Thursday, September 24, 2020

It was fifteen years ago today, on a rainy Saturday afternoon, that I had the notion to try my hand at blogging. I chose the name, the white on red color scheme, the twelve point Trubuchet font, and the two column layout. This is the blog I created that day.

Much has changed for Randy and me, for our spanko community, and for the larger world (and not always for the better). Blogs have been largely replaced as the hot digital medium by Tik Tok, Twitter, Snapchat, and no doubt some other service that our daughter hasn't yet told us about. We've said goodbye to some dear people, but greeted many new fellow travelers.

But some things have not changed - love, friendship, family, caring, support, and oh yeah, spankings. They still feel the same and ignite the same feelings of excitement and passion.

So it's 2020 and I'm still blogging. I guess it's just my thing. I can't imagine myself making dopey old lady Tik Tok videos. No, printed words are my medium of choice. I've tried to walk away, twice in fact, but I just keep coming back here. As I've said before, the attraction always was and continues to be you, the lovely people who visit this place and share your thoughts.

It's been a difficult year for most of us, but I strive to be that glass is half full gal. I dream about a better day and how it might look and feel. I believe it's out there somewhere in our future. We just have to keep holding on. The golden day that I envision is glorious with family reunions and hugs and evenings out and crowded restaurants and sporting events and shopping malls and live performances and public transportation and dancing and exotic vacations and smiling friends toasting freedom together.

Thank you for all your support through all the years. It means so much to me to have wonderful friends and readers (yes, even you elusive lurkers!). Please do what you can to stay safe and well so that we can all one day enjoy the sunlight together.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations from a long term lurker.

morningstar said...

Congratulations on 15 years! That is quite a milestone!

Roz said...

Congratulations on 15 years Bonnie, that is an awesome milestone.

Thank you so much for for all you do for blogland. You have been the glue that holds this community together with your in with the new and brunch posts and more and you gave many of us our start in blogland.


Hermione said...

Happy blogaversary, dear friend. I'm so glad you are still among the active bloggers.
I have a feeling this trying time will get worse before it gets better, but there's always hope.


ronnie said...

Happy blogiversary, Bonnie. So glad you are still blogging. Thank you for finding my humble blog all those years ago and thanks for all you do for our community.


PK said...

Happy 15 Bonnie. This blog that you began a decade and a half ago certainly changed my life. I'll always be grateful. We were lucky to be here for blogging's heyday. I'm not planning to change to newer venues either. I'll keep blogging as long as I enjoy it and a few readers stop by.

O and P Spanking Stories said...

Congrats dear Bonnie and thank you for your help !

Erica Scott said...

Love you, Bonnie! Happy blogaversary and I'm so glad you're still here. You discovered my little MySpace (!) blog years ago and introduced me to the blogosphere, and I'll never forget that. ♥


Happy blogiversary Bonnie. And I hope that you and the rest of us get those freedoms soon.


Joe said...

Happy blosiversary Bonnie and thank you for all you do. Be well

Rich Person said...

Congratulations and thank you. Your blog is an inspiration. I'm just sorry we won't see that TikTok of Randy spanking you, while you each rap pithy comments about the experience. I'm sure that would be a sight to behold.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversay, Bonnie! I'm so glad you're still here. I don't comment often but always enjoy your posts.


Bonnie said...

Anon - Thank you for continuing readership.

MS - I've been at this a long time to be sure. I always appreciate your support.

Roz - You're most welcome and thank YOU.

Hermione - Thank you for many years of insight, assistance, and timely advice. I have to keep my hopes up because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.

Ronnie - I'm glad to be blogging too. Thanks!

PK - Absolutely! I completely agree.

Brigitte - Thank you for your contributions.

Erica - I am pleased to have played a small role in your wonderful success. You are my favorite celebrity!

Prefectdt - Amen!

Joe - Thank you!

RP - Ha! I don't think we're quite coordinated enough for all that, but the rehearsals would be fun.

Liza - Thank you for reading. You're always welcome here.

willie said...

I don't know how you manage it. I'm coming up on my 9th year....with not much written in the last 2. Regardless, thanks for being here.


Minielle Labraun said...

Happy 15 Bonnie! I never tire reading here. You are such a beacon for all of us here in bloggerville!

Enzo said...

Bonnie - Congratulations and Thank You! May you never tire of sharing your stories and insight.

Bonnie said...

Willie - The truth is that I don't entirely manage it. I disappear periodically and the frequency of my posts varies over time. Today, I approach the blog more like a hobby land ess like a job. That has made a tremendous difference.

Minielle - Thank you!

Enzo - You are most welcome. :)

Emerging Lurker said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! I devoured every post on your blog when I first discovered it and went through many others on your blog roll and learned to embrace this side of me. Thank you!

I share your vision of a brighter future. Seeing my “kids” and their friends inspires a lot of hope for the future.


Bonnie said...

EL - Thank you again for your dedicated readership.

If we believe that things will only get worse, there isn't much point in getting out of bed every morning. Hope keeps us going and working to build that better world. So I hope and dream.

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