We haven't played around with search words for a couple of months, but that's easy enough to remedy.
However, before we examine the screwball keywords, I thought you might like to see the ten most popular.
- my bottom smarts
- bottom smarts
- spanking
- mybottomsmarts
- wife spanking
- bottomsmarts
- spanking bench
- spanking positions
- spanking implements
- spank my bottom
These are all pretty much as expected with one exception. I don't often talk about a spanking bench. That's primarily because we don't have one. But a gal can wish...
Now, let's get on with the silliness.
- forced spankings - Either you swat my bottom harder or I'm going to get really mad
- girls who choose spankings - Sisterhood of the Plummeting Pants
- medieval spanking - Oucheth!
- he mounted me - I didn't mind until he started calling me "Trigger"
- bad end nooner spanking caning - There are some things for which you simply can't prepare
- best female spankee - I'd like to thank the academy...
- big butt bonnie - I'd really like to be known for something besides that
- britsh spanking - It works best when you take the britches down first
- most painful spanking implement - It's always the one in his hand right now!
- everyday items dildo - Don't leave home without it
- fictional panty drawer - Mine is absolutely real
- footies erotic fantasies - OK, whatever
- getting spank and do oral - Could be hazardous to your, um, health
- girlfriend spanking mister poll - Don't you mean Mister Pole?
- girls see my panty waistband when I bend over - This sounds an initiation down at the plumbers' union
- girls spanking naughty - Naughty was mighty sore when it was all over
- grandma give granddaughter erotic sexy massages - You people are seriously weird
- have you been spanked with a hairbrush? - Yes, and it makes it painful to sit
- here is the sotry about spanking - Don't you just love a good sotry?
- how do I ask my husband to spank me? - "Honey, would you smack my bottom while we're making love?"
- how to give a propper spanking - Step one: turn on spell check
- I love my round rump plump bubble butt junk in trunk - You go girl! Be proud of who you are!
- I wish to wear a buttplug for extended amounts of time - So why haven't you done it?
- men spank while masturbating - They must be ambidextrous contortionists
- my sorority requires thong underwear - Everyone, line up so the sergeant-at-arms can conduct our daily panty inspections
- nanughty girls being punished - Look, it's Max Headroom!
- naughty cheerleader having sex with principle - Would that be the Peter Principle?
- professional canes and tawses - Don't mess with any amateur implement
- reasons for spanking adult - #1 She likes it
- secretarty spanking games - I believe I've met a few secretarties
- spank my bottom no kissing - Not even a little peck on the cheek?
- spanked handjob - Was there by chance a monkey involved?
- spanking addicts - My name is Bonnie and I'm a spanko
- spanking belt penetrated - I'm not picturing this, and that's probably for the best
- spanking genie - For my second wish, I'd like a pool guy who looks like Dallas
- spanking granny's backside - It's been known to happen
- spanking in Indiana - Perhaps the sequel to Sleepless in Seattle?
- spanking my bird - That's better, I suppose, than choking your chicken
- spanking on her girdle with bare bottom exposed - Which is it?
- spanking stories Randy - Those are my favorite kind!
- spanking your wives - Now, one at a time, ladies
- spanko mattress - I don't even know what this is, but I want one
- tape butt plug in place - Tape? Ew!
- what does female bottom do - Let's just say it's not purely decorative
- why is spanking such fun - Because it brings people closer together
- women getting good spankings - Those are the best kind
- women giving enemas wearing girdles - If Fellini didn't film that scene, he should have
Bonnie, I always love these, thanks for the chuckles.
Warm hugs,
After all this time, keyword chaos is still very fun to read!
ambidextrous contortionists - now there's an image!
Thanks for starting my weekend off with a laugh, Bonnie!
P.S. - Spanking bench is in my top 10 keywords too, and I don't talk about them much either.
Thanks, Bonnie, entertaining as always! Trigger and Fellini were my favorites this time around.
Very funny, Bonnie, thanks. Can't beat a post with Max Headroom, Fellini and the Peter Principle!
As always, utterly brilliant and made my stomach hurt from laughing! :-D -- Erica
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