Thursday, August 25, 2022

Cooling Seat Cushions Provide Relief

Many of us have times when sitting is uncomfortable for various reasons. At these moments, chairs can feel hot, rough, and hard. Now innovative solutions are available.


Jean Marie said...

But, after laboring so energetically and diligently, would Randy approve of your using this cushion post-spanking? You've written how he sometimes wants you to sit on a punishment stool afterward, as have I from my own experience. As much as I like it, I don't think Robert would.
I can also imagine knowing looks and winks being exchanged at work if I had this on my chair...
"The label says it's for 'cooling', why does your bottom need cooling?" they'd all ask.
Thanks for posting this, Bonnie; I'm glad it exists, but I don't think I could get away with it.
Jean Marie

Bonnie said...

Jean Marie - The answer to your question is, "No, of course not." But I can still post this as a public service.

Jean Marie said...

I hope I didn't give offense by joking around, Bonnie. If I did, I'm sorry!

Bonnie said...

Jean Marie - Not at all. Your observation was correct.

Roz said...

That could definitely be handy, but may lead to some awkward questions lol


Bonnie said...

Roz - Why, it's for my bad back(side).

Roz said...

I asked Rick if he would approve just for fun. His response was that he certainly would not approve of such an abomination lol. Then when I said I better not order one then he said that would be a wise decision

Bonnie said...

Roz - Apparently, fun is not on the menu. Maybe someone else can derive some good from these products.

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