Sunday, December 16, 2007
MBS Spanko Brunch #100
Here we stand at the century mark. This is our one hundredth Sunday brunch. It seems like a fine time to both look back and look ahead. So, I guess that's our theme...
Have you a favorite past brunch topic? If so, what made it memorable? Are there any we should consider repeating or rephrasing?
Gazing forward, is there a new spanking topic you would like to bring to floor? Have you any other suggestions about how we might make brunch more enjoyable (besides more comfortable chairs...)?
I'd like to sincerely thank all of the fantastic participants who have made our spanko brunch the event it has become. When you're ready to add your two cents, you can post a comment below, send me an e-mail, or post a message on your own blog. I look forward to reading your thoughts and ideas.
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I am new to this so I don't know if you have already covered the topic I am going to suggest. How about a topic for those who have yet to tell their partner about their spanking needs?
It took me 20 years and from what I've seen on other blogs, I am not the only one.
Happy 100th brunch!
We do enjoy your brunches. It's tough to pick a favorite, but the one that jumped to mind first was the one about the word "spanko." As for future topics, wow... those are hard to come by. Those that don't try to come up with something *new* and interesting have no idea!
Todd and Suzy
Bonnie, congratulations on the
100th brunch, quite an achievement, even though you will say that you couldn't have done it without us.
Yours was the hand at the helm that kept us on course.
It's impossible to pick a favourite out of so many that were excellent.
Have you done this before, short of going through and reading them all.
This for spankee's/bottoms, how do you ask for what you need without topping from the bottom.
This for Tops/Doms/HoH, if you have made a bad mistake, how do you straighten it with your S O.
Thanks Bonnie,
Warm hugs,
It looks like Paul and I are thinking the same. My suggestion was a brunch on topping from the bottom. Since I am pretty new to your brunches as well, so you may have covered it at one time. I looked in your selection of brunches and did not see it listed. I'd love to see what others have to say about the subject(especially since my husband just told me after my spanking yesterday that I was "topping" a bit too much for his liking. ooops!) I love these brunches.
Happy Anniversary Sunday Brunch! LOL I have missed so many of your brunches that I can't choose a favorite. All of the ones I have participated in have been a lot of fun though.
I love your blog, and thank you for all the time you dedicate to keeping it going.
Dear Bonnie,
I really like all your brunches. I donĀ“t remember all the one hundred topics you suggested. However, I would be quite interested in a brunch about the topic of bruising - as we worry a lot about it and wonder, whether it may do any harm in the long run.
Looking forward to lots of new brunches,
Hi Bonnie and friends. I can't believe we have been meeting for 100 weeks. The first burnch was memerable becuse being far to uncentered to have my own blog, I felt there was a place to post my thoughts. What struck me is how kind and respectful everyone is. We have those who spank for play, those that seiously spank,some for whom it is all about sex, other it is about discipline, those who want to be spanked, those who used to spank, some of us like it hard, some don't --for all the diversity - this s a wonderful forum where is about a sharing of experiences, not about judging them and that is a wonderful achieveent Bonnie. I love it when the topic makes me think, and people share feelings and experiences related to some spanking theme. I always laugh when Bonnie has us planning some event, museum or other such wildly impracticle play area. THe ideas are fun and everyone seems to play along, putting in one exciting idea after another. It is also very informative when advise is sought after and we all put in our own 2 cents worth of wisdom -- actually it may be 2 cents a piece, but a person that wants advise has a resulting priceless collection since the brunch attendees are so open, honest, and diverse. As for new topics: I participate in couple of yahoo groups and I recently have beed dismayed at the focus being how to get her to submit and the responses being focused on force and punishment. I felt that one fo the groups was off topic by not focussing on the responsiblities of the spanker.
