My statistics tell me that there are thousands of readers of this blog who have never left a comment. If this describes you, today is your day.
Dozens of spanking-oriented blogs are dedicating this day to their silent supporters. It's our second annual Love Our Lurkers day. And we do love you. While we may not see your face or read your words, we know you're out there. Even in silence, your return visits provide a gentle affirmation.
I would like to invite you to leave a comment below. It can be as long or short as you choose. You can use a fake name or no name at all. What's important is that you poke your head up just far enough that we might see you.
If you feel chatty, please feel free to tell me how I might make this blog more interesting, more useful, more attractive, more spanky, or more fun. I'm always in the market for great new ideas. If a simple hello is enough for you, I'll welcome that as well.
In any case, I look forward to meeting you!
Here's a running list of other great blogs that are participating in today's festivities:
There were several spanko bloggers for whom I couldn't find an e-mail address. If you are among them, please feel free to join us by creating your own Love Our Lurkers post!
Hey, love, love, love your blog! I'm learning a lot here! I'm currently a very happy lady in an awesome marriage that includes pretty limited spanking so far, but hoping to "heat" things up!
Hi Bonnie,
Good luck with the LOL day!
Your blog is awsome, and you are too! Rock on!
I comment sometimes, but rarely. I don't feel that I have much to contribute to any given post, though I think that I should probably at least say that a post is good once in a while. I love your blog, and check it at least once a day. It is very entertaining and informative. I am currently just starting a new (vanilla at least for now) relationship, and though we have agreed to take it pretty slow, I think there is promise for a bit of kink in there. We'll see. And if/when that happens, I promise to comment a lot more, if only in thanks to you and your blog.
I am not a lurker but I love your blog, bonnie. :) Thank you for all the work and time you've put into My Bottom smarts. You are one of the best bloggers and I hope you will be around for a long time.
Our love our lurkers post is up at Journey to the Darkside. I hope lots of lurkers will come out of the shadows and say hello today.
padme amidala
I only recently came across your blog and absolutely love it. Your site offers a lot of great advice as well as some interesting reads.
Thanks for letting us know about LOL day :)
and thanks for the great blog!
I love your blog and check it regularly. Keep up the good work!!
*hugs* for Bonnie...
Thanks, my post is up. :D
Hi! My husband and I have been married for many years, and have just discovered this way of life. We've managed to find a much more peaceful relationship. The advise from you or others who post on this site has been the biggest help. We will keep reading. Thank you so much!
Just want to say love your blog
Hiya Bonny! I'm a fairly infrequent commenter...mostly read at my google reader instead of making remarks...but I did want to thank you so much for inviting me to participate. My post will appear in the morning at about 8am.
Green Rootsdown
Hi Bonnie -- I do plan to blog on this tomorrow (I guess it's already October 12 where you are!). :-) -- Erica
Wow, so many blogs and so little time! I am responding to as many as I can.
I thought I'd let you know my LOL Day post is up!
Thanks for doing all that you do, Bonnie!
Hi Bonnie... :)
I'm one of your "silent" visitors. Great style, friendly and fun blog you have here.
I'm a secret surfer, I feel so underhand. Now if I only looked like a secret agent. Great site, warm regards.
Hi from "The Herons." Our post is up...
You go Bonnie!! This is a great idea. I have some good friends that I talk with daily that posted their first comment on our last LOL day!
Yep, mines up too Bonnie but thank you for organising this a big hug for that alone.
Your blog was one of the first that really helped me out and thanks to you I got out there and found others like me.
Good Blog!
Returns to lurk quietly at the back.
Thanks for the reminder. I'm loving our lurkers today, too!
Thanks for continuing to have such a great blog, and for being a great blogger friend.
Bonnie, Your the one that got Mthc to tell me she wanted to be spanked. Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!
*hugs and grins*
Bonnie, you are a daily read, thank you.
Warm hugs,
You have a great blog! Thank you for your dedication to maintaining it with lots of fresh information and links to the community.
Hello! :-) Thank-you so much for sharing yourself. I am in the beginnings of exploring this fantasy I have had it seems forever and I so appreciate your thoughtful information and insights. I check your blog often. Best wishes
Not only do I need to pop out of Lurker's Corner to say hello, I also need to let you know that I'm happily participating today!
Love your place, Bonnie. Keep up the great work.
What a great idea this LOL day is, Bonnie. I missed it last year. Hey, I didn't even know these blogs existed a year ago. I was less than a lurker!
