Saturday, July 25, 2020

Article Links Sexual Fantasies and Political Preference

According to this article in Politico, Republicans tend to fantasize about extra-marital sex while Democrats tend to prefer BDSM and related activities such as spanking. I don't know whether I necessarily buy the psychological rationale, but it's an interesting observation.


Minielle Labraun said...

Fascinating. I was just considering this topic the other day. Thanks for sharing!

Aimless Rambling said...

Interesting and in my case true. Not always but I've seen the light.

juliesp said...

I'm Canadian. I used to consider myself very liberal. I don't think I've changed but feel that the organized liberal political parties have gone so far left and into identity politics that my views are now better aligned with conservatives (other than universal health care, UBI, ending war on drugs, spending to help people with psychological issues and drug addictions, and a lot more! Even so...)

Bernie said...

I must have been a rhino in an earlier version of myself. Thankfully I grew out of that bit of idiocy.

bdenied said...

dont agree with that at all. I would think just the exact opposite

Roz said...

Interesting article Bonnie. Reminds me of an old Desperate Housewives episode which touched on this topic suggesting democrats were more liberal in the bedroom lol.


Erica Scott said...

I wish this were true! But sadly, I know wayyyyy too many Republican spankos. (sigh)

Rich Person said...

Do Republicans just fantasize about extra-marital sex, or do they tend to do it?

My guess is there's little correlation with party affiliation. But it wouldn't surprise me if it correlated with wealth. Both of them.

Hermione said...

Colour me deep blue!


Dr.Eager said...

I've never understood the American to classify oneself as Conservative or Democrat or liberal, or whatever. Why not accept each has its place in political life? That said, religious conservatives of any ilk have usually been found to have repressed sexual desires so the fantasies of conservatives doesn't surprise me.

Dr.Eager said...

American need.

Bonnie said...

Minielle - Thank you for joining our discussion.

AR - True for me too, though I'm not sure I accept the rationale.

Julie - I find that most Canadian politicians make more sense than a lot of what we hear in the US. When basic facts about the state of the world are up for debate, there aren't many opportunities to confront the real issues.

Bernie - We learn as we progress through this life, at least most of us do.

BD - I thought that too. I picture conservatives being obsessed with power while liberals advocate free love. But the article talks about being drawn to taboos, so perhaps my assumptions are too simplistic.

Roz - That has always been my assumption, but I have a very small sample size.

Erica - Perhaps you're right. But it's a fascinating speculation.

RP - That's an interesting observation. I always thought that sex was the only sort of recreation that many people can afford, or so it seems when one is young and bored. People with more resources presumably have more choices.

Hermione - Yeah, me too!

Dr. E - Party affiliation has in recent years become a shorthand for friend or foe. Centrists, if they still exist, are endangered. In this polarized environment, consensus is alas rarer still.

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