Yes, this is our two hundredth weekly brunch. I picked a topic that I think befits the occasion. It's an obvious question, but I don't believe we've ever directly discussed it.
Why spanking? We could easily spend our days pondering crumpets, cribbage, or chrysanthemums. But we don't. What is it about our favorite pastime that grabs and holds your interest?
I hope you'll join our celebration by sharing your thoughts. Even if you have little or no spanking experience, you have an interest (it's why you're here, right?), and that is our topic.
You can participate by entering a comment below. Once everyone has had a chance to answer, I will post an edited summary of our conversation.
I think the appeal of spanking is paradoxical: it's corny and nostalgic, yet adventurous and visionary. It's romantic escapism that curiously utilizes ordinary objects like wooden spoons, belts, and woodsheds and somehow imbues them with magical properties. It's exaggeated and improbable, lke an opera. Simultaneously harsh and tender. And best of all it celebrates imagination, emotion, and introspection, like nothing else I can think of.
how does one explain what drives one to crave, need, beg for a spanking?? seems to me it is a bit like trying to explain why i have blue eyes..... it is just who i am.
morningstar (owned by Warren)
Spanking has unmatched submissive components that produce powerful & exciting fear that I crave on levels that scare me. Nothing else incorporates every aspect of my daily motivations & passions. I'll take the 3 s's (Spanking, Submission & Sex) over the 3 c's any day! Thanks for the chance to reflect Bonnie! KayLynn
Hi guys … An interesting question … It is clear from the wide variety of comments over the years at the MBS brunches that spanking tastes vary from titillating erotic foreplay, through domestic discipline, role-playing, exhibitionism and hardcore BDSM … each to their own … My own tastes were undoubtedly established from being a product of the ‘Last British Cane Generation’ and the rituals that surrounded corporal punishment … as a result I discovered a fascination with writing spanking stories … My Beloved Jojo loves theatre, drama and spanking so role-playing comes naturally to her … this allows us plenty of opportunity to constantly ponder and create new situations, which keeps that element of our relationship lively and fun … besides I was born in London and have eaten more than enough crumpets, can play cribbage like a demon, and Jojo grows the best chrysanthemums in the universe … so what else is there to ponder but the Fine Art of Spanking? … Congratulations on reaching MBS 200 … Bottoms Up! … RH
Maybe it's because I was never spanked as a child, and fantasized about it constantly from a very early age.
Maybe it's because I developed an ample, round bottom at puberty, and it's drawn attention ever since. It got pinched nonstop in Paris when I visited there. I wish that I'd had the nerve to have it caned when I visited London.
Maybe it's because I gave my own bared butt hard spankings as I masturbated, and found it to be so erogenous a zone.
For a while I wondered and worried why I was hard-wired to want to be spanked. I talked about it in therapy. I don't know why. But I crave it as fiercely as ever. It fuels my strong sex drive. And it makes me feel complete to be spanked to tears frequently, to be playfully spanked often. It's usually our form of foreplay. It can be orgasmic. It is who I am.
Jean Marie
Quite simply spanking has been at the core of my sexuality since childhood -- the substance of my masturbatory fantasies, the only fully satisfying form of erotic play, arousing in and of itself and doubly arousing as part of sexual play. I'm a switch. As a spanker, I love the feel of a woman over my lap, enjoying and being aroused, the sting on my hand, the softness of the bottom , the change sin color and temperature, the warmth when one rubs. As a spankee, I like the feel of the softness of a woman's lap, the feel of her hand on my bottom, the arousing sting and in both situations sometimes more than that. For me it's only play, fun, sensual and erotic and skin on skin OTK. But over a long lifetime, it's what has moved me.
Crumpets? delicious, comforting
Cribbage? exciting, fun, challenging
Chrysanthemums? romantic, scary(I hate the earwigs that hide inside!)
Spanking? all of these, and more!!!!!
Hugs, sorry, I have not been around much lately, decorating!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi gang,
I love crumpets! I love crysanthemums! I don't know cribbage, but I do know spanking--it's just always been a part of who I am and what I do. I desire it in waves. Sometimes I want it a LOT, other times I don't want it at all (but still get it.) It can be sexual, disciplinary, relaxing, or just fun. Congrats on your special anniversary, Bonnie. Happy spankings to all!!
Crumpets? Gifts from Hestia's fields of waving gold.
Cribbage? Hermes wagers all his gold then steals some more.
Chrysanthemums? Asclepius finds the healing power, hidden in the golden flower.
Spanking? Aphrodite sprinkles powdered gold on a smarting, martial, redness.
Why us? Because we deserved it, for being as good as gold.
Why do we meet here to talk about spanking? Because we can!
For many of us, this preference has been a secret we have carried inside for many years. Perhaps the people around us that we have confided in have been less than sympathetic, or couldn't understand, or simply didn't want to know. It's wonderful to get the secret thoughts off our chests to like-minded, supportive individuals.
