? They seem so time consuming and too much of a responsibility to me. If I could do it without having to worry about answering people or worrying about snakes in the grass, maybe I would do it. I'm not sure. Maybe sometime in the future. Who knows?

I love all of the other items on the list, but I like being spanked in person the best. Nothing can replace that.

Bree, had I included real life spankings in the list, we probably wouldn't have much to discuss. :D

Mockingbird: I guess I prefer the written word. I love real life accounts and fictional stories. However, I also enjoy the artsy kind of bondage/spanking photos.

Lea: I love reading blogs and real life accounts as well as fictional stories. It's always interesting to hear another take on things.

I don't watch videos or look at pictures much. I've never listened to a podcast before. I'm not sure where to even find one.

I don't know that any one thing is more helpful to people who are learning, but I've learned a lot from reading stories on blogs spanking forums.

As for creating and sharing with others, you won't be seeing any pictures or videos of me. I prefer real life as well as fictional stories. I've shared a few on my blog already.

Prefectdt: I vote for audio podcasts.

I would like to do more reading, but I have limited time to spend at a computer. This reduces my ability to commit to much screen literary indulgence.

I've been a fan of the spoken word since I discovered BBC radio four as a child. Being a bit of an outdoorsy type, it is convenient to put some podcasts on my MP3 player and listen to them when I am out and about doing other things. The Masochist does some very good interviews.

The downside is the time gap between the time when podcasts become available and my opportunity to listen. It is a bit pointless to leave comments for the podcasters by then. I do hope that podcasters are not put off by the lack of reaction to their work.

Daisy: Written real life accounts are my absolute favourite. Fictional stories would come second, but I prefer the ones which COULD be real life. In other words, I can fantasise about them actually happening. I find stories that could not be real (e.g., those that are way out or ridiculous or gratuitous and make no sense), just irritate me! Instead of enjoying reading, my mind picks holes in the content!

Similarly, I like full length videos to be believable. One that particularly sticks in my mind as an amazing video is Pixie in "The Anxiety of the Girl Waiting." I don't like to see intimate parts on show or excessive force/marks/bruising. Fussy wotsit, aren't I? Regarding short video vignettes, I look at YouTube occasionally, but these videos also have to follow my strict codes above(!) or I switch them off feeling more annoyed than inspired!

Pictorial sets don't really do it for me, unless they are very tastefully done. Artwork can be sometimes great, but again, I like the tasteful ones that leave most to the imagination... and the cute, fun ones. Ronnie always finds great artwork, as does Hermione!

Audio podcasts have to be last on my list as I have never experienced these!

Velvet: I enjoy short real life accounts and stories. I also love erotic art and pictures. We are all individuals, so I think it's important for there to be a variety of genres out there. Personally, long wordy blogs lose my interest fast unless they are very well written. My blog is generally real life events and erotic black and white photos, but I try to steer away from being overly graphic.

Joeyred: Velvet's blog is a great example of what I find most enjoyable. I like real life events told brilliantly and illustrated with art gallery quality erotic photos.

What I find least enjoyable are spanking videos, except those of Zelle demonstrating London Tanner products.

To learn about spanking, I find this blog and Lea's Corner to be excellent sources of information. For example, Lea's blog post on safe words was exceptionally well done. Zelle's blog is also very informative and often so hilarious.

Fortunately, there are a wide variety of blog styles and intelligent and clever bloggers. Thanks to all of you.

KayLynn/ExMoWife: Time is a commodity that I lack these days! But I love blogs and need the wisdom/commiseration. Next is fiction with complex characters and plots. Evoking artwork is great (Deviant Art is a great venue). My least favorite are the videos. Most lack complexity (likely due to production cash – I'm taking up collections, anyone? ;) Thanks for tip on podcasts. Any "graphica" loses me.

Here's hoping you have an improved weather Bonnie! Head south, the sun misses you.

Thanks, KayLynn. Our weather is getting better, albeit slowly.

Raven Red: Artwork gets a definitely yes from me. There are lots of creative and talented people out there who can portray in an image more than what words can.

I have listened to a couple audio podcasts and found them enjoyable. However, I am not the biggest fan.

I definitely love fictional stories. A Voice in the Corner and Michelle Carlyle's blogs are some of my favourite visiting places. I most definitely love written real life accounts as well.

I am not really a fan of full length videos, nor do I enjoy them. Most of the time, they seem like the same thing over and over. I prefer short video vignettes.

If the photography is good, pictorial sets are a definite yes.

To the share and create question, I am very honest in my blog about what happens to me, my emotions etc. I love using images and even did try once or twice to write some fiction.

As for video clips, eh, some serious consideration has been given to that...(GRIN)

Hermione: From the available choices, I most enjoy written real-life accounts, with fiction a close second. I also like artwork like cartoons and sketches.

I would like to read more real-life accounts by my favourite blogger.

