Yes, today is my birthday. It's a red
In honor of the occasion, Randy has selected a special discussion question.
How should Randy and Bonnie celebrate her birthday?
If you would like to offer your suggestions, at least some of which I have been assured will be accepted, just leave a comment below. Once readers have had a chance, I will post an edited summary of everyone's ideas.
Hey, surely this question isn't relly necessary, except in terms of details, now is it? (Evil Smile)
Have a good one!
Anon VII
Oh, what would be a delicious birthday treat? Let's see, it definitely requires a complete beautiful private space (sound-proof, of course), a bottle of champagne for the celebration, a new sexy outfit, and lots of long, intense, personal attention to your backside from Randy!
After being crowned "Queen for the Day", I think you should be treated to a fabulous breakfast in bed, an extended trip to the day spa of your choice, a five star dinner, where you will be informed that your birthday gift is your dream vacation, a perfect birthday spanking and sex that makes fireworks on the 4th of July seem tame. And Randy should blog it all for us.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Bonnie!
I was thinking....
However many years are marked by your birthday today Bonnie, should determine how may wishes to make. Each wish is something that will involve Randy ( and perhaps a hand, or a hairbrush...sorry, I shouldn't assume! :-) ...) So for example, if you are 41, you write down 41 wishes ( whatever they may be! ) on separate pieces of paper, folded up and placed in a jar. Over the next 41 days Randy would pick one out of the jar and make your wish come true! Each day you wouldn't know which one he had picked so each day would have a lovely air of surprise to it!
A lovely extended celebration and lots of what you wish for ;-)
I hope you have a very special day today.
Happy Birthday, Bonnie!!!
Queen for the day????
Absolutely NO WAY!
Bonnie is Queen
Of the spanko scene
Randy's her king,
Giving great spankings!
And for her special day,
He must go all the way.
The spanking of the year
Really wail her rear....
The spank that beats all other
For our beloved spanko mother!
Shes our queen forevermore
Respected, loved, adored!
There must be a super celebration
For the Queen of the spanko nation!!!
(well, I never claimed to be a poet...so spank me! ;) haha)
Go, Randy....give her the birthday spanking to surpass all others, then a night to remember.... ;)
Hugs, Bonnie, have a wonderful day! Love and feather pillows to you, my dear friend!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Bonnie
Happy Birthday, and what a fun idea. Your way of celebrating shows yours and Randy's openness and generosity, and all I can offer as a suggestion, is that however you celebrate, you are left feeling as your blog has often left me feeling... smiling, known and laughing.
Whatever Randy decides to give you for your birthday I hope you have a fantastic time!
Sorry not to be more able to offer a concrete suggestion...
Happy birthday! You have posted a few fun creative birthday spankings. I don't think I can top what you've already done. Perhaps a stroll down memory lane? A few smacks with different implements in ranges of years of your life. My husband did that for his birthday (I got the spanks, of course). Easy spanks for the first ten years. A different style when we met. A harsh spanking during the times we had stress etc. Fun!
Happy birthday Bonnie and may you have many more.
I have three suggestions.
1/ The obvious one (well thats going to happen whatever else you choose to do, isn't it).
2/ You can switch for the day and Randy can find out what he's been missing out on.
3/ You could relax for the day while Randy takes the burden of answering all the annoying emails that you don't want to be bothered with. He can take brakes to bring you coffee/food/champagne etc.
Whatever you do enjoy your birthday.
Hi Bonnie
Happy Birthday. Probably one of the nicest Birthday Presents you could receive from your top is for him to become the bottom for the day. That way you can bring to the surface all those things that you would like him to do when he is topping you but which you, as the bottom, have been unable to request.You can get him to do those little service jobs that you would so enjoy being told to do, you can lecture and admonish him in the way you would like to be spoken to and you can give him that style of punishment or harshness of strokes which you crave, but have been unable to ask for without embarrassment. As the bottom he has to take it all in good humour and with fortitude and respect.
Once the day is over you don't discuss it in any detail but in say couple of days time you resume your position as the bottom and he gives you the topping session you have always wanted but didn't dare ask for.
Whatever you do, have a good one.
Michael London
Linda Goodman wrote:
' A Libra's best quality is the art of conversation. They are fantastic conversationalists. Although, when discussing any subject, you may find the conversation leading back toward their favorite topic of interest...'
Fits like a glove!
(I think Michael (above) is impertinent in presuming to know you better than you know yourself, Bonnie. You've told us your feelings on switching many times. )
On your birthday you deserve the best things in life, for people like us: Sparkling Champaigne and stinging love.
Hm, for Bonnie's birthday. Well, I think Randy should be nice and exclude the mother of all paddles from your b-day shenannigans. I would call on my own spank-tastic previous birthdays for celebration ideas, but I've only had one, and your arrangement somewhat differes from mine...
But, as to your butt... Well this is terrible, I'm sure Randy will do something spectacular. Perhaps he could pick a shade of icing on your cake to match the colour he aims for on your bottom with? I do so enjoy things that match.
I do like the idea of Randy having to record the event though, and give your weary blogging fingers a rest.
Happy Birthday Bonnie.
Since spankings and chocolate are your favourite things, I suggest, in no particular order: a chocolate birthday cake, a massage with chocolate-scented oil, some fun with chocolate body paint (I hope Randy loves chocolate as much as you do) and a spanking with a giant Hershey bar.
