Remarkable as it may seem, In with the New is back again with ten more excellent spanking-oriented blogs to explore and enjoy. If you like what the blogger has to say, I encourage you to tell them so.
To these new members of our community, I wish you good fortune and good friendship. If you would like some blogging tips and suggestions, try these. In any case, we're glad you're here!
Just wanted to say thanks for mentioning my blog!
Thank you, Bonnie, for adding our blog! You were my inspiration long before I ever de-lurked ANYWHERE, let alone joined this wonderful world of spanking. Michael and I are thrilled to be on your blogroll. :-)
Bonnie, to echo Season, thank you for adding our blog, "Blossom and Thorn." When I first met Season and we were getting to know each she often cited you and your blog as being so warm and welcoming and helping her come out into our community. That is a far more important reason to thank you, Bonnie.
Thanks for the new links Bonnie.
Thanks for linking us to Pixie's Fan Blog. We have followed the many spankings given to Pixie's charming bottom for some time, and wonder if it ever recovers enough for the poor girl to sit on it ? There was a post on this blog on Oct 15th, showing a very hearty smack landing on her right cheek, which pancaked perfectly, and proves that her spankings are more than real !
Some time ago there was a clip of Pixie taking 400 spanks, whacks and swishes on her bare bottom to raise money for her animal welfare charity, a very worth while cause. That must left her poor bottom too tender to sit, for some time ! D & S
Thank you for the link to my blog!!! I'm so happy that people are enjoying my blog. It started out as a way for me to vent but it has turned into a passion and I love to know others enjoy it as well. So thank you!
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