Wednesday, September 14, 2022

My Bottom Smarts: The Origin Story

Anon asked:

I'm curious about the title "My Bottom Smarts". The obvious literal interpretation is "my butt stings", but it occurs to me that a more subtle (and meaningful) interpretation is "my submissive insights". Are there any stories behind the creation of the title?

That's precisely the explanation. It's a double entendre. I selected that name when I created the blog and it stuck. I wanted something clever, yet descriptive. I've never found a reason to change it.

In fact, on that very first day back in September 2005, I decided upon most of the blog's distinguishing design elements - bright white 12 point Trebuchet text on a dark red background, two column presentation with menus to the right, and the bottom smarts avatar. This style has become the brand.

I had been reading spanking blogs for about a year and thought that I could do this too. I am an experienced journalist and writing is my trade. I believed I had some different perspectives to bring to the marketplace, plus a library of forty or so first person spanking accounts to share.

Randy and I had a lengthy conversation before I began. Blogging was something I really wanted to try and I felt like I could do it well. He was concerned that I could be outed or stalked. We encountered the latter problem a few years earlier because I shared information in a careless way. It was scary, but nothing truly bad happened. Randy insisted that I conduct my online relationships in a specific manner, and I have ever since.

So I jumped in. It was a rainy autumn Saturday. Randy was watching football. It was easy. The blog provided an opportunity to stretch my creative legs in ways not possible in my structured work environment. It was fun. I dropped some of my best stories, sometimes multiple times per day. But I heard only crickets. I had few readers and almost no comments.

Because I enjoyed publishing with no constraints, I continued. I linked and commented on spanking blogs that I hoped might notice me. Eventually, they returned the favor and MBS came to life as more and more engaged spankos joined in the fun.

Most of signature features of the blog appeared during those first six months - the blogroll, spanking accounts, fiction, weekly brunches, the mailbag, tutorials, games, humor, Ask Bonnie, quizzes, drop down links, silly search terms, poetry, song parodies, even an early variation of Love Our Lurkers! Soon, MBS had attracted hundreds of thousands of hits. But it all started very small.


Anonymous said...

Great oaks from little acorns grow Bonnie. We have been so lucky to have you and your blog. Thank you.
Sophie x

Roz said...

I enjoyed reading the story behind the blog name Bonnie. We are so glad you took the plunge that day. MBS has always been the central point of blogland, a meeting place where we all gather. Not to mention the wonderful and insightful advice and information you provide.


Hermione said...

I commend your for coming up with such a creative and eye-catching blog name.
I remember those quizzes. They were a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

I only recently discovered this blog. It was neat to learn more about its origins!

Fondles said...

So lovely to read your origin story :) Glad you stuck with it despite the crickets. You're a pillar of our community now!

Bonnie said...

Sophie - I am lucky to have faithful readers. Thank you.

Roz - I appreciate your generous words.

Hermione - I pondered a few different names, but this was the one I liked best and it stuck.

Anon - Welcome!

Fondles - That part of the story I have repeated often to new bloggers because it's easy to become discouraged early on. It's also why we plug new blogs with features like In with the New.

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