Once in a while, I get one of those kooky messages that our brilliant colleague, Erica, always handled so humorously. This one is so far out there, I just have to share it. I don't even have a clever response. Rather, I simply stand in awe of its bizarre inappropriateness.
I love woman getting colonscopy is the sexyest thing in the world. Do you enjoy this? |
There it is, in all its perverted weirdness. Words fail.
I can understand your words fail comment, I have no other words either. Could it be she's a nurse or a doctor doing those procedures - even then it is too weird to contemplate.
Words. Fail. This is not what I expected to read, but the strangest things just can't be made up!
Oh goodness Bonnie, yep, words fail me too.
That's just plain creepy!
That's weird.
really strange
Holy crap, if you'll pardon the expression. You know, this one is so out there, I don't know what to say to it either! You know, they take video of the procedure. I guess I know what I'd give him for Christmas.
Aaaand I was so flabbergasted I said "you know" twice. *rolling eyes*
I'm with Erica...holy crap! Talk about creepy...hope they don't work in one of the colonoscopy clinics. *shudder*
Hugs and blessings...Cat
Hi! Need to get an ID, names Brittany W. Love Your blog! I'm a new 1st time sub @ 49 yrs old. It's the most honest, purest, and fulfilling relationship I have ever experienced!
In response to this comment, odd, most definitely. I might be inclined tho, to ask her if her plug has a blue tooth and camera.
Leigh - I hadn't considered that interpretation. Wow. I hope not.
Madeline - As I've said for years, I couldn't possibly, on my most creative day, dream up anything as intensively strange as what some readers write to me.
Roz - Days later, I still haven't an appropriate comeback.
Hermione - Yes, it certainly is. I had no idea this was even a thing.
Ronnie - I agree! Why, I wonder, does he have to tell me about it?
Blondie - This is far beyond the usual level of perv to which female bloggers are routinely exposed.
Erica - Really? I had no idea there was video. Maybe this clown can find what he seeks on YouTube.
Cat - I have to hope there are multiple people in the room and any improper behavior would get reported.
Brittany - Welcome! It's a pleasure to meet you. Best wishes with your new relationship.
I haven't been able to get beyond ewww.
What on earth eeewww!
Hi Bonnie,
That is just plain disgusting! My guess is that anyone who thinks like that, has never made it into the medical field. Lucky for us all! Many hugs and Happy Holidays!
<3 Katie
It’s unbelievable and totally unprofessional. Just when you think you’ve heard it all, something eventually crazier comes along. And to think the person might be making life and death decisions...
There are SO many extremely "bizarre" fetishes out there, so this doesn't really surprise me all that much!
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