Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Paddle-Rific Pundering

During our most recent Friday night festivities, as I was horizonal, fully exposed, and receiving his stinging gifts, we had an interesting conversation. Thanks to the wonders of technology, I can share these heavily edited highlights.

R: Your butt is paddle-tested.

B: It's paddle-hardened.

R: And you have lovely paddle burns too.

B: I'll have to take your word for that.

R: They're absolutely paddlicious.

B: Did you just do a restaurant review of my butt?

R: You definitely have a paddle friendly bottom.

B: My bottom doesn't think your paddle is very friendly.

R: I'm taking you to Paddletopia.

B: This must be the long route.

R: With a side trip to Paddleopolis.

B: Just as I suspected.

R: The yelps you make are a paddle call.

B: Then you must be a paddle rustler.

R: When you tell all your friends, you're a paddle-tail.

B: Do you have any idea how much this hurts?

R: We shake, paddle, and roll.

B: I'm holding out for roll.

R: When we walk upstairs, it's a frontier paddle drive

B: I'm getting paddle sore.

My spanking continued a while longer, but the puns ended there.


Roz said...

LoL Bonnie, love it,. Sounds like you were both having a good time. Paddlicious...love it!


Erica Scott said...

You two! You have way too damn much fun. (grinning) This is my kind of dialogue.

Bonnie said...

Roz - Yes, this was a fun session. :)

Erica - It truly was too much fun!

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