Only problem is, how do I get any work done today? I've got blogs to visit, and comments to leave!
Warm hugs from
Hi Bonnie,
Sorry I forgot the email part. I have a post already up for love our lurkers day. I think this is a great idea! Hope I get a few visits. Tell you what, there is surprise visitor on my blog today you would never expect to be into spanking.
Drop by and say hi!
Purple Angel
Not really a lurker!
Love the blog, Thanks.
Can I participate too, please? Even if I didn't tell you beforehand? Please?
i'm not really a lurker have commented once or twice. great blog bonnie :) i have added to the fun at thisgirl.wordpress.com xx
Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for a great blog and
always interesting reading.
I am joining too, Bonnie, I should have told you before...sorry.
Hi Bonnie, I love your LOL day! I am late posting, but have finally done it, figured it was just as well to comment here instead of emailing. You continue to be a huge inspiration to all of us!
Hi Bonnie.
Thank you for a fun, inspirational, and informative blog. I love and I'm amazed by the fact that you are willing to use so much time and efford on blogging. Reading your blogg and similar ones, has helped me a great deal in accepting myself for who I am and what I like. Hopefully in time my husband, who does accept my little kink, will find the inspiration to bring more spanking into our realtionship, as it pretty rare at the moment - but hey! Better rare than never right! Keep up the good work.
Hi Bonnie! *waves*
Love your blog!
Hey Bonnie,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm not a lurker either but in the spirit of the day I though I'd join in the fun. About your site, I especially like the munch discussions.
I'm in too... a bit late and in an update... Great idea!
Lurkers of the world unite!
love the blog, bonnie, i read it often!
i can't claim to be a lurker, as this is my first visit, but i'll be back :)
Hi Bonnie,
Yes, I am a lurker on your blog. I've a very close friend of someone who reads you quite regularly, and I love your blog for it's nice writing and quick wit. I also love the insights that I gather about my dear friend's interests as expressed on your blog. I wouldn't classify myself as a spanko, but rather spanko-curious. It's something that I think might be interesting to try, something that could be kind of fun, but not necessarily my passion. Anyway, I'm not in a relationship so I'm not exactly in a position to do any kind of intimacy-related experimentation. But I do know that it's important part of my friend's life, and I totally respect you and your blog for everything that you have to say on the topic. It is a valuable resource for people who want to know more, and who want to know that there is a supportive (and witty!) community out there to support. All the best, and many happy blogging days to you.
I'm not a lurker but i'm stopping by anyway..
Hi, I've been reading for a year and a half or so. Love your blog. I use your links as my gateway to the other blogs too. lol
thanks to you,after 14 years of marriage, I found out my husband is NOT the vanilla I thought he was. YAY!! This blog gave me the courage to ask...And boy, Do I receive! Our marriage is so much more fun. Thank you Bonnie
I lurk here occasionally. *waves*
You are obviously the quenn of the spanko bloggers. Your site is the best I have found. I have visited every link in your kindred spirits (and left many LOL posts today).
Keep up the great work!!
S. in Dallas
Hi Bonnie!
Happy LOL Day - our post is up now by the way :-)
Dave & Am
I stop by regularly and only comment if I can add something worthwhile to the conversation. Very Best -- SS
Ok, I'm delurking. The main reasons I haven't done so before are because I seem to be a bit younger than most of the people who comment on this blog and also that I don't have much experience. I am, however, married to a wonderful man who shares these desires with me. We are still kind of experimenting and alothough he doesn't say it, I think he is a little worried about hurting me. We are taking it slow and enjoying the journey though.
I admit it - I am one of those lurkers. My husband and I recently ventured into spanking and your blog has been both informative and an inspiration. Thanks for all that you do.
OK I'll admit it, I lurk here from time to time. I am not ashamed...let's face it lurking has changed my life and opened doors I would have never imagined! Not to mention the wonderful people I have met!
Great post!
Hooray for Bonnie!
Thanks for organizing LOL day again--your leadership in the online spanking community is much needed and appreciated.
What a coincidence! My one-year anniversary of my blog is today. Wish I had known! I will post ASAP about it then, and count me in next year.
I have been reading your blog regularly since I found a link to it on a Philadelphia blogger's list last November. I'm not ready to participate, but I take a keen interest in all the perspectives expressed here. Thank you for being that portal into a part of me I'd been avoiding for 35 years; it's certainly led to some positive changes.