For me, the least effective are audio podcasts and videos. When a blogger I visit regularly does one, for a special reason or on an occasional basis, then I will listen or watch. But as a general rule, I avoid them. They are time-consuming to download, and because of limited privacy, I have to keep the sound turned off on my computer most of the time. Pictorial sets are of no interest to me when they are the only means of communication on a blog.

As for choosing a useful learning tool, that would be depend upon the learning style of the audience. It might be any of the methods mentioned, depending on personal preference. For beginners, some of the videos and pictures might be too extreme or frightening.

Personally, I am most likely to create real-life accounts and the odd piece of fiction because writing is the medium with which I am comfortable.

Our Bottoms Burn: I enjoy all forms. The medium is not what makes it for me, it's the content. Some creative types merge two or more media to make excellent presentations.

What makes it special for me is when it's personalized. We have all seen spanked bottoms. I like to know a little about them.

I just watched the audio clip of Zelle. It's very cute and more than audio.

This couple is new to me. They share things about themselves in addition to some tasteful pictures.

I am waiting for Tarantino's spanking movie.

Jack: I'm only interested in videos. Unfortunately very little realistic stuff is being produced. They all use the same fake hairbrush!

Jane: I love real life stories. I remember first discovering My Bottom Smarts, and after I figured out how the whole blog thing worked (archives, etc.), eagerly reading all of the real life stories! Occasionally, when Bonnie drops a hint that another may be coming up, that makes me happy.

Thank you, Jane! I'll do my best to follow though on those hints.

Season: Real life accounts and fictional stories top the list for me. Reading draws me in and I can really feel the experience of it all - physically, emotionally, mentally, and sometimes even spiritually.

Even in the vanilla world, I always enjoy the book better than the movie. :-)

Ronnie: For me, it's the written word, reading about real accounts followed by fictional stories. I do like tasteful artwork.

My least favorite are audio podcasts and videos.

Rootsdown: I'm especially fond of erotic artwork blogs and I like real life accounts also. These are the blogs I read frequently. I think that if one is limited to online learning, the best way to learn about spanking is a combination of all of these types. However, when it comes to learning kinky skills, I have a preference for having a workshop at a kink event. It's an experiential way of learning and that usually is the best way.

Uncle Nick: What I like the most are interviews that I conduct. I love to record a real girl talking about a real experience, like this one that I did just the other day and then ran on my blog.

In second place would be the newspaper reports that I turn up from time to time.

Pink: I'm a fan of real-life accounts, delivered in a short, concise (yet eloquent) manner. There are so many blogs that I count as "favorites" and I have limited reading time with my full-time job and other responsibilities.

I wish I had more time to read spanking fiction. I very rarely read lengthy stories online. If I am reading anything of length, it's a book that is non-spanking related ('cuz a girl has to have balance).

I do like videos, if they are realistic and not too harsh. I don't enjoy excessive humiliation or marks in videos.

I am a visual person, so I love photos and artwork. I spend a lot of time looking for photos to use on my blog and have a huge collection on my computer. We joke that I'm a pornographer, but most of the photos are tasteful (some are super raunchy for days when I need more dirt).

As far as video vignettes and audio, I typically don't watch or listen to these. I would much rather leave it to my imagination.

I sometimes wish I had a clone that could spend all day online reading, watching, and listening. Until we get that technology, though, I unfortunately must be selective.

Bonnie: I have a T-shirt that reads, “Word Nerd.” That about covers it. The written word is my medium of choice. I can appreciate any of the other media if the content and presentation are tasteful, but it's words that light my lamp.

For the newcomers, I agree with Greenwoman. Different people learn in different ways. To be effective in our educational efforts, we must strive to reach each reader. In many cases, that means using all of the media available to us.

Thanks, everyone, for joining our brunch discussion!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Recap: MBS Sunday Brunch for Mar 8

Our topic for the week was favorite genres for spanking-oriented stories, photo narratives, and videos. We also inquired about the correlation, if any, between spanking media preferences and real play. Here are your responses.

Curtis G: My choices precisely mirror my interests in real life. I like to see spankings that are playful, fun and/or arousing. I want in visual media to see at least one, and better still, both parties having a good time or more. In stories, I like this, too. But I also like childhood remembrances that both recall those days and tell how people came to be aroused by spanking in word, picture and deed.

Anon: While I like both playful and more serious discipline type scenarios, I prefer to see serious ones in media. I don't know why. I should add I say "discipline type scenarios" because they're all roleplay and sexual in nature.

Villain: When I am enjoying spanking media, I like to consider the people represented in the narrative. Spanking is valid for a number of different reasons. That being said, I can enjoy almost any form of spanking represented as long as it's the real thing. Spanking is a deep part of me, and knowing that others feel the same way is great. As long as the spanking represented is genuine and the two people can gain something wholesome from it, I'm all for it.