We don't have a dearth of woman willing to submit (men either). Of course, I know part of it is about our own love of spanking. However, I also believe part of it lies in the ability of the spanker to inspire submission, in making it feel safe to submit, in being dominate in so many loving ways that spanking is mearly an extention of a natural state. So a topic I would like to explore some day - is what makes a spanker (Dominate) good at it? Or what is the responsiblity of the dominate person in a spanking relationship?
BTW - we have a brunch on marks (spanking marks) and we have a brunch on outing to our partner. (asking for a spanking - converting a vanilla, vanilla partners, introducing spanking, who started it?) Please go and find them -- They are great topics with lots of open sharing of good and bad attempts. IF those are the topics of interest - please take a moment and read old brunches and try and formulate a question that is more specific to your need - that way we can explore the topic for a different angle for you. It looks like topping is a topic that is less explored and would be a good one to try. Regarding marks -- I has some doosies a couple of weeks ago!
I cannot pick a favourite because I have not read them all. I like to take part in your brunches when time allows and would like to say a big thank you and well done, for keeping it up for 100 posts and still finding interesting topics to post about and comment on.
As I said I have not read all the brunches, so if this has already been discused, please excuse me. My suggestion is talking about the difficulty of finding places to play, for those of us who for one reason or another cannot play at home.
I can say I've read them all several times Bonnie! I do love your brunches, My favorites are those that involve real life isssues, memories, and advice about spanking. I find those that delve somewhat into the psycology of spanking and the motivations, feelings, etc absolutely fascinating. My husband sometimes reads those too. I think re-running any of those from submission, to favorite implements and why, traditions, types of spankings are going to be great!
Love them all!
Hi Bonnie. Congrats on the 100! When I read the brunches, I often get a relieving feeling of knowing there are others who are interested in spanking. And it seems that spanking may be more mainstream than one blushed with a heated bottom would expect. I was thinking a brunch question may involve how it feels to talk to a friend or a confidante about spanking and the wonderful feelings that are associated with it, or the not so comfortable feelings.
Thanks for all that you do!
Congrats on the anniversary! The brunches have been great fun, thought-provoking, and informative. You've been a lovely hostess, Bonnie, thank you.
I can't really think of a topic suggestion right now but if something comes to mind I might chime in later.
Btw, does this mean you'll be getting 100 spanks to celebrate? ;-)
I'm with Lori and Paul about a topping from the bottom brunch it's a sore spot with me ;) I don't see what's wrong with it since it means letting your partner know what you want and that's a good thing.
We don't do punishment and I know that some feel that they want to do what the other hates in that case but it seems cruel.
Glad I checked back after so long. It's nice that all opinions are respected here. Congrats on 100!
I think you should go over some of the older topics again because newer posters might have something interesting to add. It could be re-phrasing or a new question on the same theme.
I'm definitely going to read over those the others have listed as favourites though... Especially all this talk of bruising... Hmmmm if you could see the bruises I have today, yum yum.
There have been so many wonderful, interesting and helpful brunches it would be too hard to pick one. I have learned so much from your readers and yourself. Each topic provides advice and insight into this thing we do and helps us all on our own journeys.
As for future topics the ones you choose seem just fine but, since you ask I would love to hear your readers opinions on if we like it so much how can it ever be punishment or one giving further explanation of the stress relief and how it is achieved (although your tutorial is excellent) and how about one on how your readers put more fun into the event.
Congratulations on your 100th Brunch!
Hugs, Sally
Congratulations on achieving 100 brunches! I started reading in September and have not yet had the chance to read all the posts from the past. However, I do enjoy reading the brunches every week and look forward to participating in future ones, reading past ones, and staying connected. If I think of any recommendations I will certainly share. Thanks!
I didn't see a Brunch on bruising so with apologies if I'm overstepping :)
A warm-up will eliminate or greatly decrease bruising.
Arnica will help bruises fade quicker.
Take vitamin C. A deficiency promotes bruising.
Apply a good moisturizer daily as well as before and after spankings. Vitamin C cream helps too.
That's all that comes to mind. Sorry if this was the wrong place to post this.
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