Hi Bonnie :)
I think LOL Day is a great idea and I am really having a lot of fun with it. Thanks for organizing this whole thing and inviting us to join you. :)
Another semi-regular lurker here... who thinks you do a great job with your blog.
admits to lurking from time to time
Hi Bonnie,
It looks like you'll have a lot of work to get through all these comments-- be careful what you wish for!
Seriously, though, I've only commented once before, but I check your blog most days. Often, I use it to surf to other sites, but yours is my favorite. I love the graceful way in which you tell your real-life stories, the adventurousness of your play, the love you and Randy obviously have for one another, your humor, and the positive spirit of your blog. In a world with far too little civility, you are warmly welcoming to all participate with any respect at all (I am happy to exclude those who made your Erica Scott imitation entry-- that was hilarious). You encourage multiple viewpoints, making your blog a wonderful resource, and you respond graciously to those who disagree with you. Even your lone rant was well done and remarkably restrained!
Given the subject matter of said rant, I want to make a point of adding that your blog is godsend to those of us who struggle with the idea of sexual submissiveness in an equal heterosexual relationship.
I'm sure I'm not alone among your readers in benefiting enormously from sitting back and listening to your discussion-- and those of others-- rather than jumping in right away. It's a safe and positive way to explore this topic, and it's taken me time to have informed opinions or questions. (Of course, I can't claim *not* to enjoy being a bit of a voyeur, too!)
You asked for suggestions, so I'll end with two. First, I miss your occasional reviews of blogs-- generally nods to blogs you found particularly interesting. The list of links on your blog is so long now that a little guidance would help!
Second, I can't recall ever seeing a brunch about switching (roles, that is LOL). I've always enjoyed the stories in which the dominant and submissive partner somehow end up switching roles (Dykegrrl's and Lily's come to mind), but it seems that most of your readers are only tops or only bottoms. Have they ever tried the other role? Why or why not?
Thanks again for being willing to share this part of your life with all of us. I know you are uncomfortable with being seen as heroic. To me, the fact that an obviously ordinary (though more insightful and skilled with language than many) person has so much fun as a spanko is what makes your blog so great!
Loyal Lurker M
Ok so you caught me! Long time lurker here. You place is great.
Hi Bonnie!
Whe I first got into this scene your tutorials were a great help. Thanks!
Not lurkers. In fact, yours was the first blog we commented on... and you were the person that most helped us start our blog. Thank you for your help, and know that we appreciate the effort you put into MBS.
~Todd & Suzy
Happy LOL day Bonnie!
Bonnie, you are simply the best! Thanks for organizing LoL day! Sara
I have to admit that I'm a regular lurker on your site. I love it! It's both inspiring and challenging. keep on writing.
Hallo Bonnie,
i really enjoy reading your blog on a regular base. It´s always nice to know there are others that think the same way...
Greetings from windy germany
Hey Bonnie,
first - great idea and thanks for including me!
second - your blog is amazing and very helpful. I love to read here!
third - yikes!!! There are SO MANY of us out here. I feel a lot less "different" than the rest of the world. I wonder if spanko is actually the secret norm???? WEG!
Happy to post,
read regularly.
And enjoy!!!
hey Bonnie,
A day late as usual, but wanted to say hi and fine job on your blog. Here's to another great year. One of your faithful lurkers
Everyone - Wow! Thanks for all the great comments. LOL was a tremendous success and I am grateful to all of the bloggers, lurkers, and friends who contributed.
I'm going to try to address each commenter individually, but it might take me a while.
Lula - Hi, thank you, and welcome to our community. I left a message on your new blog.
Erik - It think it was a big success. Thank you for your participation.
Marcus - Thank you!
Angel - Hi! Your thoughts are always welcome here. I wish you the very best with your developing relationship. I believe there are a lot of benefits to taking things slowly. It allows you to appreciate each step along your journey together.
Padme - It's been a great two years, hasn't it? I'm glad to have spent them alongside you. Thank you for your kind words. I think your blog is mighty special as well.
Katerina - Thank you and welcome!
Brat - Thank you for joining in! (Yes, we missed you)
Anon #1 - Thanks, and I'll definitely try.
Patty - Thank you for participating in LOL Friday.
Ofia - Hugs back at ya!
Courtney - That's a lovely story. If you would ever want to write a guest post about your experiences and insights, I would love to share it with other MBS readers.
Anon #2 - Thank you! It's for good folks like you that I write this blog.
Greenwoman - You make a good point about RSS readers. They allow me to follow more blogs, but that reading mode makes me less inclined to comment. It's one step forward and one step back, I suppose.