Anon VII: I agree that there are a disproportionate number of videos (and stills) showing the recipients grimacing, crying, or otherwise showing signs of NOT enjoying the encounter. I'd like to see more that are like our situation, in which she clearly is enjoying herself and getting very excited. Surely that is more representative of most of us on this blog who do the M/F.

It seems that we have sizable contingents on each side of this question.

Daisy: This question just shows how different we are!

I get no enjoyment from watching a spanking clip where the female makes no noise and doesn't move. It bores me. The whole "enjoying the spanking" thing seems incongruous, and if it is erotic I feel like I am invading someone’s privacy!

The sort that I like to watch are the ones where the scene is set first. She is being a brat and is called to account for her behaviour. She struggles and tries to evade the inevitable, but he is stern and strong and spanks her until she bows to his authority, despite struggling en route which he deals with in an appropriate manner. It is the authority, the discipline meted out (stern but fair), the lecture, the female being made to respond and be respectful. These turn me on big time... But it must be real. Too many actors in these scenes fluff their lines, and the wooden acting leaves me cold! In fact, I find the total amateurs and individual couples who post on SpankingTube much more fun to watch!

morningstar: I read the Sunday brunch question last night and found myself clicking away from your site quickly, Bonnie. I spent some time thinking about my reaction, and I realized it was the question, or the question underlying the question. I read it as what kind of porn do you like and how close does it mirror your play?

AND I realized, despite everything, I am still reticent to admit that I actually enjoy porn! Hells bells and at my age!

BUT I came back this morning to be honest with myself (and I guess to others too, right?). I do from time to time go looking for porn. It’s usually written because pictorials don't leave much to my imagination. And I LOVE where my imagination goes...

First, I have to say that the explicit writings I read do not come close to any scenes with Sir. Once, a long time ago, we tried to live out one of my "fantasizes" from porn and it didn't work at all... Not one little bit. So I tend to keep the writings/stories in my head for alone times. They work great when left in my head!

Mostly, I go looking for stories about naughty secretaries or other employees. Occasionally, I favor naughty girlfriends. I like scenes where the male pulls down their panties, puts them over their knee, and spanks them. Pretty tame, eh?

BUT I have in my wanderings around the net – found – from time to time, stories of prisoner capture and torture. Those do something to me that I can't even explain!

The ones that get to me more than anything involve total loss of control and ignoring all rules of "engagement."

BUT I have to say again that I do not believe that sort of play would translate well into real life. I know Sir too well. He knows me too well. It is all best left in my imagination...

Abby: I'm enjoying reading everyone's comments. What different perspectives we all have! Porn versus erotica, play versus punishment... Am I being too blunt by pointing out that we're talking about the fetish of spanking? If it feels good and only good, with no element of pain or discipline, you're doing it wrong.

I'm not trying to advertise myself here, especially as I haven't made a film in over a year, but the Naughty Abby movies I made with my husband were filled with crying and yelping and cane marks – and I was having the best time of my life. It's why we ended up actually calling one of them "Fierce Foreplay." For us, it was romantic and playful and erotic and sensual, and for me, quite painful, which I expressed quite vocally and with tears. I am as proud of that one movie as I am of my entire blog, because it sums up exactly what this fetish means to me - it's fierce, it's painful, and it makes me wet and happy.

To answer the question simply, I do like my porn to be on the harsher side, though I still shy away from hardcore harsh, like the films from Lupus, despite my love and admiration for the models in them. The fact that the cane is my favorite implement has to do with my tastes. Do I want to see it hurt? Yes. Do I want to see it bleed? No. No, thank you.

I don't want romance in my porn. I have a specific use for it. I don't want to cuddle with it afterwards, or make it breakfast. This question does make me wonder now, though, is there really such a thing as soft core spanking porn? What does that even mean?

Hermione: Randy's observation is very interesting and timely, because just last night I saw a spanking in an otherwise staid British drama, and both parties quite obviously enjoyed it.

I prefer to watch video or movie spankings that are erotic rather than disciplinary, and not too extreme or severe. It's more enjoyable if I can identify with the spankee in some way, since all our spankings are erotic in nature.

When reading stories, however, punishment scenes appeal to me greatly and provide material for my fantasies. I can replay them in my mind and alter or embellish as much as I like.

Jean Marie: In my life, I have a butt-full of the romantic, playful spankings. In my reading and video selections, I like to traffic on my fantasies. I like the couple to be attractive and relatable, the woman to be the bottom and to do something wrong. I like to experience her guilt and shame, and the humiliation of being bared (the more public the better). I want to see punishment, to have her limits tested, for her to sweat, and moan, and beg, and most of all, cry. If it's done well, it's cathartic, and I need the make-up sex afterwards to make both parties feel whole and reconciled. Damn, you just made me want to direct a porno!

