Sunday, January 02, 2011

Recap: MBS Sunday Brunch for Jan 2

For our first brunch of 2011, we tried a different sort of topic. I proposed to rededicate myself to enriching my husband's life. Here are your reactions.

Texringer: That's a worthwhile resolution, Bonnie! I'm lucky enough to be married to someone who does this for me as much as I do for him. We're convinced that the two great strengths of our union are that we're pretty much always looking out for the other person, and that we're not afraid to talk about stuff, even when it's uncomfortable. Let's try to do this even more this new year!

Dr. Ken: I'd like to dedicate 2011 to finding a partner, period. Or, at the very least, a spanking partner...

Prefectdt: I would love to join in with your resolution, but I would have to find a partner first. Single female spankers are notably thin on the ground, but that does not mean that I have given up looking. :)

Hermione: What? You mean it's not all about me this year?

Seriously, I rarely stop thinking of ways to make my husband's life easier, cheerier and better in whatever way I can. He always comes first. As a matter of fact, plans are afoot to implement a plan to permanently improve his well-being. In exchange, though, I am expecting more frequent spankings. Not a bad bargain, if I do say so myself.

Six of the Best: Since it takes “two to tango,” a spanko partner's well being always helps cement a good relationship.

morningstar: After being apart for six months in 2010, we are now back together. My resolution is along the same lines as yours, Bonnie. But I will add "more open and willing to communicate honestly with love."

Best wishes to you both!

Katia: Even without the DD lifestyle, I have always spoiled my husband. He gives back just as much. He is my best friend, and there is nothing I would not do for him. I was blessed with an amazing husband.

Pink: I think that if the world were with you, we'd all be so much happier for it. Imagine if everyone dedicated part of their day to making their partners' lives happier? Everyone would win.

I'm not married, but I'm on board (and I know that D is, too).

Serving B: That sounds like a plan! I am doing the same with my partner, B. Best wishes to you for a fabulous new year re-dedicating yourself to your number one.

Thank you, SB!

Valley Girl: I like the sound of your New Year's resolution! In my particular case, I will have to go with Dr. Ken's response, plus continuing to work on my running and yoga training.

Sara: Bonnie, what an awesome resolution. I know it will come back to you tenfold too! Happy New Year to you both!

Just a Girl: I'm totally with you. Making my partner happy, his life easier, more enjoyable and definitely more exciting makes me happy to the core of my being!

Anne: I'm with you and everyone else, Bonnie. I have been doing a lot of deep thinking, soul searching, and reading since we started our journey with DD. I've resolved to look out for my DH and try to make his life better in every way that I can. I put this at the top of my list.

Thanks, everyone, for the well wishes and for adding your thoughts to our discussion. I plan to share some updates on our plan as we move forward.

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