OK, folks, we have a fun topic this time...
When thinking about your spanking experiences, what single aspect do you find to be the biggest turn-on?
This was actually Randy's question. He said that I wasn't allowed to respond, "everything."
I hope you will add your voice to our conversation. All you have to do is enter a comment that includes your answer to our question. Once everyone has had a chance to speak, I will post an edited summary of the proceedings.
My lover says that it's my round bottom. He says he loves to caress, spank, kiss, lick, pinch, fondle, mutilate within reason, and make love to me there.
I say the anticipation. Knowing that you're gonna get it, being pulled across, having him bare me, having him tell me to pull my panties down for it, that circular rub all around my tush before the first swat, that line, "This hurts me more than it does you," or "Now you're in for it," or no talking at all, whatever... the moment before is so hyper-sensative-tense-juicy-sweet-anxious-anxiety-filled, I just love it!
Jean Marie
For me it's the anticipation of having absolutely no control. I'm in charge and in control of just about every other aspect of my life. There is a genuine thrill to the idea that someone else has control over me; can tell me what to do, can tan my hide if I don't and I can't do a damn thing about it.
It has to be when I stand before him waiting to go be spanked. The anticipation of the impending spanking is is an unbelievable turn on. A very close second favorite thing is when he pulls my panties down- I love that.
The biggest turn on for me is anticipation...I love knowing I'm definately going to get spanked sometime tonight...and then "ok, bend over my knee..." in a stern voice.
Getting my bottom smacked, of course, silly!
I'll have to get my partner to answer this one, but for me, it is seeing her ready for the spanking, bent over, wrists bound, blindfolded and gagged, with her ass up in the air waiting to be spanked.
This question is hard! I’ve had to limit it to just hand-spanking OTK to get an answer. When I think of being over my Master’s knee, the visual of his hand coming down over and over again against my bare bottom is immediately what I see. And I can almost feel the sensations, just thinking about it!
I love that space when you’ve warmed up into the swing of things (regardless of whether you were given a warm-up or not!) and the spanks come down again and again and it’s this timeless space where you just revel in the sensation of being spanked. For me, of course there’s pain, but it transmogrifies so quickly into pleasure (both because I just love being spanked, so my headspace is always “woohoo!”, and because I’ve gotten used to canings and other types of pain, so that hand-spanks have become something I associate with pleasure now. I’m sure the fact that I can come from being spanked on my sweet spot with just the right intensity has some bearing on this!)
So, I’ve been babbling, but basically my answer is, “that place in the middle of the spanking when it seems like it will go on forever – and you hope it does!”
For me, it's that sizzle that happens when he hit just the right spot! Oh, my, my...
Okay, I'll say it--everything!
Seriously--I don't know if "turn-on" is the right descriptive phrase, but certainly what I like most is getting a reaction from the spankee. Maybe it's just a light moan, or a soft "ow"--some sort of verbal cue. Or maybe it's a slight body reaction--a hand starting to reach back toward her bottom that then stops, knowing it's not allowed; a slight rolling from side-to-side; the bottom slightly rising up to meet the next swat. Maybe it's something more energetic. Perhaps the legs kick ever so slightly--or maybe they come up to a 90 degree ankle in reaction to some harder ministrations.
It doesn't matter how small or great it is--a reaction is what I love to see....
Dr. Ken
Fear and sexual excitement are closely linked emotions. It makes sense that they would be cousins; after all, both of them are designed to ensure your genetic survival. I recall reading somewhere that sexual fetishes often have their root in subconscious fears. This describes my kinkiness to a T.
Possibly my greatest fear is of being controlled. Manipulated. Forced to do things I don't want, humiliated, and led on a string by a smug and seemingly invincible tormentor. And yet, in the bedroom this is the exact sort of thing that turns me on. My attraction to spanking stems from my fear (and corresponding sexualization) of being abused. Being dangerously controlled and subordinated by an enemy is mortifying. Being playfully controlled and subordinated by a bedmate is exhilarating.
In short, what I like most about spanking is the (simulated) abuse, both physical and emotional.
I'm less sure about where my dominant impulses come from (I'm a complete switch: almost perfectly 50/50 on the dominant vs. submissive scale). I guess its probably because I'm a rather analytical person, and I like looking at things from different sides. Also, girls' butts are just one of the most beautiful parts of God's creation; I just HAVE to spank them.
It has been a long, long time since I have had a sexually related spanking but, wiping cobwebs off old memories, it is the psychological aspect of being, for a little while, the sole attention, effectively the center of the universe, of someone that you genuinely care about. That feeling that the rest of the world has ceased to exist and that the entirety of creation is within the four walls where you are playing and that the two of you are the only people in existence.
That's a difficult question; I wanted to say "everything" too! After a lot of thought I guess my answer would be the question, turned around. Thinking about my spanking experiences is the biggest turn-on. "I'm going to be spanked", "I'm being spanked", "I was spanked" - those thoughts are what really turn me on, although the actual event runs a close second.
I invited Ron to join us for brunch this week and give a response too. His reply was that he really didn't understand the question. Spanking is what it is--beating an ass--and it doesn't have any individual parts. Maybe that's just another way of saying "everything".
hi there Bonni,
Sorry myself and Bear havnt been around for ages, we have been a bit busy, and have had some more tecnical difficulties again....
Yes a very had question to ancwer indeed...... I think for me its hearing Bears voice in its rather stirn tones saying "get over my knee", but I see that little twinkle in his eye and it sets me all of a quiver.... then being either over his knee or on the bed while he spanks with whatever he has in mind at the time, and I can feel my hips rising to the occasion turns me on even more.....
*Quivers just thinking about it* crap, come back to reality pen.....