Miss Jules: Being mostly a story reader, I prefer scenarios that go from non-consensual serious spanking to "Shit, I am enjoying this," with erotic elements following. Call me greedy for wanting to have both, but I guess it's because these type of stories reflect how I felt when I recognized something was different with me. Oh, and because I like to play the unwilling brat that first refuses to admit that she is aroused. ;-)

However, I occasionally read purely disciplinary-themed stories as well, if they were written well enough, although they do not reflect my general preferences.

Prefectdt: I like both types of spanking scene. I think Randy is right about producers concentrating on punishment scenarios. Mostly, I like to see producers experiment and try to come up with fresh ideas. Whether it be a punishment scene or a friendly spanking makes little difference to me.

Meow: I've always loved DD/punishment scenarios and finally have this in real life (for about two months so far). We like playful spankings, too, but there's something about a stern man with a paddle that makes me melt. Stories/videos/photos with a strict husband and a well spanked wife are my favorites. This is my very first post ever, so hope I'm doing it right.

Welcome, Meow. That was perfect! Thanks for joining us.

Zille Defeu: Bonnie, this is your best question EVAR! ;) I've had to break it up into three parts to give it a proper response.

Q: In a spanking-oriented story, photo narrative, or video, do you prefer serious themes to those that are more playful, sensual, or erotic?

A: I prefer serious themes. My main fantasies are informed by Janus magazine and other British CP magazines, so it's all very much about schoolgirls getting punished by headmasters and uncles -- lots of tears and remorse. My Master has a huge collection of those magazines, so that's mainly what I read. I also enjoy some darker erotica as well (non-consensual stuff). Simply put, there's NO laughter in my fantasies!

Q: Does one genre better fit your fantasies and interests more than others?

Yes. When my Master introduced me to the British spanko magazines, I felt like I was coming home for the first time! Before that, I found stories online (White Shadow's Nasty Stories, anyone?) which had individual ingredients of what I consider arousing.

Q: How closely do your choices in spanking media mirror your own play preferences?

As closely as possible! I love role-playing erotic stories or videos! We of course do a lot of stuff which wouldn't be found in a CP magazine story, or spanking website video, and there is laughter and fun in our playtime. Just not in my fantasies!

Bonnie: When posing our topic, I purposely omitted the second half of our conversation. On this subject, I am irreconcilably inconsistent. As I have chronicled at length, the spankings that Randy and I share are absolutely consensual. Discipline is not in our vocabulary. I grant him the power (and the responsibility) to spank me as he sees fit. Though I may think at some points that the pain is more than I want, he never violates my trust. I cannot imagine any other arrangement for us. As Abby said, even when I am screaming, I adore every swat.

And yet… My fantasies since childhood have run toward disciplinary and borderline non-consensual scenarios. I have no desire to actually experience anything of the sort, but the concept is incredibly arousing. We roleplay disciplinary scenes and Randy regularly incorporates various corporal punishment trappings into our sessions. This turns me on and he knows it.

So, to answer the question, I like many varieties of spanking media (I prefer not to use the term “porn” in this context). The stories that most often touch my deepest desires are those where there is an element of discipline. You can see this reflected in some of my fiction. I like a fairly severe spanking, but I don’t generally need/want/like to see very graphic visuals.

I’ve managed this odd divided desire for decades. It just makes sense to me.

Our Bottoms Burn: If it's a spanking-oriented story, then we prefer the sensual or erotic theme. We have seen one video that we really enjoyed, and to us, it was very funny. Saying that, I think I would prefer the videos to be playful.

Thomas: I prefer spanking videos to be a bit more on the severe side, including canings and paddlings that leave obvious bruising and marks. If I'm going to watch someone else dishing out a corporal punishment, I want to know that it's a good spanking, and not a game of pattycake. In that sense, I want spanking videos to have an element of discipline or punishment, as it lends more to the severity that I enjoy in such visual media.

I prefer that the spankings given aren't completely forced on the spankee character, though, like some kind of spank-rape. This could simply mean that the character knows long ahead of time that misbehavior will earn her punishment, and accepts that risk. However, I have a particular fondness for characters who have to choose spanking against their will, if only to get out of a worse punishment. I like stories in which a schoolgirl has to choose between spanking and expulsion, or a secretary will either get the can or the cane. I guess the allure is the forbidden fruit aspect, of spanking the unspankable.

As a spanking author, though, my writings on my blog go through the entire list of potential plots. My favorite, though, are still the forbidden fruit spankings, though I'm not as inclined to want the spankings to have any form of consent. My favorite writing of mine, actually, "Fair and Just Punishment," details an entirely non-consensual spanking, albeit with a twist.

I'd like to extend a big thank you to all of our participants. Brunch is especially fun when we get a healthy range of responses. That was certainly the case this week. I hope you'll all stop by again next Sunday.