Our community is growing again. Just look at all of these wonderful new spanking-oriented blogs!
This is a superb collection of blogs and I hope you will enjoy exploring them as much as I have. I think you may rediscover old friends as you meet new ones. As always, I encourage you to leave comments for the bloggers so they can hear what you think and know that someone is reading.
I have been checking in on your blog for a week or two and I really enjoy it. Thanks for the list of new blogs, I am curious if you have any recommendations for where to buy implements.
Thanks for the new list, I am sure I'll enjoy checking these new sites out.
Hi Bonnie! I feel honored to be included in the list.Thank you so much!I'm looking forward to checking out the other blogs.
Thank you so very much for including our newest blog, "Along A Beating Path", to your list. As long time readers of your blog, we know and appreciate the true value and honor of this. Again, thank you with all sincerity. MissPtunia and TheRandyBeast.
Thanks for the shout out! I noticed our numbers sky-rocketed today... you've apparently got a lot of sway in the spanko community. :)
The blob, "My Retro Spanking" does not exist (broken link).
Welcome aboard, new spanking bloggers!
For fantastic toys and very useful tools for spanking, search for JT's Stockroom or London Tanners - they both have high quality toys.
Wish I could recommend my own creations, but I just haven't made enough paddles yet...
Tannarium on Wordpress
Thanks Bonnie! I don't think I could keep up with the new one's without you. Enjoy you vacation!
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