Our topic was people and things for which we are thankful.
Poppy: Being loved in a new, enriching and utterly squirmy way by the man that I adore.
And Phish Food ice cream.
And bubble baths.
Season: What an amazing year! Things I am thankful for:
Finding the love of my life.
My first spanking (and every one since).
Making so many wonderful friends in the world of TTWD.
Okay, and bubble baths. When Poppy's right, she's right.
Hermione: I am thankful that I have a wonderful husband who is enthusiastic about spanking, and who is willing to join me in exploring the endless possibilities. I am very thankful that we are both in good health and are able to enjoy the erotic activities that follow every spanking.
I am also thankful for this blogging community, for the opportunity to share some of my thoughts on spanking, and for the many dear friends I have made through blogging.
And shower gel.
And Italian wedding soup.
Curtis: I am constantly and eternally thankful that I was lucky enough to be born middle class in the United States of America. I am thankful that I have been allowed to live as long as I have and to be in good health and good spirits. I am thankful to be living in a beautiful place, both domicile and location. I am thankful for the freedom to say what I believe and to act on those beliefs.
I am thankful to have a wonderful son and many wonderful friends.
I am also thankful to be a spanko and in a community with everyone here and other places who share that special pleasure and the many, many with whom I've played. And while I am not as lucky as some to presently have a significant other in an LTR, there is always that hope.
I'm also grateful for this blog. It's one to which I repair quite often
Elle: I am so thankful for finding a man strong enough to take over and spank me, to help me understand this side of myself, and to put up with my growing obsession related to it! My life has changed SO much over the last year and I am thankful for all the new things I've discovered about myself and learning that so many people share my interests.
Happy Thanksgiving, my spanko friends!
R Humphries: I have a great deal to be thankful for, including family, friends, health and steady employment. In a spanking context, I am very blessed to be married to My Beloved Jojo and have the opportunity to indulge my lifelong love of spanking with a dedicated spankette. I’m sure that when we first met all those years ago in the original spanking chat-rooms, she might have initially thought that RH had a few bats loose in the belfry. But her love of theatre, glorious imagination and inimitable sense of humor allowed her to embrace the lifestyle. So every year I have good reason to be thankful to my beloved muse . I sincerely hope you are all as fortunate. Happy Holidays and Bottoms Up!
Missy: I'm thankful for the HUGE class action lawsuit that my tenant's association won decisively against our evil, inept landlord last month. You might say we spanked them. I am grateful that that my grandma is still with us at age 80, and no one in my family currently needs any of that health care everyone is talking about.
I'm sure we're all thankful for that new Jessica Alba movie coming out in January, with a much whispered about spanking scene. A solid mainstream cinema spanking only comes along about once a decade. Let's hope her character is not quite as 'troubled' as Lee in Secretary! And I'm thankful for that cool new ad where the dominatrix whips a pistachio nut on a chair.
Do the rest of you surreptitiously peep at that when it come on? LOL Bonnie, the image for next weekend's brunch could be a bowl of pistachios in honour of that advertising milesone! ;)
I have to admit that I haven't seen it yet, but I'll now be on the lookout!
Loki: I am thankful for having a happy home, a good job, a good friend and housemate, and a loving mother and sister. Most of all, I am grateful for my loving wife who has been there for me long before we were married (just this past August to be exact). She not only understands my love of this scene, but is an active player with ideas of her own for our future in it. Because of her, I do not regret making my move to this city where I live in now.
Diesel Diva: I have countless things to be thankful for. Among them are good health, my wonderful husband of 28 years, my geriatric dog herd is doing well, my 26 year old sofa spud son is finally employed, and a very satisfying job. On the spanko side of life, I'm glad for an adventurous husband and the wealth of information the internet provides.
Happy holiday to all.
Keagen: Here's my list.
- The ability to freely, willingly, and safely express my submission
- Chocolate and the adoration of such
- Friends who love me far more than I deserve
- A little more than two and half years in the adult spanking world that has shown me not only who I am, but who I have the potential to be
Prefectdt: There's loads of stuff. It's hard to think of them all.
- My lurcher (dog) is going to be OK (I thought that he was dying)
- I will be seeing my family this Christmas
- I should be getting my new car in January (after nearly six years of living without one)
- What Keagen said about chocolate
- I live in a nice part of Flanders (yes the chocolate is good here :)
- I enjoy getting my bum whooped so much
- My devious plans for combining chocolate and spanking are coming along nicely (evil laugh)
I think I will stop there or this list could go on for a very long time :)
PJTstrapping: Of course we are thankful for discovering the world of spanking! Besides that, there is our loving relationship, family friends and sacrifices of all our brave troops throughout the world.
PJ and T are thankful to Bonnie for all the work of the blog each week. We had a bunch of questions (emotional, etc.) and this site has been the best at answering most of these questions. With that in mind, we have a question today as well. Do you think your bottom becomes desensitized to spankings after awhile? When PJ first started spanking me, my bottom often would be quite sore the next day. But recently, even when PJ really laid it on me, it doesn't seem as sore the next day. I also have noticed I am building a tolerance for the pain, which makes some sense, but does the rear do the same thing? Thanks for creating this site. Happy Thanksgiving!
Yes, I believe regularly spanked bottoms tend to toughen up over time.
Jane: I am thankful that I had the good fortune to stumble upon Bonnie's blog, and several others, which led me to gather up my courage and ask my wonderful boyfriend if he would spank me. He smiled sweetly and asked "hard?" It has been quite wonderful.
Bonnie: My cup runneth over. I am grateful for Randy, family, and friends. I am grateful we have jobs when many do not. I am grateful are healthy enough to enjoy in real life the fantasies that flow from our imaginations.
Finally, I am thankful for you, the readers of MBS. You've taught me a lot more than I've taught you. It's been four great years!
I'm thankful that we can all come together and share our thoughts and opinions on spanking via the internet. It's wonderful to have all of you spanko friends!
Happy Thanksgiving,
Ditto, Complicated Kitten.
And Bonnie, that commercial is on YouTube; just search 'Pistachio Dominatrix' !! (And you thought people stumbled into your blog via odd search requests.) At least this explains why some pistachios are coloured red! ;)
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