Have fun celebrating!!
Happy Birthday and however the two of you decide to celebrate, whether a nice on the town, candle lit dinner, day at the spa...followed by lovemaking and the spanking of your dreams...have a wonderful time!!! :-) Hugs Terps
Happy Birthday Bonnie
I wish you a wonderful year ahead.
Love and many delicious spankings
Happy Birthday, Bonnie!!! I think Randy probably knows better than an of us what a perfect birthday would be for you.
I just hope it's something you can't help to think about everyday until your next one.
Bonnie happy birthday.
I have no doubt that Randy knows exactly what to offer you on your birthday.
Our birthdays took Mel to just a little past her expected limits, left her crying with happiness and many orgasms.
Have a good one dear friend and many more.
Warm hugs,
May your birthday be sweet and spicy exactly as you like it.
Happy Birthday Bonnie.
Have a great day!
I Gal
Bonnie we practice a slightly enhanced birthday commemoration tradition that harkens back to the origins of the use of C. P. as a birthday ritual. In early times whippings were administered around special holidays, including birthdays, becuase they blessed the recipient with fertility, or health, or good fortune in the year ahead.
I beleive that the intensity of the spanking one receives surrounding his/her birthday correlates directly with the amount of good fortune the birtday celebrant will experience in the year ahead. Now in that we all certainly wish you nothing but greatest good luck in the year ahead, we could wish you too nothing but the most severe whipping ever to create the happiest and best of fortune for you in the year ahead.
Have the happiest of happiests,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
To those suggesting a switch....I definitely get the impression, folks, that this is not something either Bonnie or Randy enjoy... they have the best communication channels between them of anyone I know; Bonnie can always tell Randy what she wants, and on the other hand, Randy knows Bonnie so well, bet he already knew what she wanted! They are soulmates... and Randy is indulging our egos, bet he already has his surprise planned...he wouldn't have left it this late to plan her special day!!!!
Have fun, you two, and may many happy years lay ahead! hugs xxxxxxxxxxx
what more can i offer after all these wonderful suggestions??
Except may you have a spanking good day and 'wail' of a year ahead..
morningstar (owned by Warren)
We would not have the cheek to ask your age, but Birthday spankings usually mean years = number of spanks, and we are sure that would not alone do justice to that oh so spankable bottom of your's; why not make a day of it? Over Randy's knee when you arise for a BS (the full number !) with his hand; a glass of champagne at lunch time with another BS, we think hairbrush this time; before you go out for your birthday dinner, touching toes for the thin cane on your skirt, which should remind during dinner, that when you get home, it's over the sofa back, skirt up, knickers down, for your final BS with a paddle (not MOAP), after which you will be perfectly placed for your final birthday gift from Randy.
Have a great and glowing day. D & S.
I think you should get exactly what you want from Randy.
Happy Birthday Bonnie!
One idea; Rent a suite at a swanky hotel and let the hotel guests wonder what's up with all that noise? ;)
Good wishes and many happy spanks!
Randy should get Bonnie a spanking bench as Bonnie has even said she wants one but doesn't have one. Love Kimmy
I don't have any new suggestions for how to celebrate, but have a wonderful birthday and enjoy your birthday spanking.
Happy Birthday!
Dear Bonnie
I think that perhaps a trip down memory lane together -- remembering the best of the best times together would be fun for both of you. Maybe along the lines of the old TV show THIS IS YOUR LIFE. I really like the idea of Randy blogging about this particular celebration of your life. Maybe even either a joint blog or both of you sharing each from your own perspective. I think also that since you recently celebrated an anniversary for the blog that you should get 2 birtday presents 1) what he already has planned for you which I'm sure will be yummy and 2) HIm choosing 3 of the best suggestions and surprising you with them at his discretion for time and place but a promise to do so on the day in question. Would be nice to catch a glimpse of his mind concerning how he comes up with such wonderful plans for you. Best wishes HMG
Wow! I want all of you to whisper ideas to my husband when my birthday comes around :-) Hope you are having a great day, Bonnie :-)
*grins* Happy Birthday Bonny. You've got some great suggestions here don't you?
I imagine a very soft romantic dinner, a little dancing, and a very intense spanking....and well I'm sure you can figure out the rest. *grins*
Have a lovely day!!
Congrats and Happiest of Birthday Wishes !!!!
Hopefully he has already decided just what you need and desire.
We're just hoping you'll share some of the delicious delights with us all in an upcoming post!
Happy Birthday, Queen B! I'm sure whatever you choose to do will be great!
Happy birthday. How about another moving spanking like the limo story? Boat, plane, train...?
Have fun.
Happy Birthday Bonnie!
I hope you enjoy Bonnieday! A few suggestions for you and Randy,
1. Have him take you to your favorite place, or better still have him make your favorite meal and dessert.
2. I'm sure it goes without saying that you two will be enjoying some quality intimate times, but I had to throw it on the list of things to do lol.
3. Have him light a few candles and give you a bath while you enjoy a glass of wine.
once again Happy Birthday!
I have nothing to add to the list of ideas already here, but I certainly want to wish you a wonderfully happy birthday from myself and luvbunny.
I just wanted to add my birthday wishes to the other. I know you and Randy will have a wonderful time.
Much love,
Happy belated birthday!
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