Whatever my interests, I like to discuss them with people who have similar tastes. I do also discuss "crumpets, cribbage and chrysamthemums" - there are online forums for pretty much everything. There is a big difference between discussing chrysanthemums with my friends or the people at work and discussing spanking. With the former, my listeners would simply be bored. With the latter, they would be sharing a very intimate part of my life, and it would definitely be a case of too much information. I wouldn't be taking a risk talking about chrysanthemums: I would be, talking about spanking.
Reading and writing about spanking has become a safe haven for me. I have said things I would never have dared to say elsewhere. I have learned so much by reading about the personal experiences of a great many others, and am constantly amazed at how similar, yet how different, we all are.
Why not?
For me it's a beautiful and exciting sexual experience. To participate in giving spankings, to talk or hear or talk about other's who are punished, or sexually turned on by the subject matter.
Well I can't speak for everyone else but personally this question has been something that I have pondered long and hard for many years in search of the answer. Have I found that answer? No I haven't to be honest, but rather I have accepted it with open arms despite the lack of a definitive answer as to why I have such a liking. For you see, the liking in spankings apparently have been around ever since I can remember. I still sometimes vividly remember the times, whenever my mother brought me to her friends place, and there was only anther girl my age whom I could play with. Sadly there were only dolls, but the spanking thoughts and all were already present then. So well, I guess I may never arrive at the reason why spanking.
As I wrote in my story "Submissive White Female seeks.."
"Why spanking?" he asked.
She paused. "Well, you know, because.."
Some things in life don't need to be explained or given a reason. It just is what it is. Thats what makes it special.
Spanking has been a intricate part of my sexual identification since childhood. I don't know why. But I do know I don't want to live without it!!
First off- congrats and thanks for the Sunday Brunch, Bonnie- both informative and humorous at times.
I'm not sure if mine really qualifies as an answer- but why do eople crave chocolates? Or a fine single malt scotch? Or a Cuban cigar? Because it is part of us- it is what we crave- it is part of our make up.
I think the basic answer, for me, is because it's part of who I am. I truly believe that my need (and I do mean need, not desire for or enjoyment of) spanking is hard-wired into my genetic code.
That said, each of us takes those genetics and shapes how we integrate them into our lives as often as they shape how we integrate our lives with them.
So, why do I *enjoy* spanking? Well, that list could go on and on and on... for the emotional release, the physical sensation, the personal connections, the playfulness, the submissive headspace, the sensuality, the adventure.
In short, this one activity can be literally anything you want it to be. How fun is that?
Also, on a somewhat unrelated note... it seems a lot of your readers are fans of cribbage (not to mention crumpets). Why is my head now drifting to thoughts of kinky cribbage games with points worth spanks... hmmm...
Perhaps we need to start a kinky cribbage league on yahoo!
I don't know why I am wired to think about spanking several times a day. My fascination with it started in the first grade and has been with me everyday of my adult life. I gave up pondering why some years back. I just accept it. It's a part of me. I feel it's no different than anything else that humans are passionate about. Like a lot of things that are sexual, it's not a choice made by us.
PS the verification word for this was post was 'strap'
Asking "why spanking?" to me is akin to asking "why do you kiss your lover?" Because it's arousing, fun and something I enjoy! Now, asking why spanking is arousing, fun and enjoyable is a harder question- to me (and these reasons are different for everyone here) it's some combination the submissive aspect, how it builds and cements trust and the fact that I derive pleasure from the sensation of having my butt smacked. Why is that pleasurable to me? It just is...whether it's genes, early life experience or what, I have no explanation for why I enjoy it but I know I do! On some level that's really all that matters. Some things don't need to be analyzed.
Sir R and I were talking about this just this past Saturday. I told him I am so much more happier now that I have spanking in my life,then when I didn't. This past year has been one of wonderful and exciting discovery and I can't wait to see what the upcoming years have in store for us. My family even noticed that I am so much happier since Sir R and I have been together. Of course they have NO IDEA about the spanking side,except for a couple of my sisters and my eldest niece that is. My brother commented to my parents last Christmas that I just was sparkling and that R is so good for me! Of course they will NEVER know the whole story but they do know I am happier than I have EVER been in my life and I attribute that to finally waking up and embracing my SPANKING side. :)
Born with it. I really don't think that spanking ever grabbed my interest, it was just part of me and always will be. I have said it before and I will say it again, IMHO it is a genetic thing. For some reason, in human evolution, it became essential for the survival of the tribe to have spankos and here we still are.
Congratulations on the 200th Brunch, it is hell of an achievement of effort to keep this wonderful institution going so long.
I speant some of my time at work today thinking about this question. Why spanking? Well I have had this interest since I was thirteen and the only thing that really comes to mind is the reactions a woman gives while being spanked. I love those reactions. Each one is so different, so various, and so beautiful. I truely can not get enough of them. Better if I am the one who cause it too.
That was the basis of my interest many years ago. It has refined since then over my years, so it is no longer as base as I hope it does not sound. I do try to be a gentleman in this scene as much as possible because I plan to be doing this for a very long time!
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