“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.”
The rules to accepting this award: “Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”
Thank you, Bethie, Tracy, and Lil Sam for this award. You're the best!
Now, I am supposed to identify eight blogger friends who are also deserving (and who haven't already awarded).
Dr. Ken
Spanky and Kallisto
Even eliminating those already selected, I came up with twelve right off the bat. But, by rule, I had to trim the list to eight. I'm sure some of these folks will pick up the rest.
Congrats to you, Bonnie and of course, also to so many other worthy winners of this award! Way to go to all, but especially Daisy (my dear couz), Spanky and Kallisto, Mike, Janeen and Dave.
I couldn't agree more!
Grins and bounces!
I clicked on Daisy's name, wondering who else with my name had a blog.... and it led to Daisychain, MY BLOG!!!!!
I can't believe you picked ME, Bonnie.... oh, you wait till Davey hears this! I am so proud.... I wanna SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs, hugs, hugs, and millions of squidges.... Daisy xxxxxxxxxxxx
I wanted to nominate YOU, Bonnie, but I am guessing thats not allowed, rest assure I would have put you top of my list!
Thank you so much!!!
Hi Bonnie, congratulations. I don't know some of these blogs, will have to pop over.
I second Daisy, I would have put you top of my list if you hadn't been awarded already.
Dear Bonnie,
Believe when I say that as I read this post, I was stunned--floored, even--to see that you had nominated me. Stunned, surprised and delighted. You certainly made my day a whole lot better. Thanks so much for thinking of me!
I've done my part and posted my own nominations on my blog. Enjoy!
Dr. Ken
Congratulations, Bonnie... and WOW, thank you! :-) I'm honored! -- Erica
Hi Bonnie> It was my pleasure to nominate you, wish I could nominate all my new friends as You all deserve the award.
Lil Sam
Oh my! I just happened upon this today....all I can say is: Thank You.
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