*coughs* yes somthing like that anyway.....
Penfold x
Hi Randy n Bonnie,
This question feel both easy and hard to answer, difficult as there are many different things about spanking which are a huge turn on, but easy because most of them revolve around Penfold's beautiful bum!
The sight of her lying over my lap, her pretty peach jiggling on my knee, the naughty little giggles she gives when she wants it a bit harder, the feel of the skin under my hand as I stroke it, the line of her back sweeping down from her bottom to the small of her back then up to her neck and shoulders. everything about this woman makes the whole experience truly enjoyable for us both, her looks, personality and naughtiness ;) and I have to agree with 'Anon', the bottom of the woman you love is the most beautiful work of art ever made, especially when it's lying over your knee! ;)
Thanks for a brilliant question.
For me it is the fact that my MASTER and I can block out the world and play to our hearts content. The anticapation of that first smack with my ass open and bear for my MASTER to do as he pleases with it gets me so hot.
Then the first smack makes my juices flow even more. I love how he smacks and punisheses my ass and than stops for a little caressing before he thinks that I need and or want more if it was ever my choice. The heat and stinging goes directly between my legs and MASTER can tell how much his slut is liking it and it pleases him also. That to me is the ultimate turn on, Pleaseing my MASTER!!!!!
For me, it's all about power. The thing that turns me on most is someone taking the power to control things away from me. Only during a scene, that is!
I think that, whether it's through bondage, or you submit to it because it's the lesser of two evils, not having a choice about whether to take a spanking or how hard it is, is what makes me all hot and bothered. But again, that's just during a scene when both parties have already agreed to a spanking. It's not so hot when you really don't want a spanking and someone makes you take one anyway.
Oh lord, what a question. Honestly I have to say its anytime my partner does something to let me know "he's got me." Rubbing my bottom, placing a hand on my back, crooning softly in my ear....all while he's smacking me to kingdom come. Yum!
Well, as a spanker there are several components, the submission, the trust, the phase where there are tears and acceptance but most importantly the aftercare.
As a spankee, well I hate every part of the spanking until it's over. Then I love the soreness hours or hopefully days later that remind me of having been cared for.
What single thing? I think it's the sensation I get when my butt is hot and he drags his fingers across the flesh. Or the sensation I have when he whispers about how well I'm taking it, telling me how lusty I am, etc. It's practically everything but the actual spanking! :P
This was easier than I thought... it all comes down to giving up control, totally and utterly, in a truly safe environment. I don't give up ANY degree of control easily or willingly in real life, and this is the only real situation in which I both can give up control and really, truly want to!
Great question!
For me it is getting Susan's bottom preciseley as I require it. A string of orders - Skirt up please- knickers right down- over my left thigh please - bend tighter- head right down - spread your legs- back hollow, until her gorgeous globes are exactly how I like to spank them. If I have decided to tie her, then I design her bonds so she is held immobile, bottom perfectly presented; she loves this total helplessness, as much as I enjoy spanking her plump globes. When I have her yelling for me to stop, she always get's a few more hard ones, because I know that for her spanking to achieve it's aim, her bottom must smart more than she had bargained for. She says after her spanking, that those final bum blasters,which made her yell and hump as they landed, stung like hell, but looking back they achieved the perfect spanking.
I definately love the anticipation. I'm turned on from the moment I know I'm going to get a spanking, or just might get one. A close second is the feeling of letting go while just being in the moment, feeling my bottom heat up and the hot stinging feeling. But honestly it's the sum of all the elements in a spanking, that ends up making spanking so great, if something was left out it just wouldn't be the same.
Oh not easy and not only one thing. For me it's being told to get over P'lap, his hand running over my bottom and the waiting knowing I going to be spanked.
Thanks Bonnie.
hi bonn, I need to add somthing to my comment earyler. I also feel that the spanking gets me soo turned on because Bear loves me, It just wouldnt feel right for me if he didnt.....
thanks again
Becall says: The biggest turn on is when I am informed a day ahead that I'm going to get a caning and spanking and then just a few reminders throughout the day . That gives me plenty of time to think about it and get
excited. When it is time, mentally I am prepared for a very special session
The thing that is exciting about paddling someone is the ability to give that person what they need and want. To see them become aroused from receiving a spanking is a turn on to me.
Bogey says: For it’s the anticipation, either as the spanker or spankee. Either way, I love the prolog.
hmm, boy there are alot of things to choose from! i agree with many the anticipation of all different parts of the even...especially being pulled over the knee, panties pulled down, the lecture. those are the things that always stick out in my mind when i think about my spanking experiences. overall, just the aspect of having the guy in control and the commands/acts that go along with it and knowing that he cares about me to discipline me when I need/deserve....i really should call him up now that i'm thinking about all this ;)
I've loved reading everyone else's answers!
There's very little that's been mentioned before that I don't love. I'd have to add that I love that delicious, relaxed floaty feeling that comes from the endorphin high, along with the feeling of the pain mellowing to a rather pleasant warm sensation.
I love being outwitted or surprised by a top, too.
Now that is something to think about. Well when I'm topping I enjoy watching and hearing each and every reaction that my spankings give. It's like playing a musical instrument. Using my soon to be wife as an example, there is nothing more sweet than seeing her jump just the right way, or make that just so right "ow." after a series of swats.
Now when I am bottoming it's the aftermath that gets me. When I am spanked I like to know about it at least a few days later. Both the feeling and the memory of a real intense scene.
I'd write more, but I have a few memories to set up right now.
Later! :-)
I think the very first thing that popped into my head when I read the question is the most appropriate answer.
"His hands." The thought, further, was: "and sometimes the tone of his voice."
I could go into more detail but somehow this seemed better.
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