BTW, I updated your link and blog name.
Erica - I love your blog (though I wish I could comment) and I'm delighted that you joined the festivities. You're one of my all time favorite bloggers!
Marcus - You did quite well. Thank you for your efforts.
Bethie - You're very welcome. You and Dan absolutely rock!
Nellioness - Hello! I had never seen your blog before today. I'm intrigued to the point where I will have to stop back later today. Very nice indeed.
Steve - Welcome, and please feel free to jump in any time you are comfortable in doing so.
Swan - Hi! Thanks for joining in the fun.
PK - Thank you. I too have met some great friends every time we've held a delurk.
My dearest Bonnie -
You are indeed the envy of spankos and bloggers the world over. Only you could conceive of such a wonderful idea as Love Our Lurkers Day, AND make it so popular.
Here's to one fine real-life spanko!
Dove - Thank you. It's an honor and a pleasure to assist folks like you.
Anon #3 - Thanks for you comment!
Snow - I've been reading your blog for a very long time. I don't comment as often as I should, but I always appreciate your writing and your insight. Thank you for being you.
David - You're very welcome. Yours is the kind of success story I adore.
Paul - Thank you, dear man, for being here every day.
Anon #4 - You're quite welcome. If I can make the blog better, I hope you'll consider sharing your ideas.
Anon #5 - Hi! If you have any specific questions, I invite you to send them to me.
Kaya - Last time I looked, you had something 100 delurk comments. You're awesome, and apparently lots of people know!
Hermione - Tell me about it! I haven't gotten anything else done since Thursday. :D
Purple - That young lady has to be getting pretty sore by now. that's one strict mallard.
I think you collected a fine group of lurkers. I think your follow-up post is a nice touch.
D - Hi! You pulled in a fine collection of lurkers. Well done.
Janice - You are always welcome to join in.
ThisGirl - That's great. Thanks for adding your voice. I can't wait to find out what "x of something" means.
Pleasure - You're welcome. I'm glad you're here.
Miranda - Thank you. It's great to have you aboard!
Kallisto - Thanks. I love you guys.
Bet - Thank you. Believe me, Randy and I have had several discussions about time and effort. In the end, though, he has been tremendously supportive.
There's a fine line sometimes between being patient and suffering in silence. The challenge, as you well know, is to entice him to play without scaring him off or turning him off.
I think it's helpful to take a step back and think about how to make spanking beneficial for him as well. Ideally, it can be something that you share together.
Grace - Hi, Grace. Love you too!
NBC - Thanks for joining in!
Sea - Thanks!
Roper - ...you have nothing to lose but your silence.
Susan - Thanks. I'm pleased to count you among my regular readers.
Bittersweet - Welcome. I'm glad you're here. I hadn't visited your blog before either. You lead a fascinating life.
Bethany - What a lovely comment. Thank you! You're most welcome here at MBS. If I can answer any questions, please ask.
MTHC - I'm glad you stopped by.
Anon #6 - Thanks for the delurk. I'm glad you like the links. I spend a lot of time keeping them up to date.
Anon #7 - Aw, that's wonderful. I'm very happy for both of you. If you would ever want to record your journey in the form of a guest post, I'd love to share it with MBS readers.
Maiasaura - Hi! It's a pleasure to meet you.
S. in Dallas - You have been busy. :D I've seen your comments all over the spankosphere. Thank you for helping to make LOL day a great success!
Dave and Am - Thanks for participating in LOL day.
Self - Your comments are always wanted here.
Jeana - Hi! Actually, we have a wide range of ages represented here. For example, I know at least three spanko bloggers under age twenty. We also several regulars who are over seventy. All of these good folks have something worthwhile to add to the discussion.
I think experimentation is great. By going slow, he will hopefully learn that he isn't likely to hurt you. Throughout this process, it's beneficial to reassure him and tell him that you like what he is doing.
Anon #8 - You're welcome. I hope your ventures prove to be successful beyond your imagination.
Theresa - Hi! As I think about my expectations when I began blogging, there have been lots of surprises. The biggest among them, however, has been the friendships I have made. The people in this community are creative, talented, and caring. I'm grateful to count you among those friends.
Iris - You're very welcome. I love to meet and talk with the members of our community.
TMC - Congratulations and thanks for sharing the fun of Love Our Lurkers.
Anon #9 - Your contribution in whatever form is definitely welcome. On the other hand, if you choose to simply read, that's perfectly fine as well. Thanks for the delurk!
Angel - You collected a great group of commenters. Well done!
