I'm always on the lookout for new post ideas. Just when I think I have written everything there is to say about consensual adult spankings, along comes inspiration in the form of a curious reader named Caleb.
Here's Caleb's question:
I have recently taken to photoshopping spanking pics. That is to say I have been trying to take pics of women in bikinis or thongs or whatever, and make it look like they have been spanked when they really haven't. To be honest, I am not that impressed with my own work so far lol. Could you ask your fanbase if anyone knows how to photoshop a woman to the point where it looks like she's been spanked realistically? |
I love a challenge. As I told Caleb, I have no need for pictures of simulated spankings. We are very fortunate to have the real thing. But this is a legitimate question and I would like to help.
My husband Randy, a red bottom gourmand, was intrigued as well. He sent me a photo of a bared but unspanked woman in a bent over position. He says she looks just like me and I will take his word. Then he found a picture of me in a similar postion immediately following a hard spanking with a solid wooden hairbrush. My mission was to make the former bottom resemble the latter.
I tried a couple of different techniques with mixed results. I learned that a spanked bottom is not uniformly red, nor are the marks symmetrical. The center of each lower bottom cheek is (hopefully) hit harder, more directly, and more frequently than outer areas. The marking reflects this pattern.
Through experimentation, I found a technique that worked pretty well. I placed a series of small, dark red dots in the two spanking zones, denser in the center, more sparse outside. Then I selected each spanking zone and used a blur function that averages colors within a small area. I did this several times before achieving the right color and coverage on each side. I used a few darker dots to add a hint of bruising. I took into account that a right handed spanker, due to leverage and swing radius, will deliver harder swats to the spankee's right cheek. I think the result looks pretty authentic.
Here is my fake. What do you think?
looked very good to me ! What a lot of work!
I can't see the pic properly for some reason, but from what I can see it looks very good! Interesting question!
Not bad!
MS - Thanks. It was a fun project. I hope our friend Caleb finds it helpful.
Roz - I'm sorry to hear that. Please try this link.
Dan Thanks. It helped a lot to have a picture for comparison.
Pretty good.
I think I'd try using layers with the spanked photo underneath (and cropped to the point where nothing but the bottom shows). Then, I'd play with the transparency of the top layer (of the unspanked bottom), but just in the spanking area.
One I got the results I liked (if I did) I'd merge the layers and save.
It sounds like a fun project.
RP - Yes, that seems like a good approach.
I was trying to address Caleb's challenge which involved creating simulated marks from scratch. But a picture of a well spanked bottom would not be difficult to locate.
Thanks for your contribution!
I thought it looked great. Very much like the real thing at a glance - the red spanked bits looked less in-focus than the rest of the pic.
I think you've done a great job.
It looked like the results of a heavy American style paddle, applied lightly to me
Fondles - Yes, that's a valid observation. I'll work on that.
Ronnie - Thanks!
Prefectdt - That's a good guess, but not quite. The marks I was trying to replicate were made by a solid wooden hairbrush with a flat oval-shaped head. You can discern that form in the most intensely punished region on each cheek.
Nothing to add about Photoshop but if that looks just like you, then Randy is a very lucky fellow indeed!
Close, but no cigar :)
FL - Randy said the photo looked like me. In a general sense, it does, but my body is a bit more well used and not airbrushed.
Prefectdt - Thanks for your comments and readership.
Wow! It's so realistic. I know nothing about photoshopping a picture, and I'm impressed.
Hermione - Thanks. I too am an amateur. I fiddle until I get the result I want.
Love you...Hope you're enjoying my stories. Stay happy. :)
Lol I actually have a blog where I post spanking fakes. Yours is pretty good btw. But I'd love to know what you and your followers think of my blog. Btw....your fake is pretty good
Disclaimer: Because these are fakes, I hide the women's faces in situations where you could otherwise see their entire face. I don't wanna cause anyone any undue embarassment
Bonnie, lol as it turns out I have my own spanking fakes blog that I just started. Would love for you and Caleb and your fans to check it out. Also would love your opinion of it. Your fake is pretty good btw. Disclaimer: Since the pics I post are fakes, I hide the girls faces in situations where you'd be able to see their whole face. I dont wanna cause any embarassment for anyone
Im at spankfakes.wordpress.com
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