Question: I understand that women’s brief-style panties have elastic at the leg openings so they won’t ride up. Why do thongs need elastic?
Bonnie: Hi! I’ve missed you Panty Patrol guys. The reason is the same. We want panties to stay where we put them.
Comment: You people are all sick and this is very sad.
Bonnie: If sick means happy and satisfied, I’ll accept that. I hope you too will one day live your dreams and not be so sad.
Question: I’ve set up some domestic discipline rules for my wife including infractions and corresponding punishments. Could you share an example of the rules that you follow?
Bonnie: I think every relationship is different and there is no one right way to approach discipline (or a hundred other topics). Every couple has the opportunity to find a formula that fits them. It can take some experimentation, but when you get it right, it is fulfilling for both partners.
With that said, my relationship with Randy is not transactional. We have a common understanding of expectations rather than formal rules. I give Randy blanket consent to punish me whenever and however he deems appropriate. It could be for a breach of those expectations, but far more often, I get spanked because he believes I am in need of corporal punishment, or even just because. I willingly accept his judgement and whatever correction he dispenses.
But your mileage may vary...
Comment: It seems like you get spanked and paddled a lot.
Bonnie: It's true. I am forever grateful that my husband understands my needs and is so attentive.
Question: Does Randy talk to you while he's spanking/punishing you? Just wondering what's he's saying while you're receiving his spanks.
Bonnie: Yes. My man is clever and he uses his words and tone to shape my headspace. He can be a stern disciplinarian (“The severity of this punishment is the direct consequence of your frequent and flagrant misbehavior), a loving partner (“Are you still OK, Sweetie? Can you can take ten more?”), or any gradient in between. He often questions me at times when I am least prepared to respond. Or he will ask me to count the swats with penalties for mistakes. Best of all, he knows all my buzzword phrases and he mashes that button frequently (“You know you deserve this, young lady. Don’t you?”).
Comment: It is good to have people explain what we do in a manner that doesn't seem crazy. I've been a lifelong spanko (spanked my gf in HS when we were dating) and it took some time for me to accept in myself that part of me loves to redden a girl's bottom. I like reading blogs like yours that others can relate to.
Bonnie: Thank you! I appreciate your kind words. If I achieve nothing else with this blog, I strive to help readers learn to love and understand their spanko selves. Your dreams are out there waiting for you to live them.
Question: My wife’s not interested in spankings so I’m looking for a trustworthy partner. Just spankings… Do you have any suggestions?
Bonnie: This question is outside my experience because I play exclusively with my husband and we've been together for decades. Fortunately, our friend Hermione hosted a recent brunch discussion that you might find helpful. Good luck!
Question: Are you a proponent of hairbrush spankings?
Bonnie: That’s an interesting way to phrase the question. I am quite familiar with hairbrush spankings. Assuming sane consenting adult participants, hairbrush spankings can be effective and even satisfying. Here’s a post I wrote on this very subject.
Comment: I think women spankees are better able to take a good spanking.
Bonnie: Randy tells me that my body is perfectly designed for spankings. For my entire adult life, I've had wide hips and a thick, fleshy bottom. I have to imagine that gives me a spanking advantage over skinny butts regardless of gender.
Question: May I send you some questions about spanking please?
Bonnie: Yes, you may.
That’s it for this round. If you want to contact me, please leave a comment or send an email. Have a great week!.
I enjoyed reading this Bonnie. Your answers are fabulous, especially to the second one! Hmm, if someone doesn't like, or agree with the content why are they obviously reading? Protest too much perhaps?
Bonnie your so open, understanding which is great. This male needs a wife/Mommy and was lucky to find such. The otk spankings on bare bottom really hurt, but Mommy knows what is best for her naughty little boy. Life cannot get any better for a husband than to have a wife that knows when she must be the Mommy. Jack
Roz said it for me. Seems to me you don't read something if you find it sick and disturbing.
Ummmm... "Why do thongs have elastic?" SMH...
I love the last one. Stay tuned...
Roz - You ask a fine question. Thanks!
Jack - You know best.
Erica - True words. The Panty Patrol guys have been around this blog almost since the beginning. Years go by without a peep and then one shows up with a thong elastic question. I think they are genuinely curious about all things panty and I try to answer their questions when I can.
Hermione - The mail seems to go in and out with the tides. One month, I'll get just a couple and another holds an unexpected bounty. I am grateful when readers send me messages that I can use as content.
My wife and I thoroughly enjoy this site. About 10 years ago, out of the blue, my wife ask me if I would think she was weird if she wanted me to spank her. I told her that I did and that I loved the idea. What happened that night was pretty funny. I got better!!!! If I can figure out how, I will post the story.
Thanks, Bonnie.
Anon - I am pleased to hear that you and your wife enjoy the blog. I would love to know which sorts of features you prefer.
I think every couple's first spanking experience (like their first lovemaking experience) feels a little awkward because neither partner knows quite what to expect. I look forward to reading your story.
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