Monday, August 22, 2022

Never Have I Ever (Spanko Edition)

All over social media, there are Never Have I Ever posts that list a series of experiences and ask readers to count the number they have never tried. I think we need one for consensual adult spanking enthusiasts, so here it is.

I present this activity from the perspective of a spankee, but you are welcome to swap roles as you prefer.

Recieved an OTK spankingFetched an implementWrote a spanking story
Spanked with a paddleCounted swats aloudLay on a spanking bench
Watched a spanking videoSpanked with a riding cropBeen leg locked
Punished with belt/strapTied to the bedDressed for a spanking
Visible marks a day laterGot a birthday spankingSpanked with a hairbrush
Got a public spankingOwn implementsGot a roleplay spanking
Asked for a spankingLooked up dictionary wordsReceived timed spanking
Served corner timeSelf spankedWent to work while sore
Grabbed anklesAttended spanking partyThanked the spanker
Spanked during sexHung implement on wallPunished with a cane
Created spanko blogExamined marks in mirrorSigned a paddle
Spanked on videoSore to sit next daySpanked outdoors

My number is two. What's yours?


Jean Marie said...

First, may I say that you are publishing quite frequently, Bonnie, and it is a pleasure to see fun & thought-provoking posts so often!
Second, I assume we score by how many we have not done; correct? Then I'm a 2, "attended a spanking party" and "spanked on video." But I think that last one might soon change...

Erica Scott said...

What a great list. I am feeling very accomplished!
Mine is one -- I have never hung an implement on the wall. I've hung them in the closet -- does that count?


I got 5 no nevers, :( Got a public spanking, Spanked during sex (before and after yes, but never during), Spanked on video, Got a birthday spanking and Attended a spanking party. Gotta have something for the bucket list, I suppose.


PK said...

I'm at 10, but if I'd had my way...

Dan - A Disciplined Hubby said...

I feel really boring now, but the answer is 10. Or, maybe 9 depending on how you define "public."

Bonnie said...

Jean Marie - Thanks! You did it exactly right.

Erica - I've never seen a closet without a wall (except on Green Acres). I think that makes you a perfect spanko!

Prefectdt - A bucket list is an interesting way to approach it.

PK - Your birthday is coming... :)

Dan - This doesn't have to be a competition. I know people who would check very few boxes, but they have a very satisfying relationships. I suggest it's all about making the kink work for you.

beltromance said...

I was so pleasantly surprised, realizing that even not being a very active community member and being more spanker than spankee, there are just 8-9 things I have never experienced :D And mostly because in my country paddles and hairbrushes are not a regular spanking implements

Bonnie said...

BR - There are many ways to gain experience and I'm sure this exercise merely scratches the surface. Thanks for joining in and sharing your number!

Jimc said...

From what I have seen of your blog over the years the only two I can see are going to a spanking party and hanging up implements are the ones I see ,but I could be wrong.great post thanks for all you share.

Roz said...

This was fun Bonnie, my score is 9


Anonymous said...

Bonnie, my number is 3: never been to a spanking party; never signed a paddle; never been spanked on video. Thanks for the questions.
Sophie x

Hermione said...

Mine is 13. I guess I have a full bucket list thanks to this meme.


Anonymous said...

Mine was 16

robert said...

Mine was 13 also.

KDPierre said...

I painted names on paddles but never signed one like I was authorizing a check. for me.

Bonnie said...

Jim - You got one out of two. Mine were, as you suggested, the spanking party, but also the public spanking. We've been close to that, but not a real spanking right out in public.

As for hanging implements, Randy loves that. It reminds of past spankings and puts me on notice that there are more to come.

Roz - Hooray! Thanks for joining in.

Sophie - You've had a whole lot of spanking adventures! Good for you.

Hermione - That's the spirit!

Anon - Thank you for sharing your number.

Robert - May it bring you good luck.

KD - I think that counts. You too have achieved a perfect score!

Anonymous said...

My number is 9. Mostly public and filming stuff. - Wendy

Bonnie said...

Wendy - 9 is good. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

From the perspective of a spanker, always with the same partner, 19 untried. However, over 30 years, the ones we/I have done: paddle, hairbrush, riding crop, roleplay, during sex and above all written a spanking story run into the 100s in every case!

Bonnie said...

Anon #2 - That sounds like an active spanking career. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

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