It was two years ago today that I decided to start a blog. A lot has happened around here since then...
- 3.2 Million Visits
- 731 Posts
- 730 Days
- 194 Links in my Blogroll
- 88 Spanking Accounts
- 88 Spanko Brunches
- 47 Polls
- 32 Spankologue and In with the New Articles
- 24 Top Ten (or Twenty) Lists
- 23 Tutorials
- 22 Mailbag Posts
- 22 Quizzes
- 21 Keyword Chaos Installments
- 19 Implement Stories Features
- 13 Fictional Spanking Tales
- 12 Song Parodies
- 11 Memes
- 8 Guest Essays
- 2 Years of Blogging
- 1 Angelic Granddaughter
- Lots of serious discussion, silliness, and everything in between
- More wonderful friends than I can count!
Looking back is fun, but we must ultimately focus on the future. On this milestone occasion, I would like to solicit your assistance in fine tuning this blog's content and direction.
I appreciate your insight. If you have any specific suggestions about making the blog better, please leave me a comment.
Thia blog would not be possible without you, my dear readers. You contribute to our brunches and answer polls. You inspire me daily with your comments and e-mails. Many of you have created fantastic blogs that make me wish I had a fraction of your talent. We are a community and you are my friends.
Congratulations on 2 years of one of the best blogs out there!! Keep up the great work!!
S. In Dallas
Happy bloggerversary, Bonnie! In bloggy years, 2 is something like 30 :)
No. Thank you, Bonnie. Congratulations!!
Congratulations, Bonnie! We voted for 'humor'... though it's a hard choice. Are actual favorite would have to be YOU, and the positive light you put on spanking and the spanking community. That's what we like most about your blog.
Thank you too for all the help you've given us over the last 15 months. You've helped so many bloggers... and we really appreciate that too.
Love the 2 cent coin too!
~Todd & Suzy
A very impressive landmark by a very impressive, warm, hot, and sparklingly bright blogger!
Many more years to you!
Happy Blogversary!
Blessings to you!
A Nawty Mouz
Congratulations! That is quite an achievement, and you are to be commended! I love your blog, so full of fun, humor, great stories and information. You have a real talent, and I am glad you share it with the rest of us!
Congratulations, Bonnie! You set a tough standard, and are an inspiration to all of us who blog. Here's to many more years of success!
Congratulations, Bonnie!
Thank you for all that you've shared on your blog. Your kindness, humor and empathy shine through. You're always a great read!
Cheers, Scout
This is the very first blog I started reading last year and I have seen a lot of blogs since, but none as great as yours! Congrats on your 2nd year and for all the great reading material!
Happy blogaversary and thanks for all the help you give to people starting out in the blogsphere, Have a beer to celebrate C{_}.
Congratulations bonnie. :) I've been reading your blog since you practically started. I love it so much and hope you will be blogging for a long time to come.
padme amidala
Happy 2nd blogaversary to Bonnie, the Best of Bloggers! :-) We love you! -- Erica
Happy 2 Year Bloggiversary!
Bonnie, Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Sara
Congratulations! You've truly got one of the best spanking blogs out there! :)
Everyone - Thank you all for your kind words. You make this effort worthwhile.
S - Thank you! I'm going to try...
Haron - Some days, it feels a lot like that!
Self - You're very welcome.
Todd and Suzy - Thanks. It's a privilege to be able to assist and collaborate with creative, clever bloggers.
Nawty - Thank you!
Kallisto - It's my pleasure.
Mitch - Thanks!
Scout - You're welcome. Sometimes it's a struggle to keep the content fresh without going off-topic. But I intend to keep at it a while longer.
Teresa - Aw, that's a lovely compliment. Thank you.
Perfectdt - Bottoms up!
Padme - It's been quite a trip, hasn't it? Wherever we go from here, I hope we can do it together!
Erica - Thank you! That means a lot, especially coming from you.
Angel - Thanks! Who'd have though I could write so much about spanking?
Sara - Thank you very much. It's been an interesting adventure.