Anon #10 - Thank you.
Justslave - Welcome!
Loyal - You earned the prize for the most in-depth delurk.
Believe me, it has been a lot of work to get through these comments. However, if readers are willing to take the time to talk with me, I feel that I owe them a personal response.
Thank you for your generous words. I'm glad to hear that you enjoy my content and presentation. I didn't really have a master plan for how to create a blog. The development of MBS was largely organic. In other words, it just sort of happened.
Randy and I laughed a lot about the Erica Scott imitation. At first, I didn't know how best to respond or whether to respond at all. When I told him that Erica would have the perfect words, the idea was hatched.
There have been many words written about reconciling (or perhaps not reconciling) sexual submission with gender roles. Many commentators far more eloquent than me have wrestled with the question.
In the end, I think that each of us must make peace with the role(s) we choose. As such, there may be no single right answer, except in the context of one couple and their relationship.
You're not the first reader to tell me that you miss the spankologue. I gave it up because bloggers took issue with what I wrote and which blogs I chose to feature. I decided that MBS is not about generating controversy. I have no plans to revive it in its original form, but I acknowledge that there may be another way to feature notable blogs.
I like the idea of a brunch about switching. It's on the list. Thanks.
If you have any more ideas, please send them my way.
D - Hi, and thanks!
Barbarossa - I'm pleased to hear that my tutorials were helpful for you.
Todd and Suzy - Thank you for publishing a great spanko blog. I liked how you blended LOL with the round table.
Susan - Thanks. You reeled in a good catch of lurkers!
Sara - Thank you. It's been a real pleasure.
HoH - Thank you. I appreciate your support.
F - Welcome to you.
Danielle - Thank you. We have lots of brothers and sisters who happen to enjoy a good spanking. I too feel emboldened by our sheer numbers.
Silverslut - Hi! I'm happy to meet you and glad you like my blog. I just checked out yours and I love how you paint a portrait with words. You have the ability to make the reader feel as though they are right there with you. Very fine indeed.
I absolutely love your blog. I read it every week. Great information. I'm currently looking for a good spanker for a ltr. Your blog will be a great way to educate a newbie. Thank you! Reading about your relationship inspires me to keep looking.
B.E.T. - Thanks for your comment.
Anon #11 - Thank you!
Frank - Thanks. It's been a lot of work, but great fun as well. thanks for joining in our LOL celebration.
Lisa - I wish you the very best in your search and/or conversion efforts. If I can help, you know were to find me.
Happy LOL!!
YOu may be the single sexiest woman alive and I have little idea what you look like.
I have partner that wants to be a spanko but is afraid of being thought a freak. I read your blog to help me help her "let it out"
Thanks for all you do.
I like your blog. Very well-written and honest. Terrific advice.
-Jack Sidewalk
Hi Bonnie, thanks for checking on my blog. Good to have a celebrity guest!! Love your blog, you are the great spanko blogger, no matter that someone claims to be the first and such. You are the queen of spanko blogging.
Take care!!
Hi, This is a late comment, but I am a total lurker, thanks for the great invitiation to sorta de-lurk.
I am very new to understanding my spanko self. I have always, like since before memories even started, known I was turned on by the thought of being spanked - but didn't know it was sexual and thought I was the only one in the world...bla bla bla same story as everyone has. But I'm new to having (thank god) discovered all the amazingly excellent information on line that has literally saved me.
Sadly, after years of keeping this info from my husband, I finally built the courage to tell him, but he's not into it. It was a disaster. So, if it weren't for the fact that there are such wonderfully generous people like you who are willing to share your initimate experiences with the world via your blogs, people who are totally deprived of having this need fulfilled in our own lives (like me) - would be cut off completely! At least we can have some vicarious experiences.
Randy seems like the most wonderful man ever, I would give anything to have even one experience with a man like what you are able to share with him. He's lucky to have you too.
Thank you a million for writing and sharing what you do, I can't think how lost I'd be without things like this.
Similar to others who have commented above, I like the relatively "wholesomeness" of your site. (I don't like the sites that venture into BDSM.) I enjoy the brunches, stories, and advice, but I don't have much personal experience to add. I used to enjoy some of this "action" (without implements) but my DH has not been very interested in any bedroom activity for a while. I'd love for him to try a leather strap to correct past serious trangressions. But I haven't told him that.
While I am commenting, I must say that I like "Husband Spanks Wife OTK" situations (especially if the husband is wearing a tie or suit), but not anything like "Wife Spanks Husband".
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