These are search terms that people used to find this blog:
- "head down bottom up" – There are many worse things than getting a spanking
- "mommy gets a spanking" – Good thing she’s totally into it
- "my bottom" paddle "thwack" – Oh, did you hear that?
- "where i sit down" – That’s just where he spanked me
- 70 year old husband putts his wife over his knee – A golf club spanking sounds pretty extreme
- a husbands sudden desire to put his wife otk and spank her bottom – Sorry, Honey, it just came over me
- adding embarrassment to spanking stories – Don’t proofread your grammatical errors
- adult bare bottom belt spanking poll – 17% of the adult population finds a belt spanking relaxing
- anal intercourse after hairbrush spankings – Just another Saturday night at home
- authentic trditional spanking scrnarios – Lurker strapped for spelling errors
- bare traps sandals roanna – Maybe if you hum the tune…?
- BDSM belt spank caspasian punishment story – That’s hot
- Bending over da arm of the Couch – Getting swats on da Butt
- big wide bottom bonnie spanked again – That’s actually not part of my legal name
- black and blue paddle marks on bare butt – I like to think of those as merit badges
- bonanza fanfiction best of the west spanking – Why, Hoss, I had no idea...
- bubble butt big bottom story – That’s all of my stories
- caned wearing her knickers – Now can I have my panties back?
- chairleader caned and paddled – The head chair was very uncomfortable
- Change implements during spanking – Damn cheap drug store hairbrush
- cheerleader getting paddled – Everyone wants to paddle the cheerleaders
- chritian spanking booth – When a bake sale isn’t enough
- Competitive spanking ass video – These women are legitimate athletes
- consensual spanking loopy johnny – Is it too late to reconsider my consent?
- Craves a really hard spanking – Yeah, I’ve been there
- Curvy girls spanked stories – The book is shaped like an hourglass
- diaper trap – Open with care
- diy spanking machine – Looking for a test pilot?
- Domestic discipline with bare bottom spanking and sodomy – Ah, marital bliss
- F/F funny spanking – How come you always get to be the rude schoolgirl?
- favorite spanking – My favorite is the next one
- female foot devotion captions – Her bunion is so sexy
- flowery panties spanking – I smell roses
- hairbrush spanking bedtime plug – Good times in the bedroom
- hot mom big ass bur is hear – Say what?
- how to prepare to get a spanking – Take a shower and put on clean panties
- husband can't believe his luck for a reason to spank his wife's bottom – She said yes
- I have to admit I deserved that spanking – I was good all week
- i let another man spank my wife – With her consent I hope
- i spank my wife with a paddle – What a coincidence, so does my husband
- in the corner after a spanking – We like to call that contemplation time
- kiri Kelly spanking – I hope she is enjoying a wonderful kinky retirement
- mark of the caned butt – Sounds like a secret spanko society
- most embarrassing bare bottom spanking stories – There are some people who simply shouldn’t be writers
- necessary spankings for an uncooperative wife – Or better yet, unnecessary spankings for a cooperative wife
- needed headmaster secretary witness bare bottom caning – Apply in person at St. Swattins Institute
- needing a dam good spanking videos – Be sure to get a shot of Lake Mead in the background
- princess kelley spanking videos – We love our spanko royalty
- proud of my welts – Aren’t they beautiful?
- reason I spank my wife – Because she loves it
- roleplay naughty schoolgirl spank – Where’s my pleated plaid skirt?
- self spanking implements – Try a long handled bath brush
- so proud of her new spanking paddle – And couldn’t wait to try it out
- spank diagrams – What do you want, a blueprint?
- spanking is fun – Yes, if done well (or well done)
- spanking quiz – If I flunk, do I get a spanking? Or do I need to pass?
- spanking rituals – Can we play marauding buccaneer and saucy wench tonight?
- spanking therapy stories – It changed my life
- spanky dance – The old “hop and rub”
- thong pulled down for spanking – Up or down, bare is bare
- Western spanking woman – She rode a blazing saddle
- wet towel spanking – Towel snaps hurt more than most people realize
- what position for spanking is most painful – Either than ankle grab or the diaper
- what should a good spanked bottom look like – Raised red marks that are hot to the touch
- Woman spanked while wearing skimpy bikini – Not enough material back there to cover those marks
Keep those queries coming!
LoL Bonnie, love your comments lol. Thank you for the giggle :)
So funny! Some of those people need to have their keyboards confiscated.
Bonnie, does Randy still help you with the clever interpretations?
Roz - Thanks.
Hermione - Yes, he does. :)
I love these so much. ♥
Erica -
Thanks. Some just scream for a response!
Thanks for the laughs, Bonnie! My favorite was the church bake sale...... !!! Hugs, Windy
very fun :-) Hugs
Long time Lurker, first time commenter.
Love these posts. You, and Erica Scott, do them the best!
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