Tracy - Thank you. A lot of what I know about blogging was learned for your example.
hey bonnie, thanks for the wonderful invitation, and the link from your sight ^.^ *hugs* i will have to keep it bookmarked so Sir can see as well. it is really put together nicely... ^.^ Bottoms up! ~*thelittlemiss*~
Congratulations, Bonnie! What an awesome accomplishment. I've learned a lot from your site; it helped give me courage to start my own; it also has led me to visiting new sites or others that I might not have ever found on my own.
Thank you so much for being a wonderful piece of my life!
Bonnie, you and your blog were the catalyst to changes in my life that have been so wonderul I could not have imagioned them 2 years ago. You have my sincere thanks. I could vote, you didn't have all of the above. You have done great so far I am happy to leave it all up to you.
Bonnie, thank you for being there, I'm so glad that I found you.
You were the second blog that I found and have led me to so many good friends.
I have voted, but really Bonnie you are as good as it gets.
Warm hugs,
Congrats Bonnie,
You were one of the first blogs i read as well.When i first started reading i had no idea of Where David and I were heading in this type of relationship. Thanks to reading here we have come along way!
Thank you for providing such a great and helpful blog! I wanted to check all of the above on your survey but this was not possible. But, it is possible to let you know that you too are loved, considered friend by your loyal readers and as for talent you are an inspiration to many!
Hugs, Sally
Congratulations on your two year anniversary of your blog! I bet that feels like such an accomplishment. I have enjoyed reading here for the last two years and even though I hardly comment, I am always reading. Congrats!!!
aka Brat Out Of Control
Bonnie - You rock! You faciliate such positive transformation in all of us that visit your lovely and funny site. We are blessed by your words!
Happy Anniversary Bonnie!!!! I love your blog and your blog roll has linked me to so many wonderful other blogs! I can't pick just one thing I love though! I love them all!!!
TLM - Welcome, and thank you!
Lyn - You're most welcome. Friends like you make this journey worthwhile.
PK - You are, of course, very welcome. It's been great to have you and your blog as a part of our community.
Paul - Aw, thank you, dear man.
MTHC - You have indeed and I celebrate your achievements! Bravo to both of you.
Sally - Thank you so much. I didn't offer "all of the above" as a choice in this poll because that doesn't tell me much about readers' preferences.
Michelle - Thank you! You know, it does feel like an accomplishment. They were more occasions than anyone will ever know when I contemplated investing my free time in some new endeavor. But somehow, for some reason, I keep coming back. I believe this means that I haven't yet said all there is to say about the topic at hand.
Radha - Thanks!
Carye - Thank you as well for your many contributions.
Happy 2 Year Anniversary! May the Sun never set on your fortune or wise ways. You are indeed an inspiration to others. I know this both personally in light of recent events and from reading the comments on this blog. Sadly, I am arriving late. However, I am grateful for the opportunity to meet such a brilliant person who gives so much of herself to others.
Happy Anniversary Bonnie!
May there be many more to come.
Marcus - Thank you! You are very sweet.
Janeen - OMG! It's so great to hear from you. Thank you.
I hope all is well for you and your family. Please drop by again when time and energy permit. You'll always be welcome here.
Congratulations on 2 wonderful years, Bonnie.
The polls were tough because I like everything about your blog, but your sense of humour blows me away. The brunches are really valuable though, because it gives your readers a chance to 'speak' with you, and with others.
I like quite a few of your new ideas. Don't know how chat would work, technically it always seems to be difficult, but that would be great. The one big difference between a blog and an email list is the conversation among participants on a list, versus the conversation between the blogger and readers.
I'd love to see an 'Ask Bonnie'. But you'd probably have to give up your day job!
Warm and Belated Happy 2nd Blogiversary to My Bottom Smarts!
Many you continue to grace us with your warmth and smarts!
(PS: Yes, I know I already wished you a Happy Blogiversary. But, this is a belated wish (and post) from my "other" blog, SexBlog Welcome.)
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